The ruthless man frowned slightly and said, "Dad, after all, he is a law enforcement elder, and it is not appropriate to kill him. The culprit in this matter is that Luo Aotian. If it weren't for him, the people in the law enforcement hall would not have made a big move."

"What, I heard right, this person is actually Sister Zhang's father?"

"My God, Senior Sister Zhang's father is so young, but his strength is so terrifying. It seems that he will have a good relationship with Senior Sister Zhang in the future."

"I originally thought that Zhang Ruren was just a commoner. Now it seems that she is also a person with a big background. Fortunately, she didn't offend her before."

Zhang Tian ignored the discussions around him, and after listening to Ruthless Man's dissuasion, he put aside his murderous intent a little and snorted coldly, "Then Dad will help you find this Luo Aotian and confront him face to face!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Tian suddenly reached out and grabbed the void in front of him, and then pulled down.I saw a huge gap split open in the void, and Luo Aotian fell out of it directly. With a "pop", he fell and ate a dog, causing a burst of laughter around him.

Luo Aotian still hadn't figured out what was going on, when he saw Ruren's face suddenly, he was so scared that he took a few steps back, and said frantically: "Zhang Ruren, what do you want to do? Tell you, I have already bought the copper of the Criminal Law Palace. Elder, you'd better escape the academy immediately, otherwise, I will torture you to death in the criminal court! And your two younger sisters, if you cut off my arm, I will kill your whole family!" .com

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the surrounding area. The Law Enforcement Hall was the place where the Deity Academy was judged, and it was supposed to be the most just and holy place.

In Zhang Tian's eyes, Hanmang was even better, and he said coldly, "Accepting bribes privately, abusing the criminal law, and maiming elite students. All the evidence is conclusive. It seems that you have a good life!"

"no, do not want……"

Elder Tong shouted in horror, but Zhang Tian's kick still smashed his dantian, and his entire body's meridians were fractured, turning him into a crippled person.

"It would be too cheap to kill you directly. Don't you like to use power to oppress people? Then I will make you a waste and let you live in fear for the rest of your life."

Zhang Tian retracted his leg and pronounced the sentence coldly. In this world where strength is respected, a legendary king whose cultivation base has been abolished is simply countless times crueler than killing him directly.

It was only then that Luo Ao discovered the elder Tong next to him, and suddenly exclaimed: "Fuck, Elder Tong, you...what's the matter with you?"

Elder Tong glared at Luo Aotian full of resentment, his anger attacked his heart, and he actually fainted from anger.

Zhang Tian said with a smile: "NanNan, Dad has already brought people over for you. It's up to you to decide what to do with it."

Luo Aotian was startled, and quickly said: "Zhang Ruren, you... don't mess around, I'm from the Zhetian League, my master is the Supreme Elder of the academy, and my ancestors came from saints. Kill me, you The whole family will be buried with you!"

The ruthless man's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Luo Aotian, you and I are both elite students. I originally planned to find an opportunity to fight you to death on Tianxingtai. But you should never, should not threaten my family. Me. Now, I'll take you on your way."

After speaking, the ruthless man strode forward, his true qi surged in his hands, turned his fingers into swords, and slashed towards Luo Aotian.


A sound like the roar of a mad lion rolled in, and before anyone arrived, a sword energy that was as hot as the burning sun descended from the sky.

"Big sister be careful!" Yu Xin and Zi Yan exclaimed at the same time.

The ruthless man also felt this desperate crisis, and immediately dissipated his sword qi, with his arms in front of him, and said loudly:

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

Chapter 29 The daughter's fairy master!

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

Behind the ruthless man, the true energy was rolling, and a phantom of a golden emperor with a height of several tens of meters was transformed into a phantom. Void blasted out.


The golden fist print collided with the sword energy of the sun-scorching sun in the air, and the powerful impulse made the surrounding void roar and vibrate, shaking the ground and forcing many students to retreat quickly.

"What a domineering Sun-Brightening Sun Sword Qi, this is the arrival of the Supreme Elder Lie Wuji!"

"Elder Lie has always been the most protective and domineering. It seems that a war is inevitable."

"What kind of boxing technique Zhang Ruren used just now, he was able to block a sword qi from Lie Wuji, who has five transformations in the legendary realm. I'm afraid it is at least the emperor level. It's really a fight between gods and gods."

Accompanied by a burst of discussion, the master of that sword energy also rushed in, only to see his face arrogant, his hair like fire, draped behind him, and surrounded by flames all over his body, although he was only seven feet tall, he was as majestic as the sun. People are intimidated.

"Aotian, how are you?"

Lie Wuji saw Luo Aotian's miserable appearance, the aura on his body instantly became ten times more dangerous, like a volcano about to erupt.

Luo Aotian said miserably: "Master, this Ruthless Zhang is going to kill me, you must decide for me!"

"Don't worry, the students who dare to touch my Lie Wuji will have no way out in heaven and earth!"

The ruthless man withdrew the emperor's dharma and looked at the majestic Supreme Elder Lie Wuji, and said with disdain: "Is it really the one who beat the young to the old? It seems that you, the Supreme Elder, and Luo Aotian are also the same raccoon dog."


Lie Wuji turned his gaze to Ruthless Man, at first he was a little surprised at Ruthless Man's youth, then his face became darker, and he said ruthlessly: "You are so ruthless at such a young age, if you grow up, you must be a devil in the world of cholera, I Just for your master, clean up you little devil!"

After he finished speaking, Lie Wuji let out a long roar, the Great Sun Divine Sword unsheathed, and a beam of sword light pierced through the heavens and the earth, slashing towards the ruthless man.

"Big sister be careful!" Yu Xin and Zi Yan exclaimed at the same time.

A cold light flashed in Zhang Tian's eyes, just as he was about to shoot, suddenly a strong wave of spiritual consciousness swept away, and he immediately withdrew his hand.Fiction Bar

I saw that just as the sun's sword light was about to fall, the sky suddenly darkened, and countless stars filled the air, as if the entire space was frozen.

"Lie Wuji, my apprentice, when is it your turn to teach me?"

A cold voice came from a distance, followed by a sword light as white as snow. Attacked the Lie Wuji who was in the middle of the day.

"Taiyin Luoyue Sword! Yuehua, you actually came out of the small cave!"

Lie Wuji was shocked and angry, and quickly used his means to block the sword energy, but he was still cut off by a sleeve, and he lost his face.

"I didn't see Huayan, it's really Fairy Yuehua! My goddess!"

"Fuck, today's trip is too worth it, this is the rhythm of the two great elders fighting!"

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