"Fairy Yuehua is really as beautiful as a god, and I don't know who is fortunate enough to form a Taoist partner with her."

"Fairy Yuehua is also considered to be the arrogance of the academy. She is only in her thirties today, and it is very possible to break through to the Great Sacred Realm in the future. She should not consider looking for a Taoist companion in a short period of time."

Zhang Tian listened to the discussions around him, and couldn't help showing curiosity. Listening to the comments, this Fairy Yuehua seemed to be very popular, not only the goddess of dreams of many male students, but also the idol of many female students.

Looking at the sound, I saw a beautiful woman with long hair fluttering in the air, wearing a light blue gown blowing in the wind, inexhaustibly leisurely and elegant, overlooking the clear stream, calmly.The elegant ancient sword hung on her back, which added a third of her dignified air, and also seemed to remind others that she had unparalleled swordsmanship in the world.

From Zhang Tian's point of view, the half-round starlight was just embedded in her body, which emphasized that she was born with the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and her beautiful outline was undulating and clear like Chuanyue.

Even with Zhang Tian's accustomed to the state of mind of beauties and stunners, he couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise.

When the ruthless man saw Fairy Yuehua, his eyes also brightened, and he said cheerfully in front of his face: "Master, are you out of the customs?"

Fairy Yuehua nodded slightly, and said in her sweet voice without any impurities: "You did a good job this time, and you didn't lose the reputation of our Yuehua faction. The rest can be left to Master."

Lie Wuji's face became even more ugly, and he said in a gloomy voice: "Yuehua, Zhang Ruren beat my disciple so miserably, it shows that her heart is cruel, and sooner or later it will bring disaster. Do you still want to protect her?"

Yuehua said coldly: "Who is right and who is wrong? Law Enforcement Tianzun has his own opinions. But you are fierce, as a supreme elder, you don't discipline students by example, but you take action against students regardless of your identity. ?"

Lie Wuji's scolded face turned pale for a while, and finally he couldn't help shouting: "Okay, then let me experience your Moon Moon Moon Fairy Moon Moon Sword!"

Chapter 30 Dad's Hero Saves America

"To deal with you, why use a sword!"

Fairy Yuehua stood up against the wind, a powerful aura swept out of her body, and the Baizhang sword qi that Lie Wuji slashed over, entering this aura, was like entering a quagmire, and the speed became extremely slow.

"The sword domain protects the body, everything is invincible!"

Fairy Yuehua let out a clear moan and made a move with her right hand. Those big sun sword qi turned their directions in unison, and with several times the strength, they slammed towards Lie Wuji. The anti-fighting is boundless bombing.

"What! Lie Wuji can't even bear Fairy Yuehua's move?"

"It's too weak, I thought there was a big battle, but I was killed instantly!"

"I originally wanted to sign up for the Great Sun Gate, but fortunately I haven't applied yet. This is too wasteful for the master and the apprentice."

"Fairy Yuehua is indeed a generation of arrogance, and I am afraid that only Prince Zhetian can beat her."


Lie Wuji's body smashed to the ground, and when he heard the discussions around him, he became even more angry, but he couldn't care about all this, Yang Tian was shocked and said: "The Legendary Six Transformations Domain Transformation, you actually broke through to the Domain Transformation, and you directly After comprehending the double sword domain, how is this possible! I don't believe it!"

Fairy Yuehua converged on the sword domain, looked down, and said coldly, "This is the gap between you and me. If you lose to me today, you will only watch me go farther and farther in the future, until you reach the achievement that you can't reach. And you only You can stay where you are and live your life!"

"No, it's impossible..."

Lie Wuji is like a madman, and there is even a crack in his martial arts state of mind. He has been a supreme elder for nearly [-] years, but was surpassed by a [-]-year-old girl. The humiliation and shock in his heart can be imagined.

Yuehua never took Lie Wuji in his eyes from the beginning to the end, and now he is even too lazy to look at him, but set his eyes on Luo Aotian, and said coldly: "There is no injustice here, since Lie Wuji is right My students take action, then I have to teach you a lesson."

Who knows that Luo Aotian, who was originally slumped, suddenly became public at this time, and shouted hysterically: "Teach me a lesson? You are also worthy! Tell you, I have contacted the elders in the family, they will soon Come to the academy, when the time comes, you two bitches will all die! If you are sensible, immediately kneel on the ground and kowtow for me!"

"court death!"

Fairy Yuehua's aura suddenly became dangerous, her slender jade hand swiped in the air, transforming into a galaxy-like piece of training, wrapped in icy murderous intent and rolled towards Luo Aotian.

But at this moment, the void in front of Luo Aotian suddenly opened a crack, and a sturdy man with a shirtless upper body stepped out of the crack, only to see him wearing a black iron crown, majestic as a tower, and palm as big as a fan. , The whole body is surging with power, and it is directly attacked with flesh palms, crushing Fairy Yuehua's Milky Way.

Seeing this strong man, Luo Aotian immediately shouted overjoyedly: "Second Uncle, luckily you came in time, otherwise I would have killed this woman and avenge me!" Read the novel www.duduaa.com

"Who dares to kill my Luo family's children?"

The giant man's bloody eyes swept the audience, and finally fixed on Fairy Yuehua, and said sternly, "Those who insult my Luo family disciples, kneel down for me!"

During the speech, another giant palm shot out, and the powerful power actually shook the surrounding voids to collapse.

"To Tianhou Luohai?"

Fairy Yuehua flashed a look of fear in her eyes, and then her fighting spirit boiled over, she said coldly, "Alright, just use you as my sword grinding stone!"

The voice fell, and the ancient sword behind Fairy Yuehua was unsheathed, and brought out a azure blue horse training, like a dragon coming out of the abyss, soaring into the sky, the sword light covered half of the sky, and collided with the black giant palm. , The two legendary high-level battles, even the void can't bear its mighty power, the roar spreads thousands of miles.

The ruthless man hurriedly ran to Zhang Tian and said nervously, "Dad, that Tuotian Marquis Luo Hai is a legendary king who has been famous for thousands of years. Incomparably powerful. My master has only been promoted to the legendary realm for more than ten years, so there won't be any danger, right?"

Zhang Tianyan watched the battle and said with a smile, "Your master is not simple. You have the bloodline of the ancient Moon God in your body, but you haven't awakened yet. Although Luo Hai is the pinnacle of the legendary eight-transformation, there is no way you can beat your master. possible."

"Master is so powerful, then I'm relieved." The ruthless man showed a soothing look. For her, the closest person in the entire academy was Fairy Yuehua.

At this time, the two also fought for hundreds of rounds in the sky. Fairy Yuehua's Taiyin Sword Art became more and more proficient, and with the sword domain, she gradually gained the upper hand, causing the students onlookers to applaud loudly.

"To Tianhou Luohai, it turned out to be nothing more than that."

After becoming proficient in swordsmanship, Fairy Yuehua became more and more relaxed and freehand, and there was a hint of mockery in her eyes.

Luo Hai was furious and said in a gloomy voice: "Fairy Moon Hua, Tianshen Academy is indeed like a cloud of arrogance. I admit that in another ten years, no one below the semi-sage will be able to suppress you, but now you have to suppress me!"

The voice fell, and a long black blade appeared above Luo Hai's head, exuding an ancient and vast aura.

With just a slight stroke in the direction of Fairy Yuehua, all the blue sword qi disintegrated, and even the protective sword domain was torn apart like a piece of paper, and in the blink of an eye, it was close to Fairy Yuehua.

"Master be careful!"

"Elder Yuehua be careful!"

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed, his figure disappeared from the spot, and he appeared on the side of Fairy Yuehua, holding her waist with one hand, and the other hand lightly against the black blade light, the mighty power spread, and the void layer in front of him The layer collapsed, directly submerging the black blade light.

Chapter 31: Extreme Path Saint Soldier?Catch it with your bare hands!

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