"Put down the longevity fruit and you can go."

Langkue said indifferently, although he didn't need it, it was a treasure. If he took it out and put it in the auction house, he could at least fetch the sky-high price of [-] King Grade Spirit Stones.

Zhao Cangyu turned around abruptly, and after recognizing Wolf Ku, his face immediately became very ugly.It would be fine if it was an ordinary treasure, but these three longevity fruits were of great use to her, so she was really unwilling to let them go.

Seeing Zhao Cangyu hesitating, Langku frowned and said coldly, "You followed that Ruthless Zhang before, right? Just because of her face, I will give you a chance to quit, don't be shameless! "

Zhao Cangyu bit his red lips tightly, and suddenly turned his heart away, put the longevity fruit in his hand into the storage ring, and rushed towards the passage on the other side.

"Dare to disobey my orders and court death!"

The lunar color flashed in Langku's eyes, but without revealing the body, it turned into a black afterimage and pressed down towards Zhao Cangyu.

At the same time, the ruthless man walked out of the palace with the ancient sword of the imperial soldiers that he had harvested. He was about to find another place when he suddenly stopped and looked towards a palace not far away.

"This sword intent belongs to Zhao Cangyu, she is fighting with others?"

Feeling the intense aura fluctuations, the ruthless man no longer hesitated, and directly ran towards the palace with his escape light. , , .

Chapter 224 Demon riots, killing giants

On the fifth floor of the Demon Refining Pagoda, the ruthless man strode away with the ancient sword of the imperial soldiers.

However, what she didn't know was that in addition to preserving the inheritance of sword intent, this ancient sword of imperial soldiers also had a huge role, that is, as the formation base for the banning formation in the Demon Refinement Tower.

Originally, this palace was hidden in an independent space and was not noticed by the outside world, but because of the hands and feet of the alien man on the top floor, there were flaws in the perfect layout, and this was the experience of ruthless people.

Just as the ruthless man stepped out of the palace, the Hell Demon Lord in the seventh-floor prison immediately felt a sense of excitement, and said with great excitement: "Someone, someone destroyed the banning formation, this Demon Lord sensed that this Demon Refinement Pagoda In the middle, the isolation restrictions on each floor are weakening!"

The alien man was pleasantly surprised and said, "That's great, many Tianjiao will not reach the sixth floor. Please also ask Lord Mojun to immediately let the detained Demon Race powerhouse hunt down Tianjiao below!"

"Well, this Demon Lord has already given orders to those subordinates to focus on the two peerless talents. Shouldn't the ban-breaking formation you promised also be opened? If you dare to deceive this Demon Lord, you will be called aliens. Ashes to ashes!"

The last word fell, and the infinite demonic power swept out, causing the alien man to kneel on the ground with a 'puff', and shouted: "The devil is calm, the villain is only ordered to do things, as long as the two geniuses die, they will definitely Open the ban-breaking formation and help the Demon Lord get out of trouble!"

"Humph! Ben Demon Lord's subordinates are all out, how can they survive? Forget it, let's first kill the Tianjiao Town who killed Ben Demon Lord's mount. She is stained with the blood of the dragon, as long as she doesn't practice it. The magic tower will definitely die!"

In the dilapidated palace, Langku had already fought with Zhao Cangyu. He seemed to be playing tricks, separating Zhao Cangyu's sword again and again, but he did not take her life.

"Haha, I haven't had this much fun for a long time. I can't see that you only have the first level of the profound entrance of life and death, but the will of martial arts is so strong that you can at least enter the top [-] in the core list. The most important thing is that you have a strong death energy in your body, which has penetrated into your bone marrow. And flesh and blood, if we can comprehend the will to die, our strength will be turned upside down..."

With a faint joke on Langku's face, he separated Zhao Cangyu's sword again, and formed an afterimage on his right foot to attack Zhao Cangyu's infuriating shield, directly blasting her out and slamming into the stone wall. , a trace of blood escaped from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Zhao Cangyu lying on the ground, the wolf said arrogantly, "Give you one last chance, swear allegiance to me, be my slave, and I will spare your life."

"you are dreaming!"

Zhao Cangyu said with difficulty, the aura of death on his body became stronger and stronger, he got up again, and attacked Langku with his sword, beckoning for his life.

"Shame on you, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

There was a icy look in Langku's eyes. He was originally a cold-blooded murderer. Zhao Cangyu rebelled against him several times, which had already aroused his killing intent. The afterimage remained in place.


With just one blow, Zhao Cangyu flew upside down, and even the king-rank sword in her hand was torn apart by the wolf claws.

"go to hell!"

The wolf coldly pronounced the sentence, and his figure flashed again, wanting to end Zhao Cangyu's life.

But at this moment, the stone wall of the passage next to it suddenly trembled, and then collapsed, a violent heat wave rushed like the Yangtze River, and the broken stones were directly evaporated by the heat wave, leaving nothing left.

The flames dissipated, revealing a beautiful and unparalleled figure, fluttering in Tsing Yi, showcasing dance, indescribably stunning, but in those eyes, full of cold killing intent.

"Supervisor...supervisor." Qishu website www.logos444.com

Zhao Cangyu, who collapsed on the ground when he saw the person who came, suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Zhang Ruren!"

Langku's eyes narrowed, and a huge pressure rose in his heart. His body was an iron-boned ghost wolf, and he was very sensitive to crises. The momentary aura of the ruthless man made him feel like he was suffocating.

"Are you OK?"

The murderous intent in the eyes of the ruthless man diminished slightly, and he looked at Zhao Cangyu and said.

"It's okay, it's just some trauma, it'll be fine after taking care of it."

Zhao Cangyu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out two spiritual pills and swallowed them.

"You can find another place to take care of yourself, just leave it to me here."

The ruthless man said something softly.

"Zhang Ruren, don't be too arrogant! What about the peerless genius? A dead genius is worthless!"

Seeing the ruthless man ignoring him, the cruel will in Langku's blood immediately prevailed, and his face showed extreme shame and anger.

Watching Zhao Cangyu leave, the ruthless man turned around, a chilling aura released, locked Langku firmly, and said coldly, "You have successfully angered me, today, I will take your life!"

"Take my life? It's a shame! Let me see what you are capable of as a peerless genius!"

Langku's eyes flashed with madness. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately attacked the ruthless man. He saw a wave of black energy on his right fist, which turned into a huge wolf claws. The five claws were sharp as sharp edges. The knife, fiercely grabbed towards the ruthless man.

In the face of a ruthless man with a perfect sword intent, even a arrogant man like him would not dare to care, and he would use his killer move as soon as he came up!

"It's so fast, it's worthy of being a wolf clan."

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