"What a terrifying sword intent of destruction, destroying everything, the body and even the soul."

The ruthless man's palm trembled slightly while holding the ancient sword, such a fearful power made her feel palpitations.


At this moment, the ground shook for a while, as if the entire sky was smashed by a gap, and countless terrifying breaths descended from top to bottom.

The ruthless man immediately flew to the palace, looked up, and was taken aback, only to see that the sky curtain that originally separated the fifth and sixth floors was actually shattered into a huge hole, and countless demons rushed down from above. All of them had an extremely ferocious aura.

"Haha, demon warriors, kill as much as you like, devour all the geniuses in this demon refining tower, and let this continent tremble with the reappearance of this demon king!"

The voice of the Demon Lord of Hell resounded throughout the entire Demon Refinement Tower, and all the geniuses panicked.

In the Martial Dao Peak Square of Tianshen Academy, just when the words of the Hell Demon Lord sounded, the entire Demon Refinement Tower suddenly burst out with endless magical energy, completely covering the tower body.

"What, what happened?"

Nearly a million spectators in the audience all showed a look of horror. They faintly felt that some peerless monster was about to rush out of the tower.

Especially those towers and pavilions suspended in mid-air, all made angry inquiries, and the most outstanding children of their clan are now in the magic tower.

The elders of the Deity Academy were sweating profusely, and they hurriedly sought out the Supreme Elder of the Formation Department, but they got a surprising piece of information: the formation in the Demon Refinement Tower was controlled in reverse, and no one could get close to the half of the tower. step.

"Senior Zhang, this, this is..."

The Marquis of Shenjian and the surrounding male and female parents couldn't hold their breath, and they all turned to Zhang Tian for help.

"Don't be impatient."

At this moment, Zhang Tian was still sipping his tea indifferently, his eyes were full of radiance, and he had already seen the scene in the magic tower. , , .

Chapter 226 The soul of the sword will be born, and the golden thunder will destroy the demons

"The demons on the upper floors actually broke through the cage. Could it be that the prohibition of the refining tower has failed?"

The ruthless brows are deeply wrinkled. Many of these demon powerhouses are not below the legendary kings, and some have even reached the level of the great holy realm, which is not something she can deal with. She is also ready to follow the crowd to the tower. Run to the bottom exit.

Unexpectedly, just when she planned to put the ancient sword of the imperial soldiers into the scabbard, a mutation suddenly occurred.

A slight sound came from the blade of the ancient sword, and the originally dense cracks grew rapidly and spread into one piece.


The sound of shattering sounded, and the ancient sword of the dignified imperial soldiers shattered into powder and dissipated in the wind. It had already been eroded by the sword of destruction, and the sword just now was its last brilliance.

"No, the sword intent is out of control!"

The Ruthless Man was shocked, and immediately threw the hilt away, but it was too late. The sword intent of destruction entrusted to the ancient sword of the Imperial Army lost its carrier and became shaky. come over.

Ice and Fire Sword Intent swayed out and turned into a two-color Sword Intent barrier to block in front of him, but was instantly pierced by the Destruction Sword Intent and rushed straight to the ruthless man's spiritual platform.

At this moment of crisis, the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram in the ruthless man's dantian suddenly burst into starlight, producing a huge suction force that sucked all the Sword Intent of Destruction into it.

I saw that the immortal supreme-level destruction sword intent turned into a mighty torrent, pouring into one of the stars in the heavens, as if opening the secret key, forcibly blasting the star away.

In an instant, the sword king's will sealed in the star burst out. It was the sword king's perception of the destruction of the sword. The two wills of destruction collided, merged, and destroyed each other. All impurities were removed, and finally merged into one. A pure sword intent swirled in the ruthless Dantian.

[-]%, [-]%, [-]%...

Sword Intent grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon condensed into an ancient sword phantom, and then, the phantom turned into reality!

"Sword Soul, Sword Soul will be born!"

The ruthless man widened his eyes and looked inside his dantian. He saw that not only did the sword of destruction want to condense the soul, but even the two swords of ice and fire seemed to be affected, breaking the shackles, and three vast energies erupted in her body!

"No, I have to find a secret place to rush to the pass and stabilize the three sword intents, otherwise this violent energy is enough to blow up my sea of ​​consciousness and dantian!"

The ruthless man never imagined that this kind of thing would happen at the juncture of the demon riot, but he didn't have time to move, and now he looked at a palace that was not very conspicuous, and directly turned into a fire rainbow and ran over.


The ice and fire sword intent condensed into a line, directly blasting a large hole of more than ten meters in the ground of the inner secret room of the palace, and the next moment, the ruthless man jumped in.

The movement of Sword Intent Condensing Soul is too great, even surpassing the power of being promoted to the King of Legendary Realm.After all, even if you count a hundred low-level kings in the legendary realm, there may not be one person who condenses martial souls and sword souls.

Therefore, the ruthless can only make the most careful plan. As for whether they can hide from the eyes and ears of these demon masters, they can only resign themselves to fate.


Just when the ruthless man was sitting down, a new change was born in his dantian. The three swordsmen had been solidified by five or six points, but they began to fight with each other. Will was pushed to the corner.Dream Literature Network www.mxwxw.net

This battle was extremely astonishing, and the entire Dantian turned into a battlefield. Against the backdrop of the vast sea of ​​​​nine rounds, the three sword intents all emitted a powerful halo, each occupying one side.

Among the three sword intents, the Destruction Sword intent is undoubtedly the most powerful. Although it has not yet completely condensed into a sword soul, its power is far beyond the ordinary first-order sword soul, even comparable to the second-order sword soul.

However, this sword soul is not under the control of the ruthless man. At this time, it firmly occupies the most central position of the dantian, and it looks like the king is occupying the land. The soul body has been eroded a bit.

"Bold, in my dantian, I am the king, and any will must be surrendered!"

Under the guidance of the will of the ruthless, the two sword souls of ice and fire gradually merged, fighting the sword of destruction with the sword art of the yin and yang ice and fire sword.However, the Destruction Sword Intent was too strong, combining the insights of the founding leader of the academy and the ancient sword king. Even if the two sword souls of ice and fire were combined, they would still be at a disadvantage and could only be supported.

"The devil has an order to kill those two peerless geniuses first, can you find their traces?"

Above the fifth floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, a demon man stood in the air, but he saw that his silver hair was like snow, several feet long, draped over his shoulders, and his breath was like a prison. Facing a group of demons, he issued orders.

"Reporting to the Lord Demon Sage, no trace of those two people was found."

A group of king-level demon masters stood under the silver-haired demon saint and said tremblingly.

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