"No, no, ah..."

The silver-haired demon saint let out a shrill scream, and the demonic energy surged from his body, but he still couldn't stop the power of the Golden Thunder Sword. The demon body was torn apart and turned into a rain of blood.

"Who, who killed this Demon Lord's confidant and lover!!"

In the prison on the seventh floor, the Demon Lord of Hell roared loudly, and the entire Demon Refinement Tower was roaring and trembling, and terrifying thoughts spread out.

On the fifth floor, all the demon powerhouses were shaken, and upon receiving the order of the Demon Lord of Hell, they all rushed towards the direction of the ruthless man, forming huge demonic mists.

Among them, there are four demonic fogs that are fierce and powerful, more like a moving sea of ​​demons, and four supreme demon saints are crossing the sky.

At this time, the peak of Martial Dao was also extremely nervous.

The entire Demon Refinement Tower was enveloped by Senran Demonic Qi.

Around the Demon Refining Pagoda, more than a dozen great sages shot at the same time and continued to use extremely powerful means to attack the demonic energy around the Demon Refining Pagoda.

For a time, sword intent, sword intent, fist intent, and all kinds of beast dao wills were all manifested in the sky, and the terrifying coercion seemed to devour the entire Martial Dao Peak.

This is the joint effort of more than a dozen great saints, and there are even two holy land masters. The power is earth-shattering, and all the onlookers have shocked expressions. Such a scene can only appear in the legendary desert battle.

However, such a powerful attack had no effect at all. It was directly swallowed up by the demonic energy, and even two great saints were seriously injured by the demonic energy due to their recklessness.

Can't shake it!

All the great sages were horrified, and there was even more anxiety in this shock. The tower has the most outstanding successor of their holy land.

"Senior Zhang please take action!"

As a last resort, all the great saints can only turn to the unfathomable Zhang Tian.

"Senior Zhang, please take action. If you can suppress the Demon Refinement Tower, the Deity Academy will be very grateful."

In front of the BOSS stage, the elders of the Deity Academy couldn't bear the heavy pressure and turned to Zhang Tian for help. If these arrogances really died, the angry holy places would have to demolish the Deity Academy.

"I beg Senior Zhang to take action and save my waiting child."

All the parents in the audience made an anxious cry for help to Zhang Tian.

Under everyone's attention, Zhang Tian finally stood up, his black hair swayed in the wind, stepped out one step, and moved directly to the front of the magic refining tower.


Drinking out a word, the terrifying demonic energy, like being split open by a divine sword, scattered to both sides, revealing the body of the Demon Refining Pagoda that had not been seen for a long time.

The audience cheered violently for a while, and everyone desperately covered their mouths, unable to hide the excitement on their faces.

"Senior Zhang."

Thousands of young girls, looking at Zhang Tian's terrific figure like a god and an emperor, and the mighty arrival of a savior, can't help but be fascinated and unable to restrain themselves.

Zhang Tian's expression was indifferent, and he took two steps forward in the air, pointing out, and the fifth floor of the Refinement Pagoda instantly broke open a door.

The next moment, Zhang Tian's figure plunged into it. , , .

Chapter 228 You, dare to touch this emperor's daughter?

The fifth floor of the Refining Pagoda is full of demonic energy.

The four powerful Supreme Demon Sages each wrapped around a sea of ​​demons, rushing towards the place where the ruthless retreated.

However, in a matter of seconds, the position of the ruthless man gathered the figures of tens of thousands of demon powerhouses, each of which was extremely terrifying.

However, looking at the Golden Thunder Divine Sword standing above Ruthen's head, no one dared to make a rash move.After all, the bloodstains of the hundreds of demon powerhouses on the ground have not dried up yet.

"Hmph, how powerful can a mere Thunder Tribulation Sword be, annihilate me!"

A great sage of the demon race came through torn through the void. The breath on his body was like a demonic abyss. Although it was not as good as the supreme sage, it was comparable to the existence of the Lord of the Holy Land. Looking at the Golden Thunder Sword, his eyes showed disdain. When he opened his mouth, he actually spewed out raging demonic flames that curled toward the Golden Thunder Sword.

This magic flame is very famous in the demon world. Even if it is a magic weapon made with magic energy, if it is contaminated by it, most of it will be abolished, not to mention the aura, which can be said to be the nemesis of all the treasures of the right path.

All the Demon Race masters widened their eyes, only to see the raging demon flames emitting dozens of meters in size, like a cloud of demons moving towards the shroud of the floating Golden Thunder Sword.

Just when the magic flame was about to wrap it, the Golden Thunder Sword, which had been in the standby state, suddenly trembled slightly, and the golden light on the surface suddenly increased by three points. .

"act recklessly!"

There was a sneer on the face of the Great Sage of the Demon Race, and the next moment, the expression was directly frozen, and the whole figure seemed to be struck by lightning and remained motionless.


The explosion sounded, and the terrifying magic flame was directly broken into a huge hole. The golden light on the surface of the Golden Thunder Sword turned into a golden rainbow, and attacked the great saint of the demon race.

"No, run away!"

The demon powerhouses beside the great sage of the demon race all looked terrified and wanted to escape the attack range of the Golden Thunder Sword, but it was too late, the terrifying sword light poured down like a rain curtain, and there were hundreds of paths. The golden sword energy slaughtered all the hundreds of demon powerhouses in this circle, including the demon great sage.

After the first demonstration of divine power, the Golden Thunder Sword did not stop, with a flash of golden light on the surface, directly breaking through the void and arriving at another place where the powerful demons gathered, the violent sword energy was vented, and hundreds of demons were harvested. 's life.

"Horrible, terrifying!"

Many demon masters retreated, including a few demon saints who arrived later. Seeing the power of the Golden Thunder Sword, they all dared not take the lead and hid to the end of the team, for fear of attracting the attention of the Golden Thunder Sword.

"This... this Thunder Tribulation Sword actually gave birth to spiritual wisdom! It has its own way and began to comprehend the laws of swordsmanship on its own!"

Many experts from the Demon Race exclaimed. They watched from the beginning and deeply realized the evolution of the Golden Thunder Excalibur. It no longer just counterattacked instinctively as it did at the beginning, but began to use kendo like a swordsman.

For example, the sword qi split slash just now is obviously a powerful sword skill that it has learned!

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