
Until this time, Fairy Yuehua came back to her senses a little, only to feel a strong masculine breath in her nose and mouth, which made her heart tremble slightly, opened her eyes, just met Zhang Tian's eyes, and then realized that she was lying on the ground. In Zhang Tian's arms, he immediately showed a look of embarrassment.

At this time, the ruthless man hurried over and was relieved to see that Fairy Yuehua was all right. He said happily, "Master, it's great that you are all right, this is my father Zhang Tian."

"Dad? Oh...thank you..."

Fairy Yuehua took the opportunity to break free from Zhang Tian's arm, her face was still rosy, her eyes were dodging, and she did not dare to face Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, turned to look at Luo Hai, and said softly, "That weapon. It's interesting."

Fairy Yuehua then remembered the current situation, and hurriedly followed Zhang Tian's line of sight, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she said in shock, "This is... the holy soldier of the extreme way! No wonder it has such power."

Ruthless Man wondered: "What is a holy weapon of the extreme path? Does it mean a holy weapon?"

Fairy Yuehua shook her head, and said solemnly: "The holy weapon of the extreme path is not an ordinary weapon, but a weapon condensed from the blood and flesh of the great saint when the powerhouse of the great holy realm sits and transforms. The martial arts will of the strong is not so much a weapon as it is the incarnation of the ancient sage, with unpredictable powers of ghosts and gods. Some powerful extreme holy soldiers can even resist the supreme saint."

After a pause, Fairy Yuehua continued: "The reason why the sage family has a detached status is that one relies on the blood of the saint, and the other relies on the strong inheritance, but the most important thing is the holy soldier of the extreme way! As long as it is not a great saint who falls by accident, it will usually stay. The next two pieces of Ji Dao holy soldiers are enough to ensure the prosperity of the family for thousands of years. With Luo Hai's cultivation base, coupled with the Ji Dao holy soldiers, I am afraid that no one under the semi-sage can suppress them."

"Haha, that's right, this is the holy soldier of the extreme path inherited from my Luo family... The Trident of the Seagod! You can die under this holy soldier, it is also a blessing for you!"

With the palm of his hand, Luo Hai became extremely arrogant, like the King Lingtian, he slammed down with a halberd, and the sky and the earth turned pale in an instant.

The extreme way, the extreme way, means the extreme of the Tao, and the holy soldiers of the extreme way carry the unwillingness and madness of the great sages.

This is the most terrifying place for the holy soldiers!Let the real great saints feel a headache.


Just as the Seagod Trident was halfway through, there was a sudden roar from above the clouds, accompanied by rolling coercion, directly piercing the thunder, and a peerless figure descended powerfully, annihilating Luo Hai's attack with just its power.

"This is... a semi-sacred powerhouse!" Luo Hai's heart was shocked, and the terrifying "Holy" pressure made it difficult for him to even breathe.

On the contrary, Fairy Yuehua showed a look of joy, and respectfully said: "Yuehua has seen Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate." Aishuwu www.2shuwuxs.com

"Well... Elder Yuehua is polite."

Law Enforcement Tianzun nodded slightly at Fairy Yuehua, then fixed his eyes on Luo Hai, and said in a calm tone: "Luo Hai, this is the Deity Academy, not your Valley Luo Family, if you dare to do it again, don't blame the deity for not doing it. Give you Luo Family face."

Luo Hai's face sank at first, and then he said with a wicked smile: "Okay! Now that the law enforcement Tianzun has come forward, I, Luo Hai, will not care about Fairy Yuehua for now, but this little girl's family cannot be in charge of your Tianshen Academy, right?"

The Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate glanced at the Seagod Trident in Luo Hai's hand, showing a look of fear, and was silent, apparently tacitly acquiescing to Luo Hai's words.

Luo Aotian suddenly regained his energy, and shouted with a distorted face: "Second uncle, you did a good job! I want Zhang Ruren to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me, and then I will be a slave girl with her sister until I have enough fun. It's over! Haha, Zhang Ruren, I didn't expect you to be today, how beautiful you are, and how talented you are, you're not going to be a bull and a horse for me, Luo Aotian!"

"Damn... shameless!" Yu Xin's snowy body trembled, making her even more pitiful, which made all the male classmates feel pity and clamored to express their dissatisfaction.

"Presumptuous! Offending my Xigu Luo family, this is the end, who is dissatisfied, stand up and try?" Luo Hai's fierce eyes swept all directions, and suddenly the audience fell silent.

"Dad, this uncle is ugly and fierce, like a toad, jumping around everywhere, it's really annoying!" Xiao Ziyan's brisk voice broke the silence, making many students can't help but snicker.

"Say I'm like a toad? Smelly girl, I'm going to make you into a mummified corpse!"

Luo Hai roared in the sky like a madman, and slashed at Zi Yan with a halberd, the void cracked, and the gods cried ghosts, making the audience angry and anxious, and couldn't bear to see such a cute little loli lying on the spot.

"Dad help! Uncle Toad is going to kill!"

Under the strong oppression of the holy soldiers of the extreme way, even Fairy Yuehua felt difficult to move, but Zi Yan seemed to be unaffected by it, screamed strangely, and jumped directly into Zhang Tian's arms.

"court death!!!"

Luo Hai was about to go crazy, he directly used his whole body's True Qi, turned his direction, and slashed towards Zhang Tian.


The wind roared, and everyone's eyes widened, almost unable to believe the sight in front of them.

That savage, violent and invincible jidao holy soldier was actually held by Zhang Tian with one hand.

Chapter 32 Dad made a move, and the audience was scared to pee!

Silence, deathly silence!

Even the law enforcement Tianzun, who was aloof and indifferent to watching a play, couldn't help but feel cold all over his body, and in his eyes looking at Zhang Tian, ​​he didn't dare to have any more contempt.

In the end, what kind of powerful strength can you rely on to fight against the holy soldiers of the extreme path with the palm of your hand!

"Could it be that Zhang Ruren's father is an ancient beast?"

This thought flashed through everyone's heart, just because the scene was so shocking that it was difficult for them to accept it.

"Giggle, Uncle Toad's fork was caught by Dad, it's so funny!"

Zi Yan put her arms around Zhang Tian's neck, and her laughter was as sweet as a silver bell, reminding everyone... this is not an illusion!

"Damn! You...you let go!"

Luo Hai is really panicking now, this is a holy soldier of the extreme path, and it is a holy soldier of the extreme path that is well-known in the entire Shengyuan Continent, but was caught by someone empty-handed?Even the real Great Sage would not dare to care so much. What kind of monster is this person?

fear!Infinite fear spread in Luo Hai's heart, and he realized at this moment that Zhang Tian had no breath fluctuations, just like a mortal, so he was either a real mortal, or someone whose cultivation was far beyond his. can!

"Since Zi Yan likes it, this fork will be given to you as a toy."

Zhang Tian spoke lightly, and with a slight force on his wrist, the violent force directly sent Luo Haizhen flying out.

In the blink of an eye, the Seagod Trident fell into Zi Yan's hands.

Xiao Ziyan was very playful, and seemed to be struggling to wave the Seagod Trident, which was twice as tall as her, and the rolling tides poured out, causing the surrounding void to tremble.

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