As soon as this statement came out, the onlookers were all silent. The "Tianxingtai" is the place of the highest criminal law in the college. It is specially used to deal with the deep hatred and hatred among students.

Watching Luo Aotian leave with hatred, Ruren swept around again, and said sternly: "From today onwards, my sister will also join Tianshen Academy, whoever dares to harm her, even if the ends of the earth, I will smash him into tens of thousands of pieces. !"

None of the onlookers dared to look at the ruthless man, and they all turned around and left, for fear of causing a disaster, even many elite students made up their minds not to provoke this fighting maniac.

Yu Xin whispered: "Eldest sister, it's all my fault. I didn't control Zi Yan and caused you trouble."

The ruthless man calmed down and said with a chuckle: "Are you talking about these few trash fish, I just got promoted to an elite student, and I was just looking for a chance to stand up. If they run into it themselves, they can't blame others. As for Luo Aotian, even if there is none. Today's matter, he will also trouble me, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Zhang Tian took a few steps forward, pulled the broken hair scattered in front of Ruthless Man behind his ears, and said with a smile, "Do you have any grudge against that Luo Aotian before? Could it be that you rejected his confession?"

Ruthless Man's face immediately turned red, and he whispered, "Although there are many people chasing me this year, and there are even core disciples and true disciples, they are far worse than Dad, and they can't get into my eyes at all. As for Luo Aotian, he wasn't rejected because he was chasing me, but he was chasing another woman and provoking me was just trying to take credit for that woman."

"Oh?" Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that there are still beauties in this academy that can rival you, Nan Nan?"

The ruddy face faded, and he said in a condensed voice, "Dad, do you still remember the eldest daughter of the lord of Yandu City?"

Chapter 27: The Crown Prince Ye Bufan?

"Is it her?"

Zhang Tian and Yu Xin were both surprised.

The ruthless man nodded and said, "That's right! I didn't find out until half a year after I entered the school. That woman's name is Yan Qingxuan. She joined the academy only half a year before me, but for some unknown reason, she was valued by a big man just after she entered the school. , was directly promoted to an elite student, and all information about her was deliberately covered up."

"It's so mysterious. Looking at the appearance of Luo Aotian today, she should already know about the destruction of the family. Big sister should be careful in the future." Yu Xin said worriedly.

Ruthless Man squinted his eyes and said, "Yan Qingxuan has sent people to trouble me several times, but I have resolved them one by one. In the past six months, I have also inquired a lot. As I expected, this Yan Qingxuan is not bad. It should be a member of the Sky-Closing Alliance, and he has a high status in the Sky-Closing Alliance, because the people who have troubled me these times are all students who have joined the Sky-Closing Alliance."

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "Zhitian League? What is that? The name is quite domineering."

Ruren said: "The Tianshen Academy is huge, and it accommodates many children of noble families. These people form parties in the academy, and they fight against each other. Created by Ye Bufan, this Ye Bufan was born supreme, known as the "Prince Covering the Sky", he stepped into the high-level of the legendary realm at a young age, and his combat power is terrifying, and he is well-known in the four major academies."

"Prince Zhetian Ye Bufan? It's interesting, do you need dad to help you find him and Yan Qingxuan?" Zhang Tian said nonchalantly. For him, these battles are no different from children playing at home. He thought that a single thought could make the emperor of the holy ancestor kneel in front of him.

"No need for Dad, I said back then that I would kill Yan Qingxuan with my own hands. As for Ye Bufan, although he is the leader of the Zhetian Alliance, he has not been in the academy all the year round, so he has no conflict with me. Besides, this year he However, I am in my twenties and belong to the same generation as me, so even if there is a conflict, I have to resolve it myself."

"Well, to have ambition, to fight for the front, what we want is this kind of indomitable momentum. Even the cubs of those ancient beasts are directly put on the battlefield to fight. Only in this way can we experience the real king."

Zhang Tian stroked Ruthless Man's hair, his eyes full of admiration.He originally thought that he had changed some of Ruthless's experiences, which might ruin her road to the great emperor. Now it seems that he is overly concerned. Ruthless has no idea of ​​taking shortcuts because of his strength. This kind of strong martial arts will , destined to become supreme.

The ruthless man has always maintained a tough attitude in the academy. At this time, when Zhang Tian gently stroked him, he felt that his whole heart was completely relaxed and calmed down, and he snuggled into Zhang Tian's arms with peace of mind, savoring the tranquility that he had not felt for a long time.

After that, the four of them wandered around the academy, perhaps because Ruthless Man was already well-known, or because the appearance of Ruthless Man, Yu Xin, and Zi Yan was too outstanding, attracting countless attention along the way.

In particular, Zhang Tian, ​​who was surrounded by Ruth and Yu Xin's arms from left to right, suffered the envy, jealousy and hatred of countless boys, which made the three daughters giggle.

But the relaxed atmosphere did not last long. When the four of them were halfway through their visit, the sky suddenly darkened, and a mighty might came from above.Luzhulin novel

The surrounding students couldn't help but look up, only to see a huge black boat in mid-air covering the sky and the sun, with thousands of soldiers in black armor standing on it, lined up tightly, showing a chilling air. At the head of the flying boat, an old man in bronze armor stood with his hands behind his back, looking extremely arrogant.

"Zhang Ruren, you deliberately murdered eight students from the outer college, and forcibly cut off an arm of the elite student Luo Aotian. You have seriously violated the criminal law of the college. Now go to the criminal court with me to confess your guilt!"

The majestic voice rumbled down from the sky, and the bronze-armored old man pressed down with his big hand, turning into a terrifying black giant palm, and grabbed it towards the ruthless man.

"This is the Luofu giant boat of the Criminal Law Palace. It will only be dispatched to arrest students who betray the college. It's a big battle. Senior Sister Zhang is afraid that it will be in trouble."

"The Great Fingerprint of the Criminal Law! This is the unique secret manual of the elders of the Criminal Law Palace. It is said that it is a sect emperor-level palm technique, which can directly burn the soul. It is extremely powerful. It seems that Zhang Ruren is doomed this time."

"Hmph, what is the big deal for the elite students to kill a few disciples from the outer court? Why should the elders of the criminal law and Luo Fu be dispatched at the same time? It must be that Luo Aotian bribed the elders of the criminal law, and wants to use the hands of the criminal law hall to kill Senior Sister Zhang!"

"Shh... Keep your voice down, Luo Aotian is a member of the Heaven-Covering Alliance. Offending them will definitely not end well."

The ruthless man looked at the giant palm coming from Gai Tian, ​​and said angrily, "What a despicable Luo Aotian to use this method to deal with me!"

Zhang Tian squinted his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "Nan, you remember that at any time, your father will support you, and it is natural for you to compete among your peers, but this kind of bastard who bullies the younger, no matter how many you have. , Dad will suppress them all for you!"

The voice came out, and a long roar of dragon roared out, Qinglong probed its claws, picked the stars and took the moon!

Everyone saw a giant blue dragon claw attacking, instantly smashing the big handprint of criminal law, and breaking the huge Luofu boat at the waist.


A loud noise came out, and a hundred feet of dust was rolled up on the ground.

When the smoke cleared, everyone was horrified to discover that the old bronze-armored old man standing in front of the Luofu giant boat was kneeling in front of Zhang Tian and the others like a criminal, covered in blood and embarrassed!

Chapter 28 Chongguan is angry for her daughter!

"What! I didn't see it, the Luofu giant boat was smashed by a claw?"

"What a powerful martial skill, at least above the emperor level. I didn't expect this person who showed closeness to Zhang Ruren to be so powerful."

"It's more than amazing, it's terrifying! The one kneeling on the ground is the copper elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, the king of the three transformations of the legendary realm. He has always been ruthless, but he is vulnerable in front of this young man!"

"What is domineering! What is tyranny! Today I have seen it. I look down on the world and see everything as grass. No wonder Senior Sister Zhang is attracted to him. If only I had this kind of power."

"Wow... This person is so powerful and young. He will be a peerless genius in the future. If only I could know him."


Elder Tong spit out a mouthful of black blood, only to feel that all his internal organs were moved, and he was extremely frightened, but he has always been arrogant and domineering, how can he bear the gazes of so many students, he immediately endured the injury, and said sharply: " Zhang Ruren, you are so bold, I am a law enforcement elder, and if you do something to me, that is..."

"Dare to speak rudely when death is imminent!"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Tian's eyes, he stepped out, the wind was rolling, and he directly smashed the head of the criminal elder into the floor, leaving only half of his body struggling on the ground. The onlookers were amazed for a while, the boys didn't need to say much, and many female students also had peach blossoms in their eyes, wishing that the woman holding Zhang Tian's arm was him.

"No...forgive...forgive my life..." A vague voice came from the soil.

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