Zhang Tian murmured, the corner of his mouth evoked a happy arc, this game seemed to be much more exciting than he imagined.

Under everyone's attention, Ji Feixue looked solemn, stared at Yan Qingxuan closely, and said solemnly: "Yan Qingxuan of the Covering Heaven Alliance, I want to see, what ability do you have to rank with Senior Sister Zhang!"

Yan Qingxuan was calm and indifferent, her aqua blue long skirt danced slightly, setting her off like a goddess in the sea, until Ji Feixue's patience was about to wear off, she said coldly: "The entire Deity Academy is qualified to be my Yan. Only Zhang Ruren is the only one who cares about his opponents. You are still far behind."


Ji Fei Xue screamed, she has the blood of a god and demon king, and she is in the realm of life and death, but she was despised by Yan Qingxuan, who only has the ninth level of transcendent realm. All the power of blood.


The majestic power of blood swelled in the flesh and blood, causing Ji Feixue to instantly burst out with the might of a peerless god king. The powerful qi and blood soared into the sky, and even disturbed the luck of the anime.


The blue rock at the bottom of Ji Feixue's feet shattered into powder. She clearly stood still, but her mighty power could penetrate the earth.

Such a mighty power made the arrogance of the audience exclaim, and even the elders of the ancient sect in the hanging pavilion felt a palpitation, and sighed that it was not unreasonable for the ancient gods and demons to dominate the world, this kind of power of qi and blood is not a human being and a demon at all. Clan comparable.Qishu Novel Network www.qishuxs.com

"Oh? I take back what I just said. You are much stronger than the so-called Big Five, and you are barely qualified."

A look of surprise flashed in Yan Qingxuan's eyes, but she didn't care much, and said something lightly.

"court death!"

After being provoked several times, Ji Feixue finally endured to the extreme, mobilized her violent power, and rushed towards Yan Qingxuan.

Just before she was about to arrive, a shocking dragon roar erupted from Yan Qingxuan's body, and the infinite water aura gushed out, forming a vast ocean behind Yan Qingxuan, and a huge sea dragon king jumped out of the sea. , Sawano thousand miles.


The heavy punch that contained Ji Feixue's [-]% divine and demon power was unexpectedly received by Yan Qingxuan.


Ji Feixue suddenly widened her eyes.

"Hehe, your so-called power of gods and demons is nothing more than that."

Yan Qingxuan had one hand behind her back, and the other hand tightly clasped Ji Feixue's fist. The Sea Dragon King was roaring behind her, which reflected her divine might like a prison.

"No, it's impossible, break it for me! Break it! Break it!"

Ji Feixue's eyes were flushed, and she threw her fists desperately. The powerful power of the gods and demons rolled out. It was just the aftermath that shattered the barrier formation guarding the stone platform. Tianjiao vomited blood and flew upside down.

"Terror, it's terrible, go back!"

All Tianjiao showed a look of astonishment, and they retreated violently.In the face of such power, even the legendary king should avoid the edge for a while.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

What made everyone gasp even more was that, in the face of such a violent fist, Yan Qingxuan took all of them, and even fought back strongly.


Yan Qingxuan spoke softly, and the Sea Dragon King behind him roared loudly. An invisible force blessed Yan Qingxuan, as if encasing the power of the Sea Dragon King. Her power instantly increased sharply, directly separating Ji Feixue's fist style. , punched her chest.

Hearing the sound of thunder on the ground, Ji Feixue's body was thrown flying like catkins.


The figure of the ruthless man disappeared from the spot, and in the next instant, it appeared behind Ji Feixue, pressing a palm on her shoulder, and suddenly felt an overwhelming force surge towards her, as if to tear her apart. broken.


The ruthless man frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and let the giant force pour into his body, and then directly urged the Wushou Immortal Body to suppress it, and steadily took Ji Feixue down.

On the stone platform, when Yan Qingxuan saw that the ruthless man had caught Ji Feixue so easily, she couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, her eyes became serious for the first time.

"Ji Feixue was defeated, and she was defeated by pure physical strength! This is the power of the peerless genius, so terrifying!"

The entire Martial Dao Peak Square fell into a dead silence, deeply shocked by Yan Qingxuan's power. , , .

Chapter 235 You can really do whatever you want with a background

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Zhang, I... I lost. I failed Senior Zhang's cultivation of me."

Ji Feixue's face was miserable, and her eyes were full of loneliness and unwillingness.

"You have done a good job, and I believe my father will be proud of you."

The ruthless man comforted her softly, she was not surprised that Ji Feixue was defeated, Yan Qingxuan was not a pure sea dragon king body, but a physique forged with a drop of sea dragon king blood.

And that sea dragon king is still a fairyland powerhouse, and can easily slaughter the existence of gods, even if it is just a drop of his blood essence, it also contains extremely terrifying power.

In terms of long-term development, Yan Qingxuan is naturally far inferior to Ji Feixue of the blood of the god and demon king, but in the early stage of the outbreak, it is much stronger than Ji Feixue.

The only regret is that Yan Qingxuan's unique skills could not be forced out, which is the unique skills that Xiahouba said he got from Prince Zhetian.

"The second round advancer, Yan Qingxuan."

"The third game, Shangguanqin vs. Peng Tianyuan. Please enter the two contestants."

The voice of the judge elders on the BOSS stage made the terrified Tianjiao under the stage regain a touch of sanity.

Shangguan Qinfei got on the stone platform and looked at Peng Tianyuan, the arrogant of the six-winged Jinpeng clan. , not that she can parry.

In contrast, although this Peng Tianyuan is also a rare fierce genius of the demon clan, but it is still within the normal range, and it is a fortune to fight against him.

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