"Giggle... This fork is cool, feels good to the touch, and sprays water. It's fun. It would be better if it could be smaller."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the seagod trident shone with light, and it really became a lot smaller, just in line with Zi Yan's height and body shape, and even made Zi Yan look a lot more majestic, like in the sea goddess.

"Haha, it's really fun, thank you dad, Zi Yan likes this toy very much."

Xiao Ziyan climbed to Zhang Tian's shoulder with difficulty, kissed him hard on the cheek, and her eyes became crescent-shaped with a smile.

The students were shocked again, looking at Zi Yan with envy in their eyes, envy that she has a powerful father, and even this extremely precious magic weapon can be given casually like a toy.

"How is this possible!" 20 Novel Network www.20xs.org

The law enforcement Tianzun showed an unbelievable look of horror. The holy soldiers of the extreme way were not real weapons, but embodies the resentment and will of the ancient sages. In addition to blood relatives, even the supreme sages would cost a lot of money to surrender. A big price, even an accidental cause of the holy soldier self-destruction, even the great saint will be backlashed, let alone let a child run freely.

"Could it be that Zhang Ruren's father wiped out the will of the ancient saints in the extremist holy soldiers at that moment?" Law Enforcement Tianzun thought of this possibility, and the awe in his heart increased by three points, and he secretly made up his mind that he would absolutely To have a good relationship with Zhang Ruren and Fairy Yuehua.

Seeing his family's treasure being played by Zi Yan at will, Luo Hai completely lost his mind and yelled wildly: "Bastard, courting death! Return the Seagod Trident to me, or the Luo family will be with you forever! "

"Never die? Do you think that after insulting my daughter, I will spare your Luo family?"

Zhang Tian said calmly, but the chill in his words made everyone in the audience shudder.

Luo Hai panicked at first, then grinned and said: "It's ridiculous, my Luo family is a family of saints, and you are alone, do you still want to fight against the entire Luo family? When you went to destroy the Luo family, your daughter, long ago. I have been killed thousands of times by the powerhouses of my family!"

Fairy Yuehua stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Although there are no saints in the Luo family of Xigu, their bloodline is strong, and five legendary kings have been born. If all the jade and stones in the family are burnt, it is better to take a step back first, make plans and then move.”

Zhang Tiandan smiled and said: "The jade and stones are all burned? There are only five legendary warriors, and they will be destroyed at the touch of a finger. In the end, it is a ridiculous thing to call the legendary fish king, and it blasphemes the "king". call."


What is madness, this is madness!

Point the country, look at the world!

Treat the king of legend as a trash fish!

The students onlookers were shocked. The girls' eyes were full of little stars they admired, while the boys were all over the five bodies that Zhang Tian worshipped.

Luo Hai grinned and said: "Destroy my Luo family? It's a big joke! I admit that your strength is very strong, and there may be no one in the entire Luo family that is your opponent, but my Luo family's masters are like clouds, and they can be scattered all over the world. , but you are only one person. Then you can see whether you killed all my Luo family first, or your precious daughters were first divided into five horses!"

"Who told you that I'm alone?"

Zhang Tian looked at Luo Hai with the look of an idiot, and ordered like a god emperor: "Every servant obeys the order, and within ten breaths, the Luo family in the valley will be uprooted, leaving no grass behind!"

Flowing Cloud Sect, Vast Prairie, One Hundred Thousand Mountains, Qingyun Sword Sect, Peerless City, Snow Mountain Country, Heavenly Demon Sea, seven legendary demon slaves opened their bloody eyes at the same time.

No, it should be six legendary demon slaves.

The Demon Flower Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Sea has broken through to the semi-holy realm!

Chapter 33 The Doom of the Luo Family in the Valley!

Although the Luo family in the valley is only an aristocratic family, it sits on a land of millions of miles, which is comparable to a prince, especially where the core capital of the family is located.

Countless clansmen shuttled through it, with confident expressions on their faces, they were proud of being born in the Luo family.

In the main mansion of the Luo family's capital city, a white-haired old man kept walking in the hall, his face full of gloom.

He was in a very bad mood today, his precious son Luo Aotian had an arm cut off by a little girl at the Deity Academy!

Although he had already sent Luo Hai to take the sea god trident, the holy soldier of the extreme way, to destroy the opponent, but Luo Aotian's arm was cut off after all. Lost so much face.

Xigu Luo family, how powerful, as the head of the family, he can't even keep his son's face and blood, how can he not be angry.

At this moment, a huge crack suddenly opened in the sky above the capital, and a huge three-headed snow lion with a size of several hundred meters stepped out from the crack. A thousand miles of frost.

With three snow lions on their backs, the Marquis of Snow Mountain stood with their hands behind their backs, arrogant as a peak, looking at the anxious Luo clan below, there was no Lin Min in his eyes, and he said in a cold tone: "Xue Yuwei and Xue Wuwei listen to the order and kill them. Luo clan, don't leave an inch of grass!"

"As ordered!"

Behind the three snow lions, an army of two flying guards rushed towards the Luo clan below like wolves like tigers. Everyone wore silver armor and held silver spears, as if divine soldiers descended from the sky. This is the most elite army in the Snow Mountain Country. They are all powerhouses above the Transcendent Realm and have followed the Snow Mountain Hou for countless battles.


In the capital of Luo's family, there was a wave of spiritual light, which was the opening of the defense formation, and the white-haired old man Ling Xu stepped out and said angrily: "Marquis of Xueshan, my Luo family and the emperor Chaoqiu have not committed any crimes. Holy life?"

The Marquis of Xueshan said coldly, "It's only your Luo family's fault for offending someone who shouldn't, I'm just here to send you to hell to repent!"

"Offend people? Could it be that Luo Aotian offended someone from the royal family?" The white-haired old man thought about the matter that Luo Aotian asked for help not long ago. Could it be that he was provoking the descendants of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign?

Without giving the white-haired old man much time to think about it, the Marquis of Snow Mountain had already launched an attack, and his big hand made a move, directly transforming into a huge snow-capped mountain, and slammed it towards the defense formation.


The great defense formation fluctuated violently, swaying countless ripples.

The white-haired old man was furious. The sage family has its own majesty, and immediately said sharply: "Marquis of Xueshan, really think that my Luo family is afraid of you, Luo family, defend the homeland!"


In the Luo family's capital city, there was an angry roar, and countless people from the extraordinary realm flew out and joined the battle group outside the city.Dancing God eBook www.wstxtxs.com

At this moment, the void opened a gap again, and countless demon clan armies poured out. The Silver Moon Wolf King screamed in the sky, and said ruthlessly: "Children, destroy this prosperous city!"

"This is the demon clan of the vast grassland, the Silver Moon Wolf King, do you want to oppose the Luo family?" The white-haired old man was startled, and he felt a little bit wrong.

Before waiting for the silver moon wolf king to reply, the void opened three cracks at the same time, the king of titan, the prince of the sword, and the swordsman of Qingyun appeared at the same time, and countless giant titan descended, shaking the ground.

"This is... the five legendary kings, God, what kind of enemy did that little bunny offend Luo Aotian?"

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