"Lei Jiejian born with wisdom? Interesting, worthy of this commander's shot."

A shadowy voice came from a distance, and the next moment, the sea of ​​terror came crashing down!He is a supreme demon saint.

"Haha, I don't know why this Thunder Tribulation Sword was formed, but it actually contains the origin of the Thunder Law of Heaven. This is a peerless treasure, and this commander must get it!"

Another terrifying sea of ​​demons descended, revealing a ghostly shadow that was dominating the sky and the Jedi, and its power was no less than that of the first supreme demon saint.

"The Sword of Thunder Tribulation contains the power of the source. Those who have a predestined relationship can obtain such treasures, how can they be without us."

There were two loud noises in a row, each of the four magic seas occupying one side, and the magic power was earth-shattering.

"It's the Four Great Demons who have arrived!"

The surrounding demon powerhouses were all excited. The four major demon commanders, each with strength no less than that of the Supreme Sage, were the real powerhouses of the demon army.Interesting novels www.quduxs.com

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The terrifying battle started again, and the cultivation base of the four magic commanders far surpassed that of ordinary great saints. For a time, they suppressed the Golden Thunder Sword and could not reproduce the divine power.

"This Thunder Tribulation Sword is so strong, it is using us to sharpen the swordsmanship. Everyone, suppress it first, and then we will decide where to belong!"

The four magic leaders quickly reached an agreement that they had lived for too long, and knew that if they dragged on and let the Golden Thunder Sword grow, they would have to worry about their lives.

"The Corpse Demon Seal!"

The four major magic commanders each occupying the south, east, and northwest positions, with awe-inspiring expressions, and at the same time blasting a seal, the terrifying magic power is washed out.

The four seals were combined in the void, as if a gate to the hell had been broken open, and a huge demon stepped out from the door. After the corpse was sacrificed by them, they used the psychic circle to summon it.


The corpse demon uttered a syllable miserably, and the Golden Thunder Divine Sword seemed to be trapped by an invisible force, struggling desperately, but could not break free.

"Haha, just take advantage of now, and the rest will kill that Tianjiao!"

A magician laughed wildly and gave orders.

The surrounding demon powerhouses were eager to try, and those demon saints hiding behind were not to be outdone, and they directly broke through the void and grabbed the ruthless people. The Golden Thunder Sword was trapped, and they were no longer afraid.

For a time, there were a thousand shadows rushing towards the ruthless man.

"You guys, dare to touch this emperor's daughter?"

The voice fell, and the mighty emperor's might swept across the ten directions, and the demon powerhouses who rushed towards the ruthless people all turned into blood mist and exploded with a bang.

The blood and rain were all over, and all the demon powerhouses were shocked to find that an indifferent young man appeared in the sky above the place of the ruthless man, but when they saw him standing in the air, his black hair danced wildly, although he was just standing casually, he looked down on the world , to suppress the invincible power of the nine heavens and ten earths.

The one drink just now, killing thousands of demons, no one knows how he did it.

"Bold, who are you? Dare to oppose my demon army!"

A demon sage hid in the demonic fog and shouted in a sullen voice.

Zhang Tian glanced at it, and suddenly, the demon sage exploded in the direction, as if an invisible force descended from the sky, wiping out the space of hundreds of meters.

With just one glance, at least five hundred demon powerhouses were killed.

Terrible, terrifying!

No one dared to make a sound again, for fear of angering Zhang Tian.

"You want to get your hands on this emperor's stuff too?"

Zhang Tian looked at the Golden Thunder Divine Sword that was imprisoned by the corpse demon. With a move with his right hand, the Golden Thunder Divine Sword directly broke through the void and appeared in his hand.

"What? The corpse demon's imprisonment has been broken?"

The four great devils were all taken aback, looking at Zhang Tian with fearful eyes.

On the fifth floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, a very strange scene appeared. Tens of thousands of powerful ghosts surrounded a human race man, but all of them were like enemies and looked terrified.

On the contrary, Zhang Tian looked calm, stepping on the void, holding a divine sword, and coercing the army of ten thousand demons! , , .

Chapter 229 Dad Takes You to Kill Through This Magic Tower

On the fifth floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, the atmosphere is solemn.

Of course, this kind of solemnity is for the ten thousand demons who are surrounded by ruthless people, but Zhang Tian, ​​who is on the other side, is very indifferent.

At this time, he was curiously looking at the Golden Thunder Divine Sword in his hand. This sword was originally a Nine Tribulations Thunder that he picked at will, and it was condensed after most of the power was consumed.

Although this energy is extremely pure and contains the origin of the Heavenly Dao and Thunder Law, even the existence of the Great Emperor cannot grasp it, but after all, the content is limited, and it is reasonable to say that it should be completely dissipated by now.

Unexpectedly, this tribulation thunder has another chance. It turned out to be spiritual with a probability of less than [-] in [-], and can absorb energy from heaven and earth independently, and even comprehend the sword intent of thunder.If he just left it alone, he might be able to become the Emperor of Thunder in a few years.

Such a coincidence, even Zhang Tian never imagined it.

"Little guy, since you gave birth to spiritual consciousness, this emperor will not obliterate you at will. If you are destined to have a fate with this emperor's daughter, you will be with her for the rest of your life, protect her and help her become a great emperor. You are free."

Zhang Tian muttered to himself, the Golden Thunder Sword in his hand trembled slightly, as if he was happy, and happily agreed to his conditions.

Feeling the will of the Golden Thunder Sword, Zhang Tian showed a satisfied look, turned his head to look at the ruthless man below, his eyes were soft.

However, it is said that the [-] strong demons can survive for [-] years without death. Naturally, they have their own unique characteristics. How could they have been so despised by others, especially the four major demons, and their hearts were already full of anger.

They were holding back before, because they wanted to delay the time to secretly contact the Half-step Demon Emperor who was nursed back to the sixth floor. They felt that reinforcements were approaching, and their expressions became hideous again.

"Kid from the human race, although I don't know where you came from, but if you dare to stop my demon army today, there is only one way to die. If you are wise, burn your dantian immediately, and you can still be reincarnated and repaired."

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