On the third stone platform, a boy saw that his opponent was a ruthless man, showed a very desperate expression, and directly announced his surrender.

This kind of situation is staged in many places. When encountering those who are popular to win the championship, it is the best choice to surrender directly, otherwise——


As soon as Xiahou Ba pointed out the seventh stone platform, Tianjiao on the opposite side was blown away, and a terrifying big hole shattered in his chest, making his scalp numb.It is hard to imagine that someone can cultivate fingering to such a degree that it is more domineering than swordsmanship and boxing.

"Hmph, this is what happens when you go against me."

Xiahou Ba looked at his opponent who was lying on the ground and didn't know if he was alive or dead, his face was as cold as ice. Before he stepped down from the stone platform, he subconsciously looked at the third platform where Ruthless was located, and saw that she was also dealing with the opponent neatly and only out. With one sword, no sword art was used, and even the sword intent was very vague.


Another loud noise came out, as if a thunder had exploded on the ground, and Xiahou Ba couldn't help but shudder in his heart. He quickly followed the sound and looked around, but it was the ninth stone platform, and the person standing on it was Ji Feixue.

She competed with Tianjiao, a double-headed unicorn clan, who was in the top ten of the last core list, and was extremely powerful, but was blown away by Ji Feixue.

"The blood of the gods and demons is actually tyrannical Ruosi!"

Xiahou Ba's pupils shrank suddenly, not only him, but almost all the favourites were in awe of Ji Feixue's tyrannical physical strength.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting on the boss stage, smiled lightly. How could these people know that the bloodline in Ji Feixue's body was not only the bloodline of the gods and demons, but the bloodline of the legendary gods and demons, and even among the gods and demons, it was considered a powerful existence.

In addition to Ruthless and Ji Feixue, Yan Qingxuan, who is also a rising star and rated as a peerless genius, is also very eye-catching.When fighting against a top ten Tianjiao in the previous core list, she transformed into a huge sea dragon behind her back and easily defeated him.

Soon, the top eight of the big competition were freshly released, and then the results of the eight-to-four draw were also announced, which immediately caused the audience to boil.Today's Literature Network www.jrwxw.com

The first game: Zhang Ruren vs Xiahou Ba.

Game [-]: Yan Qingxuan vs Ji Feixue.

The third game: Shangguan Qin vs. Peng Tianyuan.

The fourth game: Shi Wuhua vs. Lu Shaoyan.

Among these eight people, except for Peng Tianyuan from the Six Wings Jinpeng Clan, the other seven are all favorites to win the championship.It's not that Peng Tianyuan is not strong enough. He ranked eighth in the core list last year, and he can be considered a murderer, but compared with the other seven people, he is far worse than the other seven, especially the one who is fighting against him is Shangguan, one of the Big Five. Qin, there is no suspense at all.

The Marquis of Shenjian watched the top eight appear, and his eyes couldn't help showing envy. His son didn't even enter the top eight, not even the top [-]. After all, his identity was a great figure for ordinary people. But for those ancient sect holy places that have been passed down for endless years, it is nothing. Competing with the descendants of these holy places, it is a great luck to be ranked in the top [-].

Therefore, he was still in a very happy mood. After seeing the result of the eight-to-four draw, he immediately clapped his hands and said enthusiastically: "This draw is interesting, and it will definitely be a story in the East Wilderness!"

Even those big figures in the ancient sect holy land who were chatting and laughing in the hanging pavilions sat upright and planned to watch the game seriously.

This is a world of great competition. There are so many arrogant talents. To be able to rank among the top eight in such a prosperous world, the future prospects can be said to be limitless. The promotion to the legendary king is already a certainty.

"In the first game, Zhang Ruren will fight against Xiahou Ba. Please wait in the audience for the other six."

The elder judge on the BOSS stage said solemnly, causing Lu Shaoyan and others to retreat.

For a while, only Ruthless and Xiahouba were left on the stone platform.

Glancing at the ruthless man, Xiahou Ba, with a faint arrogance, said slowly, "I originally planned to defeat Langku first on this stone platform, after the shame of last year, and then compete for the first place. I didn't expect that. He actually died in the magic tower, which made me lose a powerful whetstone, I hope you will not disappoint me too much as a substitute."

Xiahou Ba, as his name suggests, is domineering, with his burly and upright posture, he has the demeanor of a peerless overlord, and he seems to be very disappointed that he cannot defeat Langku by himself.

The ruthless man chuckled: "If it helps you, I can tell you that I killed Langku."


Xiahou Ba's eyes widened.

The voices of the two of them were very low, and they were separated by a barrier formation. The people in the audience couldn't hear them at all. They could only see that Xiahou Ba's expression suddenly changed greatly, and he looked like he was facing a great enemy, and he couldn't help but be very curious.

"Good! Good! It seems that you are qualified to see my strongest unique skills!"

The momentum on Xiahouba's body soared, as if a sleeping primordial beast was awakened, and even the void behind him roared and trembled, revealing the appearance of great waves.

Zhang Tian, ​​who was originally calm in the audience, suddenly froze when he saw this scene, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he seemed a little surprised and said: "Is this the breath of the Immortal King in white?"

Jiang Jiankong, the immortal king in white, used the emptiness method to prove that he was a peerless immortal king. He was one of the three generals under Ye Tiandi's command. , , .

Chapter 233 The Inheritance of the Peerless Immortal King

"It's kind of interesting, this little guy actually has the Void Seed of the Immortal King in White in his body, no wonder it will be contaminated with his breath."

Zhang Tian's gleaming eyes flickered on Xiahouba's body, and he had already understood all his secrets, and the Void Seed hidden in the depths of his dantian was no exception.

Back then, when Jiang Jiankong learned about the Void Law and became a peerless Immortal King of Zhenshuo for a while, he was truly the most famous among the nine mountains and seas. He was known as the first person in the Void Dao. He once called Ban Zhun Immortal Emperor, although he did not win, but that Immortal Immortal Emperor could not seriously hurt him, it could be said that although he was defeated, he was still honored.

Such a stunning and brilliant peerless character, even in the era of Zhantian, when heroes were born in large numbers, is still standing out from the crowd, and people can't ignore it. In that era of great waves, he played a sad song that belonged to him.

However, Zhang Tian is very clear that although the white-clothed immortal king Jiang Jiankong has not been able to prove the quasi-immortal emperor, in terms of life-saving ability, he is better than many quasi-immortal emperors. kill him.

Therefore, the nine mountains and seas are widely circulated. It is said that the immortal king in white did not die, but divided his own immortal king into five emperors, and reincarnated and rebuilt. And the ancient Jiang family did indeed produce several statues with a void body. Great emperor, prosperous.

It's just that Zhang Tian didn't expect to see his shadow here.

Although the Void Seed in Xiahouba's body is not a treasure, it is not even one percent of the Golden Thunder Sword, but it contains the origin of the Void Law. In the whole world, except Zhang Tian, ​​there is only the white-clothed Immortal King Jiang Jiang. Seeing that there is such a means to condense out.

Obviously, this person has something to do with the Immortal King in White Clothes. As for the deity of Immortal King in White Clothes, or the legendary Emperor Embryo clone, that's all.

"The Immortal King in White has four unique skills: Taixu Jing, Void Invincible Battle Technique, Great Void Technique, and Shattering Void Fingers. I don't know which one this person inherited?"

Zhang Tian looked at the competition stone platform with great interest, showing a faint look of anticipation.

At this time, in the center of the stone platform, the ruthless man felt the powerful aura of Xiahou Ba's rising body, so he could not help but restrain his expression a little, and said in a condensed voice, "No wonder you have absolute confidence in defeating Langku, just relying on this aura alone, Langku may not be able to reach it. you."

"Humph! Stop talking nonsense, show your ability to kill Langku, otherwise your end will be the same as Langku."

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