"The rest of the dragon's blood grass is left to you."

A look of surprise flashed across Ji Feixue's face. Although these dragon blood grasses are of little significance due to her god-demon bloodline, these treasures, even if she can't use them, can be used by the younger generation of the family.

Just when she was about to go to the bottom of the lake to pick, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Shangguanqin.

Before Shangguanqin blew up an imperial treasure and suffered serious internal injuries, but after this period of recuperation, it has almost recovered, and is standing far away at this time.

Seeing Ji Feixue and others looking over, Shangguanqin immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Shangguanqin is willing to admit defeat. Since I lost to Zhang Ruren, I will never snatch these dragon blood grasses."

After speaking, Shangguanqin said hesitantly, "Do you know what the golden hairpin Zhang Ruren took out just now?"

Only then did Ji Feixue remember that the five giants, including Shangguanqin, only appeared after the war between the two emperors. She had not seen Zhang Tian's divine might, and was very excited to explain it to her.

"It turns out that the golden hairpin was condensed by Senior Zhang using the Divine Thunder Secret Technique, no wonder it is so terrifying. I didn't expect that Senior Zhang, a half-step god-king-level supreme figure, would appear in the Eastern Wilderness Human Race. Great luck."

Shangguanqin sighed with emotion, and suddenly stared at Ji Feixue who was in high spirits, and said with a half-smile, "Looking at your happy appearance, could it be that that senior is too charming and fascinated you?"

"No...don't talk nonsense, I, I just..."

Ji Fei Xueyu's face was red, and she looked very flustered.

But she didn't want to be a beautiful girl from the Hundred Flowers League, but she said it as a matter of course: "Senior Zhang is both handsome and gentle, and has the elegant temperament of a sword fairy, the most important thing is the monstrous strength, and the word calls Shenlei, it is simply the most perfect in the world. What kind of girl would not like it? If Senior Sister Shangguan was there before, she would definitely like Senior Zhang.”

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the Hundred Flowers League girls all nodded in agreement, looking like a nympho with extreme longing.

"Is there really such a man in the world?"

Shangguanqin showed a very curious expression. She was devoted to martial arts since she was a child, and never thought about men and women. At this time, listening to the girl's words, she couldn't help but feel a little spring.

Suddenly, a light flashed in her mind, and she remembered that she seemed to have seen a vague figure just now, standing tall and straight, holding a golden thunderbolt, facing the hell dragon, like a god like an emperor.

A wisp of inexplicable affection quietly surfaced in my heart. , , .

Chapter 220 Next year, when you are king!

As time goes by, there are more and more Tianjiao in the fourth floor area of ​​the Refining Pagoda.

At this time, in a dilapidated palace, three groups of people were confronting each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Xie Baifeng, give me face, give up this treasure, take your people away, and treat me as Xiao Tianhe owes you a favor."

A young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes said to the cold-hearted man on the opposite side, that they were all strong people at the second level of the Profound Entry Realm of Life and Death.

"Your favor is worth a few dollars, I don't need it." Xie Baifeng said lightly, obviously not wanting to give up the treasure that was so close at hand.

"Xie Baifeng, I know that you are the [-]st strong man on the core list. If Xiao Tianhe alone is not enough, what about me, Li Daoyuan?"

The leader of the last party took a step forward and planned to fight two-to-one. Obviously, he was very jealous of Xie Baifeng's strength.

"Hmph, what about the two of you together? The strength of a core leader is beyond your imagination." Xie Baifeng raised his eyes with a look of contempt.

"Looking for death! Brother Li, let's go together!"

Xiao Tianhe seemed to be stimulated, and immediately took out a gray treasured sword, his momentum soared.

At this moment, a stone wall on the back of the three people burst open, faintly accompanied by a dragon roar, a beautiful and unparalleled figure swept out, and stood directly in the middle of the three forces.


Xiao Tianhe, Xie Baifeng and the others all showed signs of shock and anger. When they could see the figure clearly, a cold air rose directly from the soles of their feet to Tianling Gai. "

The ruthless man frowned slightly, and glanced at the treasure that this group of people were desperately fighting for. It was a middle-grade boxing glove of the king rank. If it was put into the outside world, it could be regarded as the treasure of the ordinary family.But it was not attractive to her, and she didn't care at the moment, she directly used her body technique to fly out of the palace.

"Okay... so strong, worthy of being a peerless arrogance, just relying on this coercion, I don't even have the courage to take action."

"With a complete sword intent, Yan Chihuo, who is wearing an imperial treasure, is blown away with one punch. Senior Sister Zhang's strength is only comparable to that of the five giants."

"Strange, isn't Senior Sister Zhang a human race? How did I feel a dragon's might from her just now?"

A group of Tianjiao were talking, and before she knew it, the ruthless man had already established a prestige comparable to the five giants with absolute power, and no longer had the miscellaneous fish trying to provoke her like before.

The ruthless man, who had already flown several miles away, naturally did not hear this discussion. At this time, she was looking at her right hand with great joy, and saw that a layer of indiscernible light had appeared on the originally smooth and snow-white skin. The white periosteum exudes a touch of coercion.

If you look closely, you can even find that these periosteums are engraved with very small dragon-shaped demon characters, which are very mysterious. It is the dragon power she obtained after refining the dragon bone and chalcedony, which can condense a layer of dragon bone defense layer on the body surface. Not only has the defense increased greatly, but the strength has also increased by a few percent.

The ruthless man looked around, and saw that the fourth floor had already poured into a lot of geniuses, and the monsters were not enough to kill, and the competition between people began.

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A sword fell, and the two demon stone giants blocking the entrance of the teleportation array directly turned into a ground of rubble, and the ruthless man also officially entered the fifth floor of the demon refining tower.

There are very few people on this floor. The ruthless man found a good-looking palace, turned into a fire rainbow and roared away, and the monsters blocking the way, when they met her, they were immediately violently attacked. The sword intent was torn to pieces.

The invincible hand in the legendary realm refers to the current realm of ruthless people.

"The king's top-grade boots, not bad."

"The magic silver beard grass has medicinal properties for about [-] years. It's barely enough."

"Two magic rhinoceros horns? The hardness is not below the material of the emperor's rank, but I don't know if it can be made into a Noble Phantasm. Let's put it away first."

Along the way, Ruthless Man has more and more trophies. Because there are still few people on the fifth floor, basically every ancient temple has some treasures.

Just when the ruthless man was about to continue the sweep, he suddenly shook his body and looked at a dilapidated palace ten miles away in amazement. There seemed to be an extremely astonishing sword intent from that palace just now, more than hers. Perfect Sword Intent is even more terrifying countless times, and even made the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram in her dantian tremble.

"In that palace, there must be a treasure that contains a powerful sword intent, not to be missed!"

The ruthless man's eyes showed a scorching hot color, and he turned into an escape light. He quickly rushed towards the palace, and quickly rushed into it. With the weak resonance brought by the perfect sword intent, he went straight to find a bronze portal.

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