"So it is!" Yu Xin showed a relaxed expression.

But he didn't want the ruthless person to change the subject, and then said: "But this is only on the surface, if the conflict of interest is severe, let alone in the city of freedom, even within the academy, it is always merciless to kill people, Yuxin, after you enter the school, You have to be more careful when things go wrong.”

"Ah..." Yuxin showed a sad state and sighed: "I don't like fighting, or let Zi Yan go to the academy."

Ruthless Man waved his hands and said: "Second sister, don't worry, I have a certain status in the academy now. With me supporting you, I will never let anyone bully you. Besides, there are many non-fighting courses in Tianshen Academy. You can be an alchemist. A profession such as a teacher or a refiner has a higher status than a martial artist at the same level!"

Chapter 24 The ruins of gods and demons, bullying Zi Yan?


Yu Xin's eyes lit up. She had a bad physique since she was a child, and she often adjusted the formula of nourishing herbs by herself. Later, after obtaining the "First Solution of Alchemy", she became even more obsessed with alchemy. Ruthless people's words obviously attracted her a lot. .

"Come on, although this restaurant is not the largest restaurant in the city of freedom, the chef's craftsmanship is very good, especially the meat of the fire demon rhino, which is a must in the city of freedom."

Zhang Tian looked at the crowd of people in the restaurant, and couldn't help but say: "It's really lively, are there always so many people in this city?"

The ruthless man explained: "Because there is no law in the city of freedom, there are many people from the three religions and nine ranks, and all kinds of hidden treasures will appear here, so it is very popular with those adventurers. But this time, there are too many. The new faces, I am afraid they are all directed at the relic of the gods and demons."

"There are relics of gods and demons here?" Yuxin exclaimed. She has read a lot of books this year and knows that gods and demons are all supreme powerhouses that existed in ancient times, even more terrifying than the powerhouses in the Great Sacred Realm.

The ruthless man nodded and said, "It's more than seventy miles north of the city of freedom, where mountains collapse, rivers divert, lakes dry up, and humans and beasts are extinct. Some people say that there is a battlefield of gods and demons, where ancient gods once There was a fight there, and some people said that it was a piece of land in the realm of heaven. It was shattered in the battle of the gods and landed on the continent of Shengyuan. In short, there is no conclusion. But not long ago, someone entered it by mistake and unintentionally opened a ruin. "


Yu Xin and Zi Yan exclaimed at the same time.

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that the traces of gods and demons were really found there?"

The ruthless man said: "It's not just the traces, it can be basically confirmed that there is a god and demon buried in that ruin, which is likely to be an ancient demon emperor. Moreover, this ruin is only one thousandth of the battlefield of the gods and demons. If you want to come back to the ancient times, There should be a lot of gods and demons fighting there."

Yu Xin sighed: "It's no wonder that so many adventurers have come to hear the wind. According to ancient books, ancient gods and demons have immortal bodies, and they are the existence of far and large holy places."

Zi Yan excitedly said: "Is the gods and demons so powerful? There must be a lot of good things in the ruins, has the eldest sister gone to see?"

The ruthless man smiled and said, "Of course I went to see it. In fact, when the ruins were just discovered, the academy issued a mission to explore the ruins. I was also lucky. I was lucky enough to kill a blood demon commander in the outer layer, and it exploded. An ancient scroll, that god's order, was exchanged for a scroll."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said, "Big sister is amazing!" March Chinese www.cnsyhz.com

The ruthless man glanced at the adventurers who were busy drinking and said in a low voice: "There are many ancient treasures in the ruins, some of which are even unheard of, and many adventurers have made windfalls because of this. However, it is also very dangerous, and the outer layer is full of The blood demons. These blood demons can devour the flesh and blood of practitioners to strengthen themselves, evolve into blood demon leaders, and their strength is comparable to the supernatural powerhouse. It is said that several blood demon kings were born two days ago, and a legendary realm was born and died. King."

Yuxin said nervously: "That's too scary, eldest sister, don't go there anymore."

The ruthless man squinted his eyes and said, "For others, the place is extremely dangerous, but my "Swallowing the Heavens" that my father taught me can directly swallow the energy in the blood demon core, which is tantamount to the best upgrade treasure. Now my father has given me the imperial decree of the emperor, and my life-saving ability has greatly increased. After completing the admission procedures for you, the second sister, I will definitely go to the demon emperor ruins to try my luck."

Yuxin knew that Ruthless was stubborn, and the things she decided would never change, so she could only helplessly sigh, and secretly prayed for Ruthless in her heart.

After lunch, the group spent another day repairing in the City of Liberty. Early the next morning, Ruthless took Zhang Tian and his two younger sisters to Tianshen Academy.

One is to help Yuxin go through the admission procedures, and the other is to take her father and two younger sisters to visit this top-notch institution in the famous Shengyuan Continent.

I don’t know how long I have walked, and the scene in front of me suddenly becomes clear. I can only see infinity, where there are peaks in the sky, straight like swords, and countless waterfalls of thousands of feet surging down from the peaks of the mountains. In the deepest part of the mountain, in the misty clouds, There is also a huge city in the sky, floating like a mirage, like a fairyland of Lingtai.

The so-called Deity Academy is actually located among these mountains.No, the mountains are included in it, just like the spectacular atmosphere of the Holy Land of Xianzong.

"This is the Yingke Peak of the academy. You can take a look everywhere first. I'll go get the visit token."

After the ruthless man explained a sentence, he flew directly into the sky and ran towards a palace not far away.The extraordinary powerhouse can already fly in the sky in a short period of time.

"It's so beautiful here, it's so fun..."

Zi Yan was very playful, chasing a spirit butterfly and running around, and laughter spread throughout the peak.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden chirping of cranes in the clouds and mist in the mountains. Seven or eight white dots shuttled like sharp arrows. It was actually eight young people riding flying white cranes, all of them arrogant.

"Hey! Where are you savages from, you dare to rush in the Deity Academy, don't die!"

A young man who rushed in the front saw Zi Yan ignore his rebuke and was still frolicking there. He couldn't help being furious, and directly conjured a spirit whip and swept it fiercely towards Zi Yan's face.

chapter 25

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand and slapped it in the air, and a billowing wave of air erupted, instantly shattering the spirit whip, and with unabated power, it swept up and blew the eight Deity Academy students riding on the cranes. Very funny.

"Giggle, it's so fun, are you juggling?" Zi Yan stopped, looking at the sky and laughing non-stop.

The faces of those students were blushing and blushing, and the headed one said viciously: "How dare you make trouble at the Deity Academy, you are looking for death! Kill them for me!"

The students in the back also showed vicious expressions, and they were about to step forward when they suddenly heard thunderous sounds coming from a distance: "Stop all of them!"

Seeing the ruthless man rushing in front of him like thunder and lightning, the faces of the eight students changed slightly, and their tone of voice respectfully said: "It turns out that it's Senior Sister Zhang, a newly promoted elite student, and I am an inspection disciple of Senior Brother Luo Aotian Luo's door, and we inspect as usual. Academy, what do you have to do with Senior Sister?"

Zi Yan is a black-bellied little devil. When she saw the ruthless man returning, she immediately pouted and said aggrieved: "Big sister, these people bully me and want to kill me. It's time for your lovely sister."

"Really?" The ruthless man's breath suddenly became dangerous, and even the sky became dim.

"I'm just waiting for a routine. I don't know that they are the family members of Senior Sister. Since it's a misunderstanding, I'll leave first." The student who used the spirit whip just now saw Ruthless Man's face was not good, and immediately winked at several others. Going to turn around and leave.


The ruthless man smiled coldly and spat out these two words.

Those students changed slightly, and the leader said, "I'm just an inspection disciple, and I have important things to do. Could it be that Senior Sister still intends to hold us accountable?"

"To disturb my sister is to offend me. You are just a student from the outer sect. If you commit the following crimes, there is nothing to say. Use your life to fill it up."

The ruthless man stood in the air, his body was full of energy, his white clothes fluttered, and an aura that looked down on the world and could not tolerate the blasphemy of all things erupted from her.

At this moment, the ruthless man is like a sharp sword unsheathed, showing its sharp edge and slaying the sky and the earth.

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