"Taiyin Falling Moon Sword!"

The ruthless man let out a low cry, using his finger as the front, he suddenly released a sword energy, and the sky was dark and dark, and a slanting moon fell from the nine heavens.


Amidst the thunder and lightning, the student who used the spirit whip was directly hit by the slanting moon and let out a shrill scream. The whole body, including the crane under him, was completely frozen.

Then, split in two!

One person and one crane, instant kill!Dance in Chinese www.75zw.com


The remaining seven people were shocked. They never expected that the ruthless people would be so cruel. They dared to kill people directly in the academy, and they even killed their own people.

"Am I letting you go?"

The ruthless man's voice was gloomy and cold, and while he was speaking, three sloping moons split out again, ending the lives of the three of them again.

These days, the arrogance of the seminary, in front of her, has no power to fight back.

"Zhang Ruren, you are too presumptuous! We are the patrolling disciples under Brother Luo. If you killed us, how would you explain to Brother Luo? How would you explain to the law enforcement elders?"

One of the students roared wildly, he was really scared, the terror spread all over his body, and he regretted it to death.

"I am an elite student, Ruren Zhang, who has the power to kill the next disciples. If you commit the following crimes, if you don't punish them severely, what is the majesty of Ruren Zhang! If you want to blame it, blame Luo Aotian, and send you here to make me stand up!"

The ruthless man exhaled like thunder, looking at the remaining four people who escaped, his fingertips connected, shooting four sword beams, gloomy and cold like hooks, like a life-threatening sickle, frantically blazing.


At this moment, a billowing sound rushed from a distance, accompanied by a fiery red shadow, illuminating the whole world, but seeing that he was a young man, handsome, handsome, and flying with air, he stopped at the four. In front of the famous disciple, he waved his big hand and spewed out the four great sword qi, burning like the sun, directly strangling the ruthless man's yin and moon sword qi.

"Senior Brother Luo, you came too soon, please help us!" Several students who escaped were all excited, looking like they had escaped from a desperate situation.

"The Sun-scorching Sword, Luo Aotian, you really hid and spy! But if I want to kill the person Zhang Ruren is going to kill, only you can resist it?"

The ruthless man was obviously not surprised by the appearance of this man, the sword light in his hand spit out, and the purple electricity gathered, and he killed again with lightning speed.

Luo Aotian did not expect that Ruthless Man would still take action under such circumstances, and before he had time to stop him, the four Yin Moon Sword Qi had already passed him and killed all the remaining four students!

"Zhang Ruren, you are going too far!"

Luo Aotian's face was extremely gloomy, and at the same time, he was secretly shocked. He didn't expect Zhang Ruren's cultivation to improve so rapidly. He became an elite student half a month ago, but now he has no less than extraordinary second-level strength, even he is not sure. deal with.

Seeing more and more students gathered around, Luo Aotian said coldly: "Humph! I will report this matter to the Law Enforcement Hall truthfully, and then you will suffer!"

After speaking, Luo Aotian wanted to leave.

Ruthless Man's eyes drooped slightly, and his voice was cold: "Wait, did I let you go?"

Chapter 26 Elite battle, the one who bullies my sister will die!

Luo Aotian turned around abruptly and said loudly, "Zhang Ruren, don't go too far! You and I are both elite students, do you still want to teach me a lesson?"

The ruthless man said coldly: "Don't think I don't know that you are deliberately targeting me. Since you are willing to be that woman's lackey, don't blame me for being ruthless and leave an arm!"

As soon as the words fell, the ruthless man suddenly rose into the air, and a silver moon sword appeared in her hand, and the sword light overflowed, like Jiutian Divine Thunder raging, wrapping Luo Aotian's whole body.

"Zhang Ruren, really think I'm afraid of you! Your Taiyin Luoyue Sword and my Great Sun Burning Sun Sword are both King Grade Sword Art, let's compete today!"

Luo Aotian was also forced out of anger by the ruthless man, and he sacrificed his own sword. He saw that the sword was as big as a door, and the whole body was red. The sword was engraved with many mysterious textures. .

"Haha, Zhang Ruren, this molten gold sunset sword of mine is fused with the essence of earth fire, and its rank has reached the emperor level, which is a perfect match with the Great Sun Burning Sun Sword Art, and its power can be enhanced several times. "

Luo Aotian's expression is arrogant, and the emperor-level sword is rare even in the Deity Academy, let alone the divine sword tailored for him. It is also the second-level supernatural realm, and he is confident that he will never lose to the ruthless.

"You talk too much."

The ruthless man's expression was as cold as ever, his feet on the void, and his offensive was extremely fast. In her mind, she replayed the "Moonlight Slash" that Zhang Tian performed in front of the city lord's mansion in Yandu City over and over again.

The moonlight that fell from the sky, as pure as snow, perfect to have no flaws, was imprinted in her mind, unforgettable.

Rather than saying that the ruthless man was using the Taiyin Falling Moon Sword, it would be better to say that she was trying her best to imitate the trajectory of the moonlight slash in her mind.It is precisely because of this that although she has only practiced the Taiyin Luoyue Sword for less than half a year, her attainment in this swordsmanship has reached an appalling level.

The battle of the two elite students here quickly attracted many students to watch, and the three floors inside and outside the Yingke Peak were divided into three floors.

"Fuck, what's the situation, who is this person who is fighting with Brother Luo, so beautiful."

"You don't even know her? Zhang Ruren, the flower in the outer courtyard, is the biggest dark horse in our academy this year. She was promoted to an elite disciple within a year of admission."

"It is said that Senior Brother Luo sent someone to intimidate Zhang Ruren's younger sister, and the conflict broke out between the two. I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"Zhang Ruren's talent is indeed very strong, but Brother Luo became an elite disciple five years ago. He has been on the Great Sun Burning Sun Sword for nearly 3399 years. I think Zhang Ruren will definitely lose!" LeTV Novels www.les[-].com

"Cut! You guys underestimate Zhang Ruren. I just came back from the ruins of the demon emperor. A few days ago, Zhang Ruren killed a blood demon commander that was comparable to the extraordinary triple!"


The students here were still discussing, the Ruthless Man and Luo Aotian had already decided the winner and the loser. A "Liuguang Diyue Slash" chopped off his left arm at the root.


Luo Aotian let out a terrifying scream, clutching his broken left shoulder, his face full of grimness, and shouting in pain: "Zhang Ruren, you are so cruel, I will not finish this matter with you, let's wait and see! "

The students were also shocked. They didn't expect that the veteran elite student Luo Aotian would be so useless, and he was not Zhang Ruren's opponent at all.

The ruthless man returned his sword to its sheath, and said in a low voice, "If you don't agree, I will be waiting on Tianxing Terrace at any time."

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