Of course, the core five giants are all existences that can enter the legendary realm at any time. Once they are promoted to the legendary realm, their combat power will immediately increase by a hundred times, and they can even kill ordinary low-level kings in seconds.

In short, this accident reminded the ruthless people. Many Tianjiao have kings in their bodies, and even the will of the great saints is guarded, so they cannot be taken lightly.

Thinking of Lu Shaoyan's strange sword move just now, Ruthless Man's eyes showed a hint of thought.

That sword, flying in the sky, is extremely fast, very much like the swordsmanship recorded in ancient books.

This sword-fighting technique is the original kendo secret technique created by the ancient sword king. It can command multiple swords to attack from a long distance at the same time, which greatly makes up for the weak point of swordsmen who can only attack at short distances and single-shot.

This secret technique was widely circulated in ancient times, but the more modern it is, the less it is inherited, and Shengyuan Continent was completely lost as early as [-] years ago.She always regretted it, but she didn't expect to see it in Lu Shaoyan's hands.

"If it's really swordsmanship, no matter how much it costs, you must get it!"

Ruthless made a secret decision in her heart. Swordsmanship is too crucial for a swordsman. She can see that Lu Shaoyan's swordsmanship still has a lot of room for improvement. If she uses it, the power will be ten times stronger!

Thinking of the possibility of acquiring a lost sword-fighting technique, the Ruthless Man's mood couldn't help but become extremely good, he adjusted his clothes a little, and pushed open the bronze door full of excitement.


The door opened, and a faint breeze came oncoming, which directly annihilated the blue shirt of the ruthless man into the invisible, revealing the emperor's magic armor inside.

"This wind contains sword intent."

The ruthless man's heart is even more shocked, what a powerful sword intent, can go through ten thousand years and be immortal, and assimilate the surrounding wind.

With a sense of awe, the ruthless man approached step by step, and at a glance he saw the ancient bronze sword placed on the table in the center.That wisps of weak sword intent emanated from it.

"This is... an imperial soldier?" ,, ..

Chapter 222 Dust seals the emperor's soldiers, Zhang Tian fights the devil emperor

Looking at the ancient bronze sword on the table, the ruthless man's heart set off a huge wave.

I saw that the surface of this ancient sword was bright and dim, as if it was cast from a piece of ordinary iron, but upon closer inspection, you can see that its scabbard is tattooed with many mysterious patterns, which are emperor patterns, and only emperor-level refiners can borrow heaven and earth. The law patterns condensed by the general trend contain very terrifying power.

Even if you look a little more closely, you can find that the void around the ancient sword is slightly twisted, as if not daring to approach the scabbard, or as if the power escaping from the scabbard annihilates the void.


Just when the ruthless man touched the ancient sword, a force of destruction came straight to her sea of ​​consciousness, pulling her into a strange world.

"This is... Nanling?"

Looking at the surrounding scene, Ruthless Man's hidden memory was awakened. This is where she was born, but this is obviously not the current Nanling, but the Nanling [-] years ago.

At this moment, the clear blue sky of Nanling was suddenly obscured by half, as if it was covered with a layer of shady curtains. Countless clouds stirred into a huge black vortex, and a terrifying ghost flew out of it.

At the same time, a huge gate of light was also broken open on the horizon, and many powerful men and women from the two races came out one after another, each with a solemn expression. The few people standing in the front row were as imposing as a prison. Can crush the Ice Emperor with one finger.

"The army of the Dark Demon Realm is here, and the natives of the Shengyuan Realm are just here, and they won't be captured immediately!"

A shadow of hundreds of feet stood on top of the hell dragon, Mo Wei said eloquently.

"What about the Dark Demon Realm? Anyone who dares to invade Shengyuan Continent will be buried!"

Among the strong men of the two clans, there was a young man with extraordinary splendor, black hair and publicity, holding a sword in one hand, and dragging an ancient pagoda in the other hand, surrounded by the sword of destruction, the power is not inferior to the ghost.

"Looking for death! Let you ignorant people see the horrors of the Great Thousand World!"

"The two races of human and demon, swear to defend Shengyuan Continent!"

The war was about to break out, and the black black vortex in the sky instantly expanded a hundred times, and countless demon powerhouses riding various beasts swooped down and fought with the guardians of Shengyuan Continent.

This is a terrifying decisive battle. The lowest players in the battle are middle-level kings. Among them, there are many great sages, holy kings, and even the master of a holy land. The entire Nanling heaven and earth are stained with blood.

The duel of the first echelon was even more earth-shattering. With every gesture, the earth collapsed and the mountains and rivers rerouted.

"Is this a cross-border battle? It's too tragic."

Ruthless people walk through this chaotic battlefield like wandering souls. Seeing that the battle spreads more and more widely, countless Nanling people are involved in it, blood is spilled for thousands of miles, but she can't do anything.

Just when the human and demon races took the lead step by step, the demonic sky seemed to boil, cracking a huge and incomparably dark demonic abyss, as if connecting to another world, one hundred times wider than Shengyuan Continent, A world that is a hundred times bigger.

In the next instant, a demonic palm with an infinite aura of death protruded from the demonic abyss, as if to wipe out the world, and pressed down.

"No, this is the Demon Emperor of the Dark Demon Realm, and he actually shot across the border!"

"Dark Demon Emperor has been sublimated to the utmost, reaching the realm of the ancient emperor, and his single thought also has the strength of a quasi-emperor. In the world, who can be the enemy?"

"The Devil Emperor took action, is it because God wants to destroy my Shengyuan Continent?"

Those strong men and women who came out of the gate of light showed despair. The giant palm in the sky contained terrifying imperial power, which made their souls tremble, and they had no courage to fight at all.

The ruthless man only felt that his breathing was going to stagnate. Although this period of time has passed, it is only a memory image of the ancient sword of the emperor, and she only accidentally stepped on the soul body here.Dance in Chinese www.75zw.com

But the power of the Great Emperor is too strong, beyond time and space, beyond the reincarnation of reincarnation, even for the soul body of the ruthless person who strayed into it, it also produced a great coercion.

The ruthless person even had a strong feeling that if this palm really fell, even if she came from a hundred thousand years later, her soul would be dissipated.

At this moment, she deeply felt her weakness.Even if her hometown will be devastated, there is nothing she can do.

"Dark Demon Emperor, if I become an emperor in his age, I will enter the demon world and kill you!"

Ruthless made an oath in her heart, and Meimei stared at the palm of the Devil Emperor in the sky. She had a tenacious martial arts will, and the fierceness of the Devil Emperor made her a firmer target:

She wants to become an emperor, a great emperor who rules over the world and looks down on the common people, rather than being looked down on by others.

As the giant palm of demonic energy became more and more pressed down, hundreds of millions of people in the Nanling area also felt the strong aura of death, and they all knelt down to the Nanling Snow Mountain, with pious faces and words in their mouths:

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