"Terror! Terrifying!"

All the demon powerhouses have a deep fear from the bottom of their hearts. They are the demon army. They have come from across the border. They want to conquer this world. not destroyed.

However, they are now feeling the fear. Zhang Tian's fierceness is too strong, like a peerless killing god, even if he is a half-step demon emperor, he becomes as vulnerable as an ant in front of him.

Such a terrifying existence made them recall the most terrifying memory in their hearts.It was under the Nanling Snow Mountain [-] years ago, and there was also a peerless figure who stepped out from the top of the snow mountain and crossed the sky step by step.

With just one sword, he cut off a palm of the supremely sublimated Demon Emperor, and with another sword, directly annihilated the cross-border Demon Abyss that the Demon Race had prepared for decades.

That existence, even just thinking about it, will feel creepy.Now, Zhang Tian on the sixth floor of the Refining Pagoda also gave them this kind of fear.

escape!Run away!

Demon race powerhouses are also living beings, and they are also greedy for life and fear of death. No one takes the initiative to approach Zhang Tian to die, and they are desperately fleeing in the direction away from Zhang Tian.

However, they soon discovered that they could not escape. An invisible emperor was oppressing the entire space, forcing them to approach Zhang Tian's location.

As a result, the ruthless saw that the demon powerhouses on the sixth floor rushed towards her and Zhang Tian one after another, and then were crushed by the huge footprints that were transformed into the void.


The ruthless man felt the power of a peerless emperor, and wherever he passed, the demons worshiped him, and even the Dao of Heaven would be trampled under his feet.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Zhang Tian walked all the way, there were constant vibrations on the sixth floor, and countless prisons were broken.

There are some demon powerhouses who have fallen asleep for [-] people and are about to wake up, but they are also affected by Yu Wei and fall asleep forever.

However, in a short while, the demonic energy in the sixth floor was gone, and there were dilapidated ruins everywhere.


In a flash, Zhang Tian and Ruthless entered the seventh floor directly. 315 Chinese website www.315zww.com

The space on the seventh floor is much smaller than the first six floors, but the power of confinement is a hundred times stronger. It seems that it is not the same system as the six floors below. Still indestructible.

This layer is also the essence of the entire Demon Refinement Tower. It can detain the demons of the first level of the Immortal Emperor. In the entire seventh floor, there is only one prisoner, that is, the Hell Demon Lord, one of the Seven Demon Lords of the Demon World.


The infinite emperor's might burst out, and the cage holding the Hell Demon Lord burst into pieces, Zhang Tian and Ruthless stood directly in front of the Hell Demon Lord and the alien man.

"Who is it? Who broke into this Demon Lord's territory!"

A look of suspicion flashed in the eyes of the Demon Lord of Hell, and in the next instant, all the demonic energy was dispelled by Diwei, allowing him to reveal his body for the first time.

It was a troll as huge as a mountain, with an extremely ugly appearance, with a single horn on its head, and two groups of demonic fires burning fiercely in its eyes. The soul is to be absorbed into it.

"Is it you who killed this Demon Lord's mount?"

The Demon Lord of Hell looked down, his demon eyes staring at Zhang Tian, ​​the fire in his eyes kept moving, and he felt a very familiar breath from Zhang Tian, ​​as if he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, the Demon Lord of Hell widened his eyes, showing a deep shock, and the huge demon body was shaking.

He recognized Zhang Tian. Isn't this person the God of Nanling who stepped out of the Nanling Snow Mountain [-] years ago and destroyed the devil's invasion plan in one fell swoop!

Even the supreme and supremely sublimated Dark Demon Emperor is as small as an ant in front of this person!

"You are the devil of hell!"

The ruthless man has seen the images of [-] years ago, and recognized the Demon Lord of Hell at a glance. Although he has been detained for [-] years, the magical power on him has not diminished a bit. .

The next moment, the ruthless man cast his gaze on the alien man wrapped in black robe, and said in amazement, "Who are you? Could it be that all the changes in this magic tower are all yours?"

The alien man was startled, and before he could speak, he heard the Demon Lord of Hell shouting: "Yes, it's all the ghosts of this alien! The Demon Lord was sleeping well here, but he forced his way in. Come on, let go of the demons on the sixth floor, slaughter the arrogance of both the human and the demon, and say that you want to let the demon out and let the demon slaughter the human and the demon. It's a joke.

Since this Demon Lord was suppressed, he has been reflecting day and night, and has long since changed his mind, intending to be a good demon, how could he listen to his instigation!The two adults came just in time, quickly expel this vicious alien, and let this Demon Lord continue to sleep peacefully. "

After hearing the words, the alien man staggered and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He promised that if someone dared to come up, he would directly make him regret for life. If he didn't do anything, he just cowarded, but it was a good one.

The alien race and the human race have been feuding for generations, and the alien race man is sure that it will not end well today, and now he is fearless and fearless. Huang Quan, I will wait for you to come down and be buried with me!"

"Two adults, you have seen that this alien has admitted that he is the mastermind behind the scenes and has nothing to do with the little devil."

The Demon Lord of Hell squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, and accepted it carefully.

There was a very strange expression on the face of the ruthless man, but he did not relax, but said to Zhang Tian: "Dad, don't listen to this devil's rhetoric. If you are not my race, your heart will be different!"

Zhang Tian glanced at the audience lightly, and said calmly, "The demons should die, and the aliens should be destroyed."

The moment the voice came out, a mighty emperor burst out, and the Dao pattern of the infinite law manifested on the soles of his feet, as if the avenues of the heavens were trampled under his feet.

The ruthless man's beautiful eyes flashed, and at this moment, Zhang Tian's back figure perfectly overlapped with the peerless powerhouse who stepped out from the top of the Nanling Snow Mountain [-] years ago. , , .

Chapter 231 The Emperor is here to suppress all alien races

"It's you, it really is you!"

The Demon Lord of Hell screamed in horror. At this moment, he no longer had the slightest doubt that the man in front of him was the peerless fierce god who cut off an arm of the Dark Demon Emperor [-] years ago!

Feeling the terrifying coercion in the void, the Demon Lord of Hell couldn't care less about hiding, and said loudly: "No, you can't kill me! I am the general of the Dark Demon Emperor, kill me, and the Dark Demon Emperor will not let you go. He Years cross the border, and the entire continent will sink!"

"It's these clichés again."

Zhang Tian shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, an emperor blade was washed out, torn apart, and reached the Demon Lord of Hell in an instant, piercing his huge demon body directly.

He pointed at the alien man again, and the alien man suddenly felt as if he was hit hard, the black robe covering the outer cover burst into pieces, his body bowed into a shrimp shape, and when he flew out, when he was about to hit the tower wall, the void behind him trembled, A crack opened directly.

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