In the Martial Dao Peak Square of Tianshen Academy, everyone looked nervously at the changes in the Demon Refinement Tower.

I saw a terrifying coercion rushing into the sky, and the magical refining tower, which was originally full of demonic energy, changed its appearance, revealing the original colorful glass-colored tower body, and a vast breath escaped.


A loud noise came out, and everyone saw a black shadow flying out from the seventh floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, spraying blood, and smashing into the center of the square.

"This is a person from the Ethereal Race, how could he be inside?"

"The imaginary people are naturally proficient in the laws of space, and they must sneak in and want to do bad things!"

"The alien race really has a vicious heart, and even planned to go to the Deity Academy, wanting to wipe out the arrogance of the East Wilderness!"

"Fortunately, there is Senior Zhang. Otherwise, let this alien succeed and release thousands of demon powerhouses, and the entire Eastern Wilderness will be in great trouble!"

The entire Martial Dao Peak was full of turbulence. Whether it was the ordinary parents in the auditorium or the elders of the ancient sect holy land in the pavilion in the sky, they all looked at the first floor of the Demon Refinement Tower with the joy of the rest of their lives. The door of light appeared, Zhang Tian took Ruthren's little hand and walked out side by side, volleying across the void.

Walking over the center of the square, Zhang Tian looked down and pointed at the alien man who fell to the ground. An illusory shadow swayed out, directly smashing the alien man into pieces, but the splashed flesh and blood did not fall on the ground. , but quickly rushed to the peaks in all directions.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Countless explosions sounded, and the mountains, smoke and dust, rushed out of many panicked figures of alien races, there were hundreds of people, and the weakest aura was also a half-step Legendary Realm.

"What! Deity Academy hides so many alien masters."

"Bold aliens, dare to come to my eastern wilderness to be wild!"

The powerhouses of the two clans were furious.In particular, the elders of the Deity Academy on the BOSS stage were furious. The dignified academy sacred place allowed these aliens to come and go. It was like slapping them in the face in public and laughing at their incompetence!

After these alien masters revealed their stature, they knew that the matter had been exposed, and immediately resorted to the means of breaking the net and breaking the ban.

Suddenly, countless strange patterns appeared on the Martial Peak Square, which were outlined into a very mysterious pattern, wrapping the entire Martial Dao Peak Square.

At the moment when the formation was formed, an extremely terrifying aura rose up, and even the Holy Land powerhouse in the attic in the sky felt a panic, and a very dangerous feeling poured out of his heart.Yunnan Biquge

"This emperor is here to suppress all alien races!"

Zhang Tian stood in the void, as if he was carrying the blue sky and the vision of the nine great mountains and seas. He stepped out in one step, and the terrifying magic circle on the ground shattered.Dao patterns of the infinite law spread out from the soles of the feet and attacked in all directions. Wherever they passed, the strong aliens all died.

"Senior Zhang is mighty!"

"The interracial trickery is vulnerable in front of Senior Zhang!"

"Donghuang has Senior Zhang sitting in town, let's see if there are any other Xiaoxiao who come to attack!"

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Tian's strength, their eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and bursts of excited cheers rang out.

It didn't take long for the door of the Refining Pagoda to open again, and a group of Tianjiao walked out intact.

After learning about the riots of the demons inside, all the elders of the Deity Academy broke out in a cold sweat, and were even more grateful to Zhang Tian.

After some deliberation, the vice president in charge of presiding over the competition directly clasped his fists at Zhang Tian and said, "Senior Zhang is so kind and virtuous, the Deity Academy has nothing in return, and would like to give this magic tower to Senior Zhang. "

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience. This Devil Refining Tower is one of the two treasures left by the founding leader of Deity Academy. Yes, it is a treasure comparable to the emperor's soldiers, and he gave it away like this.

The elders of the Deity Academy's Elder's House were also full of pain, but none of them objected.

Because Zhang Tian's help this time is really too big, if Zhang Tian didn't take action, those Demon Race powerhouses would definitely kill all Tianjiao, and then get out of trouble, causing chaos in the Eastern Wilderness.

At that time, Tianshen Academy will not only bear the anger of all the ancient sect holy places, but will also become the eternal sinner of the Eastern Wasteland, and the inheritance of the academy's Taoism will no longer exist.

In contrast, it was trivial to take out a magic tower as a thank you gift.

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the people of the Deity Academy would be so generous. Although he didn't like this magic tower, it was definitely a treasure. If it was placed in the entire Shengyuan Continent, it was estimated that it would rank among the top ten. List.To be able to give up this treasure reluctantly, I have to say that it takes great courage.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "This treasure is useless to this emperor. Since the Deity Academy has offered it generously, let's use it as a reward for the champion of this martial arts competition."


Everyone in the audience went crazy. This is a treasure that is comparable to imperial soldiers. Even the major holy places can't take it out. It is like a child's play to treat it as a reward for the academy competition.

"Senior Zhang is really willing to cede such a treasure?"

In a castle in the sky, there was an excited voice, obviously very jealous of the magic tower, but he didn't want to offend Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian stood with his hands up and said calmly: "Don't forget, this emperor's daughter will also participate in the competition. If you have the ability, you can defeat her and take away this treasure, and this emperor will never hold him accountable."

As soon as the words were finished, the eyes of everyone in the audience fell on the ruthless man.

In the eyes of Shi Wuhua, Yan Qingxuan and other Tianjiao, there was a monstrous fighting intent. , , .

Chapter 232 Is this the breath of the Immortal King in White?

Facing all the scorching gazes of Tianjiao, the ruthless man smiled slightly, with an incomparably confident demeanor.

The deputy dean of Deity Academy's eyes flashed, and he immediately echoed: "Senior Zhang is really strong and powerful. Since that is the case, according to the words of the predecessors, this tower will be used as the championship reward for this martial arts competition."

The eyes of the other college elders also flashed with surprise. They thought that this pagoda was about to be lost, but unexpectedly there was a chance of life.

You must know that the Tianshen Academy is not only the Tianjiao of the major ancient sects and the demon clan, but also many children of commoners. These people have no background and have a strong sense of belonging to the academy. They will stay in the academy as elders in the future. can be called one's own.

For example, Shi Wuhua, who is now number one in the core list, belongs to this category.If he was allowed to get the Demon Refinement Tower, then this treasure would not be considered an outflow, at most it would be a left hand for a right hand.

Before the real ranking battle could begin, the atmosphere had already reached its peak.

After some arrangements, Tianjiao, who came out of the Demon Refining Tower, soon began to draw lots. The entire Martial Peak Square was divided into ten huge platforms, and they competed at the same time.

"I surrender!"

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