"Respected God of Nanling, please protect the people of Nanling, manifest the gods, and punish these criminals who trespass..."

A long, long time ago, there was a legend in Nanling. It was said that the Nanling Snow Mountain had a spirit, and a supreme being was born, comparable to a god, and was revered by the people of Nanling as the god of Nanling.

Although the god of Nanling is no longer here, his divine power still guards the Nanling Snow Mountain. Anyone with malicious intentions will be teleported immediately as long as they set foot on this mountain.In other words, only people with pure hearts can enter the snow-capped mountains and worship the god of Nanling up close.

Ruthless heart trembled, she was born in Nanling, and naturally she had heard this legend. When she was only three years old, she once climbed to the top of this snow-capped mountain step by step, wanting to pick the snow lotus flower that contains the divine power of Nanling. She came to change her destiny, but it seemed like she was destined to meet Zhang Tian and walk out of Nanling.

"God of Nanling, please protect the people of Nanling just like you did at the beginning."

At this moment, the ruthless man also showed a devout look, silently praying to the Nanling Snow Mountain.


The Nanling Snow Mountain suddenly shines brightly, like an awakened lion, radiating a peerless divine mountain!

A stalwart figure walked out from the top of the snow-capped mountain and walked in the air, as if carrying the entire Nanling, the Shengyuan Continent, the sky and the earth, rising against the sky, step by step towards the Devil Emperor who contained the power of death. Giant palm.

"The God of Nanling! The God of Nanling has appeared!"

Hundreds of millions of people in Nanling cheered in unison, with an incomparably fanatical look in their eyes.

"God of Nanling..."

The ruthless man whispered, for some reason, he felt very familiar with this figure.


The figure of Jueqiang seemed to wave a sword light at will, but directly cut off the monstrous devil's palm, blood surged, and there was a piercing scream from the devil.


The strong figure stepped forward two steps, and waved a sword light, still light and cloudless, but swept away the demonic abyss covering the sky, and the sky was still blue.

With just two swords, it was an understatement to save Shengyuan Continent from a calamity of destruction, and the figure began to fade away.

Just before disappearing, he seemed to sense something, turned around, and glanced in the direction of Ruthless Man.

This glance seems to have penetrated a hundred thousand years of time and space, and crossed the other side of reincarnation to meet together. , , .

Chapter 223 The Destruction Sword Intent in the Imperial Army

"The god of Nanling, could it be the father?"

In the dilapidated palace, the ruthless man came back to his senses, but his mind could not be calm for a long time. At the last glance, she vaguely saw the true face of the strong figure, dressed in black robes, with a cold face, like the king of the heavens and the earth. It is very different from Zhang Tian, ​​who is usually out of the dust and elegant, but it looks a bit like when she just adopted her.


A slight sound interrupted Ruthless Man's thoughts, but it was the ancient sword that fell back to the table when she was not paying attention.


The ruthless man shook his head, no longer thinking about it, but picked up the ancient sword on the table and looked at it carefully.

According to the image I just saw, this ancient sword should be the ancient sword in the hands of the young Tota young man, and the sword intent inside is the same as the sword intent on his body, and that ancient pagoda is where she is now. Magic Tower.

Obviously, the God of Nanling cut off one of the Demon Emperor's palms and tore apart the Demon Abyss connecting the two worlds, leaving many demon powerhouses stuck in all this.The demon army without backup will naturally not be the opponent of the two clans, and it will inevitably end up being suppressed.

"So, the young Tota should be the founding leader of the Deity Academy. Why did he put the imperial soldiers here?"

A look of doubt appeared in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he stroked the blade of the ancient sword with his hand, feeling the terrifying sword intent contained in it.

"Sword Intent, this is the Destruction Sword Intent. Could it be that the Founding Supreme wants to leave an inheritance? Pass on his own Sword Intent?"

The ruthless man felt as if he had understood something.Sword Intent is not like martial arts, it can be recorded with gold foil jade talismans and the like. If this kind of will-like perception wants to be passed on, it must use some kind of carrier, such as the statue in the Immortal Temple.Even the ancient sword king can only save his sword intent with the help of the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram.

When he observed it more closely, the ruthless man couldn't help but take a deep breath. He saw that the ancient sword of the emperor soldier level was covered with tiny cracks. This was definitely not caused by the impact, but more like the erosion of the years And the weathering has occurred, but it can be a mere [-] years, how can I get an imperial soldier.

"Destroying the Sword Intent means destroying the Sword Intent eroding the Imperial Armament! No wonder the founding leaders used the Ancient Imperial Armament Sword as the carrier of the Sword Intent. Ordinary treasures cannot carry the power of Destroying Sword Intent at all. Even the Ancient Imperial Armament Sword , after [-] years, it has also been eroded, and I don’t know how much spirituality is left.”

The ruthless man was amazed. According to her understanding, there are three, six, nine, and nine grades of sword intent, and the power of sword intent with different attributes is also very different.

The most common nature is the non-attribute sword intent, which is unremarkable.On top of that are the five elements of sword intent, such as gold, water, fire, etc., which have certain effects.The Destruction Sword Intent is undoubtedly more powerful, and the Destruction attribute can harm the origin of the body and soul at the same time, which is very domineering.

For example, the king of the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm 'Undead Transformation' understands the meaning of immortality, and has a strong physical resilience. He can even be reborn from a drop of blood when he is trained to the extreme. If a normal attack hits them, they can recover instantly, but if there is a will to destroy, then Resilience is greatly diminished, or even never recovered.

This is not the most powerful sword intent. On top of this, there are legendary sword intents such as time, space, reincarnation, time, eternity, death, etc. That level of sword intent, even if it exists immortally, is very Difficult to comprehend.

"Look for an opportunity to test the power of this ancient imperial sword."

The ruthless man hung the ancient sword on his waist, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.One hundred thousand years ago, at the foot of the Nanling Snow Mountain, the founding leader of the Deity Academy used this ancient imperial sword and the sword of destruction to kill how many demon saints and half-step demon emperors.Even the Demon Lord of Hell, one of the Seven Great Demon Lords of the Dark Demon Realm, was suppressed by life.Read the book www.yshuoba.com

Even if there is only [-]% of the power left, it is enough to crush the ordinary Great Sage.

At this time, in another dilapidated palace not far from the Ruthless Man's palace, Zhao Cangyu looked at the three Spirit Fruits on the table with great surprise, and raised one to examine it carefully.

I saw that the whole body of this spirit fruit was cyan, with a faint cloud pattern on the surface, exuding majestic life fluctuations. It was the famous longevity fruit. Depending on the year, it will appear red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. and so on in different colors.

These three longevity fruits are blue in color, representing at least ten thousand years of medicinal properties, and they contain very strong life energy. If a mortal swallows one, it can prolong their life by twenty years.

In addition to prolonging life, the longevity fruit also has another magical function, that is, it is to assist the half-step legend realm powerhouse to understand the way of life and death, and to hit the 'life' level in the profound entrance of life and death, which is the treasure she needs most at present.


At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and another figure entered the inner hall, but seeing that he was thin and gloomy, it was Langku, who ranked second in the core list.

"It turned out to be just a few longevity fruits."

Seeing the Spirit Fruit on the table, Langku showed a hint of disappointment. His cultivation base has reached the peak of the three-layered Profound Entrance Realm of Life and Death. The Fruit of Longevity is useless to him. If possible, he would like an imperial defense Noble Phantasm. .

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