A supreme saint said coldly, he was extremely cautious, although he expected Zhang Tian to die after the arrival of the half-step demon emperor, but he did not neglect his precautions, but carefully hid the demon body behind the terrifying corpse demon.

With the strength of this corpse demon, even a half-step demon emperor would be difficult to break through in a short period of time.

Zhang Tian was interrupted, he couldn't help frowning slightly, raised his head and glanced away, watching the group of demons all over the place, in an instant, a mighty emperor burst out, and solemnly pronounced the sentence:

"If you offend this emperor's daughter, one death is not enough to forgive her sins. You should suffer the ninth purgatory, and then go to the bridge of life."

Zhang Tian's voice was like a god, as if it was the sound of the sky. It reached the heavenly court and descended to Jiuyou, and a force of law descended on the ten thousand demon powerhouses in the audience.

This law is similar to the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, and the suffering of the non-ninth purgatory cannot be eliminated. Before that, they could not enter the six realms of reincarnation through the bridge of rebirth.

Once this decree is issued, even the Pingxin Underworld Emperor of the Netherworld has no right to change it.

"Next, you will go to hell to be tortured."

Zhang Tian said a word, and waved the Golden Thunder Sword in his hand, and a golden ripple swayed layers of ripples. The ten thousand demon powerhouses in the audience, together with the terrifying demonic energy, were all gone!

After solving these unsightly fishes, Zhang Tian stepped forward and walked directly to Ruthless Man, observed her face slightly, and then pointed at the center of her eyebrows.

With a flash of golden light, the Golden Thunder Divine Sword once again turned into a spiritual light and hidden into the forehead of the ruthless man, but this time it was no longer in the shape of a lotus flower, but in the shape of a real sword, the sword of thunder.

After doing all this, Zhang Tian penetrated another ray of divine consciousness, and he had a clear view of the ruthless dantian.

I saw that in the vast dantian, the three-color sword light had reached a state of fullness, and it was only one step away from condensing into a sword soul.

Among them, the gray sword light emitted by Destruction Sword Intent occupies two-thirds of the space.

After just looking at it for a while, Zhang Tian figured out everything, stared at the core of the gray sword light, and said softly: "Feng." Beautiful Books www.mailishuo.com

As soon as the words came out, the power of the Heavenly Dao came instantly, and countless Daos were manifested in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the ruthless, and were imprinted on the sword that was about to be solidified by the Destruction Sword Intent.

But after the last ray of Dao was inscribed, all the gray rays of light converged.

The Ice and Fire Sword Intent, which had been in a state of being trapped, suddenly rejuvenated, as if it had accumulated a lot, and soon occupied the entire Dantian.


A thunderous sound exploded in the ruthless dantian, and the ice and fire sword intent was completely solidified and transformed into a sword soul.

This is a qualitative transformation, like changing from a gaseous state to a solid state, which is more than a hundred times stronger.

"I... I succeeded!"

The ruthless man opened her eyes in surprise, and she clearly saw that her ice and fire sword intent had been sublimated, condensing the sword intent that many high-level kings would envy.

She originally thought that she would have to wait for her to break through to the legendary realm, and use that short-lived epiphany to take this step, but she did not expect it to be condensed now.

"Thank you dad for sealing the Sword Intent of Destruction for me."

Seeing Zhang Tian standing in front of him, Ruthless Man said something grateful.

"Silly girl."

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, rubbed the ruthless man's hair, and suddenly his expression changed, sensing a large number of demon powerhouses approaching in this direction again, his face suddenly turned cold.

"Nah, do you still remember when Dad took you to Yandu City?"

Facing Zhang Tian's unreasonable question, Ruthless Man was stunned for a moment, then said: "Of course I remember, those people in Yandu City laughed at me for my low talent, and my father took me all the way to slaughter the whole city."

Zhang Tian said softly: "Today, Dad will take you through this magic tower."


The ruthless man was startled, and before he could react, Zhang Tian had already held one hand, pulling her towards the entrance of the sixth floor.

"The mere human ants, who killed my demon master, even dared to hang out here, I don't know whether to live or die!"

An army of demons approached, headed by a half-step demon emperor. When he saw Zhang Tiantian and Huangzhi appear in front of him, he was furious and slapped him fiercely.

This palm is a thousand feet long, and the surface is covered with clear magic lines, which seems to have the ability to communicate with the world. As it hits, the surrounding magic energy rushed towards it, constantly fueling its fierceness.


Zhang Tian pulled the ruthless man like a stroll in a leisurely court, blurted out a word, and the giant palm of demonic energy burst into pieces.

"What, how is this possible?"

The half-step Demon Sovereign widened his eyes, revealing a deep horrified look.

In the next moment, Zhang Tian was already approaching, and stepped out with one foot, as if the gods had shot, a huge footprint was formed on the top of the demon army, and he stepped on it ruthlessly.

This is the emperor's trampling, one foot fell, the entire space collapsed, and all the demons were destroyed in form and spirit. , , .

Chapter 230 The Emperor of Heaven travels, the demons worship

On the sixth floor of the Refining Pagoda, the figures of Zhang Tian and Ruthless people flashed out.

I saw that this floor is ten times more terrifying and gloomy than the previous five floors, because this is the place where the strong demons are imprisoned. After [-] years of evolution, it is like the real demon world.

Feeling the clearly incompatible auras of Zhang Tian and Ruthless Man, the entire sixth floor rioted, and the chaotic magical energy, like the tides of the sea, rushed towards them frantically.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Facing the surging tide of magic, Zhang Tian looked indifferent, just took the hand of the ruthless man and walked forward step by step.

Every step he took, there was an infinite Dao manifesting at the soles of his feet, like an emperor who suppressed nine heavens and ten earths, patrolling his own territory.

The monstrous wave of magic, before it could get close, was stomped on by the huge footprints that suddenly appeared on the top of the head, and together with the entire square, it turned into nothingness.

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