The heavy treasure containing the powerful sword intent is just behind this bronze portal.

The scorching heat in Ruthless Man's eyes was even stronger, and he was about to push the door and walk in, but footsteps came from the passage on the other side.

"Lu Shaoyan!"

Ruthless people recognized at a glance that this latecomer was Lu Shaoyan, who ranked third among the core five giants. Like her, he was a swordsman.

"Zhang Ruren? It seems that you were also attracted by that sword intent."

Lu Shaoyan frowned. Among all the arrogances, there are only two people who can make him jealous. One is Shi Wuhua, who ranks first, and the other is not Langku, who ranks second, but Zhang Ruren, who has the perfect sword intent of the fire element. .

"I arrived at this palace first. According to the first-come-first-arrival rule, shouldn't you leave?" The ruthless man stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm look.

"Humph! Zhang Ruren, your Fire Element Perfect Sword Intent is indeed better than mine, but your cultivation realm is far worse than mine, and it is not something that a Perfect Sword Intent can make up for. If you are wise, quit immediately. , This year is still the era of our Big Five. Next year, you will be king!"

Lu Shaoyan held the hilt of the sword and said sharply.

The ruthless man shook his head, swung his right hand, and a powerful sword intent was released. The wall on the left of the passage turned red, while the wall on the right formed countless frosts. Ice and fire complemented each other. rise.

"If one complete sword intent is not enough, what about two?" ,, . . .

Chapter 221


Lu Shaoyan swallowed unconsciously, the whole person was completely stupid, he is a swordsman, so he knows better than Shangguanqin how rare two swords with different attributes are perfect.

It is because of understanding, so more fear.

At this moment, a very weak sword intent came from the bronze portal. Although it was weak, it was extremely pure. It swayed over the bodies of Lu Shaoyan and Ruthless Man, making them feel horrified at the same time.

Just a weak sword intent has such divine power, if it is really a treasure...

Lu Shaoyan gritted his teeth, the desire for the treasure made him suppress his fear, and said with difficulty: "I don't believe that you have comprehended these two perfect swordsmanships yourself, there must be some tricky method, just let me experience it! "

"Wind Sword!"

Lu Shaoyan swung out a sword, and it actually drew a thin sword qi as fast as lightning, but it didn't make the slightest sound. If you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't even notice its existence.

This is the Wind Element Sword Intent that he has comprehended, and the essence of all lies in the word 'fast', extremely fast!Although it has not yet reached perfection, the invincible sharpness is enough to make up for the lack of power.

It was the first time that a ruthless man had faced off against such a powerful swordsman, and he didn't dare to take it lightly at the moment. , turned into a fire rainbow and rushed towards Lu Shaoyan.

"The wind blows the clouds!"

"The blazing flames!"

The two extremely powerful swords collided fiercely.


Lu Shaoyan flew upside down, with a look of extreme horror in his eyes. He didn't lose to Sword Intent, but flew out with a violent force before Sword Intent could compete.

At that moment, he seemed to be battling a pure-blooded immemorial beast.

However, the ruthless man didn't intend to give Lu Shaoyan time to think. With a twist, he rushed in front of Lu Shaoyan again. The sword energy of the sun traversed the sky and the earth, wrapped in her enormous strength, and attacked Lu Shaoyan like a mountain topping the top.


Another loud noise came out, and Lu Shaoyan flew upside down again, spouting a large mouthful of blood, which was splashed on the four walls of the passage, already suffering from serious internal injuries.

He was dignified by the five giants, but was spit blood by a rising star with two swords!

Seeing that Ruthless Man was still chasing after victory, Lu Shaoyan couldn't help showing an expression of grief and indignation, and shouted: "Zhang Ruren, you forced me! This move is my trump card, I was going to use it to deal with Shi Wuhua, Just let you taste it first!"

The words fell, and an astonishing scene happened. Lu Shaoyan, who was flying upside down, actually let go and threw the sword out, as if pinching a sword trick, the sword suddenly became extremely sharp, and went straight to the ruthless man.

Fast, extremely fast, ten times faster than the previous wind-based sword qi, and even divine sense could not capture it!

"This is... Swordsmanship?"

The ruthless man's eyes widened, and he didn't have time to think about it. He instinctively used the imperial sword tactic "Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword".


The void trembled, and the two perfect sword intents were superimposed, and the formidable power increased several times, directly swallowing Lu Shaoyan's sword. 33 Novels

"My swordsmanship is broken? How is this possible!"

The smile on Lu Shaoyan's face froze, and he finally showed a look of fear as he watched the ice and fire sword qi roll towards him with boundless power.

"No, this move is too powerful."

The ruthless man was startled, and immediately flew forward to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, a powerful sword energy suddenly erupted from the sea of ​​ice and fire, which directly tore her ice and fire sword energy to pieces, and Yu Wei slammed on her, blasting her out.

On the way to fly upside down, the ruthless man vaguely saw that the powerful sword Qi wrapped the body of Lu Shaoyan and swept out of the palace.


The ruthless man stabilized his figure, and saw that the clothes on the left shoulder had been torn, and even the emperor's magic armor inside had a shallow sword mark carved.

"This is the kendo will of a great sage, and it's really terrifying, almost comparable to the full blow of a high-level king. If I didn't have the keel defense layer, plus I wore the imperial defense Noble Phantasm, the aftermath of this blow could make I'm seriously injured."

The ruthless man showed a hint of fear, from the extraordinary realm to the legendary realm, this is a huge difference in rank, and it is related to many things, even if her sword intent is strong, it is difficult to make up.

For example, the core five giants are more noble than many true students of the legendary realm, but if they really want to fight, even if they only have [-]% of the low-level kings of martial arts will, they are not the five giants can deal with.

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