After experiencing Lu Shaoyan's sword-fighting operation, the speed of the wolf withered is nothing to the ruthless person, and he even praised it calmly. It was not until the wolf's claws hit the front that the sword swung out, and the ice and fire were full of sword intent. Cleansing, the sword is red on one side and blue on the other, the scene is amazing


The frost side collided with the wolf's claws, directly freezing the wolf's claws, greatly reducing the defense power, and then the fire rainbow sword swayed, and half of the wolf's claws exploded like ice cubes, and the violent and violent wolf flew upside down, blood dripping like blood. The pillar smashed hard on the stone wall, exactly where Zhao Cangyu fell.

"Click! Click!"

There was a sound of the wall shattering, and the entire wall made of azure stone seemed to be unable to bear the strength of the ruthless man, cracking into countless huge cracks, and then, torn apart!Bury the wolf withered directly alive.

"I said, today, I will take your life!"

The ruthless man held the sword and his voice was as cold as ice. , , .

Chapter 225 The killing is now, the magic tower has changed!


The pile of stones exploded, and the wolf withered jumped out, making a shrill cry, and his whole body was soaked in blood, like an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

"You actually have two perfect swordsmanships, well, you are qualified to withstand my supreme blow!"

The wolf said something dry and stern, looking into the eyes of the ruthless man, and the fierceness was revealed.

"Desolate Wolf Claws!"

A huge wolf howl came out, and the wolf Ku came again, this time, his whole body turned into a ghost wolf.Vaguely, a huge wolf king phantom appeared behind him, the whole body was white, and it roared up to the sky, as if to swallow the full moon above the sky.

"This is the will of the wolf? You are indeed stronger than Lu Shaoyan, but that's all."

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

The ruthless man was not afraid, strode forward, and the sword in his hand swayed a terrifying sword light.

In an instant, the entire room was reflected in red and blue, and then the two colors merged into one, with a might that looked down upon the world, and collided with the phantom of the Wolf King in the void.


The sound of vibration resounded through the fifth floor of the Refining Pagoda, the sword brilliance shone, and the shadow of the wolf king burst into pieces, and the whole body of Langku was hit hard. , Like a gust of wind, it directly collapsed half of the palace.

This is the Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword, the Imperial Grade Sword Art, and after the fusion of the two Perfect Sword Intent, its power has been raised to an unbelievable level.


Before he could get up, Langku spewed out another mouthful of blood, feeling that most of the blood in his body had been drained, and finally gave birth to a heart of fear, and shouted: "Zhang Ruren, I accept Langku, this time. You are the one who won!"

"I won?"

The ruthless man carried the sword, stepped forward, and said indifferently: "Do you think I am learning from you? I said, today, I will take your life!"

"No, you can't kill me, I am the young patriarch of the Iron-bone Ghost Wolf Clan, kill me, the Iron-bone Ghost Clan will not let you go!"

Langku roared desperately, and a large stream of blood rushed out. Facing the ruthless man, he could only crawl backward desperately. He was extremely embarrassed and fearful.

He no longer has the strength to resist, and most of his essence and blood have been destroyed by the ruthless people, just two swords. The identity of the five giants is like a joke.

"Then bury all of your iron-boned ghost wolf clan!"

The ruthless man's expression was as cold as frost, his sword was raised, and an extremely strong sword intent rose up into the night, turning into a sword energy and slashing at the collapsed wolf.


The explosion sounded, but the expected flesh and blood explosion did not appear.Langku's entire body was blocked by a faint shadow of a silver wolf, which was clearly the mark of the will of the head of the iron-boned secluded wolf clan in the sea of ​​wolfku's consciousness.

The ruthless man is so powerful that it can even severely damage the low-level king's sword qi, and only a faint ripple swayed on this will.


There was a look of extreme surprise in Langku's eyes. He was very conceited and disdain to let the elders in the clan help him. Unexpectedly, his father still secretly left a mark of will in his body, and now it has become a life-saving straw.

The patriarch of the Iron-boned Ghost Wolf clan is one of the ten demon kings of the demon clan, comparable to the existence of the holy master level in the Holy Land. Even if it is his will, as long as it does not disperse, it is enough to resist any attack from the ordinary great saint.

"Haha, Ruren Zhang, you didn't expect to kill me again?"

"After I go out, I will become the king of the legendary realm and kill you to scum!"

"I also call on the strong wolf clan to slaughter your entire family!"

"This is what happens when you offend me!"

Langku was spitting out blood, and his expression was insane. He hated ruthless people to the extreme. With the ecstasy of the rest of his life, he mocked wildly.

"I said, today, I will take your life!"

The ruthless man said something lightly, took the Yinling Sword back into its scabbard, and then took a step forward, pressing one hand on the hilt of the ancient imperial sword.

In the next instant, the ancient sword of the imperial soldiers let out a roar, as if a peerless demon king had awakened, and only a wisp of breath escaping made the wolf wither, and even the blood was about to freeze.

"Do not……"

Wolf Ku roared loudly and let out an angry wolf howl, but he could only watch, a light gray sword qi full of destructive aura rushed towards it.

The void trembled, and wherever the sword energy went, all the void was annihilated, became twisted, and scattered to both sides, and the fierce aura on it was enough to make the Great Sage worship.


The Destruction Sword Qi collided with the wolf king's will, directly opening a big hole, the wolf king seemed to let out a wailing, and his will was broken.

A breeze swayed in the Demon Refinement Pagoda. The ruthless man was looking towards the wolf's dry place, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath. He saw that there was nothing there. If it wasn't for the spotted wolf blood remaining on the ground, everything would be like a dream.

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