"Although Peng Tianyuan ranked eighth in the core list last year, the gap with the top five giants is too big to make up in a year. There is no suspense in this battle."

"Hurry up and finish, I want to watch the sword duel!"

"Sister Shangguan, I support you, come on!"

The arrogant people below the stone platform are also lacking in interest. After seeing the peak duel of the first two games, this game can no longer arouse their enthusiasm.

Peng Tianyuan's face turned red, how could he say that he was also a top eight player last year, there was no one who was optimistic about him, and there was no ink at the moment. He directly turned grief and anger into strength, transformed into the six-wing Jinpeng body, and pressed towards Shangguanqin.

After a roar, the result was not unexpected. Shangguanqin won the game with absolute strength and was promoted to the semi-finals.

"The third-rounder, Shangguan Qin."

"The fourth game, Shi Wuhua vs. Lu Shaoyan. Please enter the two contestants."

Ruren shook his head boredly, and was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, when Lu Shaoyan heard her voice transmission: "Zhang Ruren, I was too careless when I lost to you before, when I defeat Shi Wuhua, let's fight fairly. last time."

The ruthless man showed a strange look, glanced at Shi Wuhua, who was introverted, and couldn't help chuckling: "I'm afraid you won't even be able to win this match."


Lu Shaoyan was ridiculed to death by the ruthless people, and he could only vent his anger on Shi Wuhua. For this competition, he had done too much preparation, especially against his old opponent Shi Wuhua, he was full of confidence.

"The peak duel between the first swordsman and the first swordsman, this battle will definitely be wonderful."

"Lu Shaoyan doesn't even have the sword intent of perfection. With Senior Sister Zhang in front, where can he be called the first swordsman."

"Jianyi is not the whole of a swordsman. I hope he can defeat Shi Wuhua, and then fight with Senior Sister Zhang to see who is the real No. [-] swordsman." Qiankun Tingshu.com www.qktsw.com

Everyone looked at Shitai with great interest. This was the duel between the two giants in the last core list, and it was a sword and a sword.

"Shi Wuhua, you were lucky to beat me a year ago, and today is your time to repay."

Lu Shaoyan's aura was like a rainbow, and a strong sword intent erupted from him. Although it was not as deep as the ruthless man, it was even more sharp and daunting.

Shi Wuhua slowly put his hand on the handle of the knife and said plainly: "My knife has not been unsheathed for a year. If it is unsheathed, there will be no blood and no return."

Even at this moment, his breath is still very stable, like a peasant who can be seen everywhere in the farmland.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Lu Shaoyan let out a low voice, and couldn't help but take the lead. The whole audience was gusty, and a sword light struck like lightning. Halfway through, it was divided into seven, each of which was solid, causing a burst of exclamation.

"To defeat you, one knife is enough."

Shi Wuhua raised his head, a ray of light flashed from the depths of his pupils, and the treasured saber hanging from his waist was unsheathed, with infinite saber intent, gushing out like a tsunami, completely suppressing the gust of wind.

The seven sword lights, like a light boat traveling in the sea, were directly overturned by the huge waves, and the violent waves hit Lu Shaoyan out of the field.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lu Shaoyan stared at his right shoulder in awe, where there was a terrifying knife mark deep into the bone.If Shi Wuhua hadn't stopped at the last moment, his arm would have been cut off by Qigen.

There was a bit of bitterness on the corner of Lu Shaoyan's mouth. He was making progress, but Shi Wuhua's progress was much faster than him. It was so fast that he didn't even have the chance to perform "Swordsmanship".

"What! Lu Shaoyan was beaten by a sword!"

"With a single strike, Senior Brother Shi Wuhua is countless times stronger than last year!"

"This is the Perfect Sword Intent, Senior Brother Shi's Sword Intent has been sharpened to the perfect state!"

"This year's number one in the core list should not change."

All the students cheered. Shi Wuhua was the only one in the top eight who had no background. It was all his own efforts to get to this point, so he was even more supported by the students.

"Shi Wuhua has obviously reached the realm of returning to the original state. Lu Shaoyan is not wronged this time. What a terrible young man. He seems to have undergone transformation this year.

The Marquis of Shenjian sighed with emotion, his eyes full of admiration, like Shi Wuhua, who has grown up, even in his identity, he would not dare to put on the air of his predecessors.Even when Shi Wuhua breaks through to the legendary realm, he can be on an equal footing with him!

The elders of the Deity Academy on the BOSS stage were also so excited that they could not help themselves. Originally, after seeing the amazing performance of Ruthless and Yan Qingxuan, they had no confidence in Shi Wuhua winning the championship. Qualification sublimation.

"Dean, how to arrange the four-to-two competition system? Or is it a random draw?" The elder judge asked cautiously.

The vice president of the academy's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "Arrange Zhang Ruren to fight Shangguan Qin, and Shi Wuhua to fight Yan Qingxuan."

The elder judge said in amazement: "Will this feel a sense of imperial order?"

The vice president glared at him and said angrily, "Zhang Ruren is the daughter of Senior Zhang. If you stop at the top four, where would you put Senior Zhang's face? Just do as I say."

The elder of the trial was speechless for a while, Shangguan Qin was obviously one level weaker than the other three, this was the way to send Zhang Ruren into the finals!

He is also a commoner, and is very dissatisfied with this kind of black box operation, but he is unable to resist anything. He can only sigh in his heart: With a background, he can really do whatever he wants. , , .

Chapter 236 Raise Dad to Be the Banner

Before entering the second semi-finals, the five-final battle will start first, that is, the four eliminated in the quarter-finals must decide the strongest fifth place and the following rankings.

This battle was also wonderful. Lu Shaoyan first fought against Xiahou Ba. Knowing that the opponent had a broken finger, he secretly urged the "Using Sword" to attack. With the ultimate speed, the attack was effective, making Xiahouba furious.

But in the next decisive battle with Ji Feixue, Lu Shaoyan discovered an embarrassing thing, that is, his swordsmanship could not break Ji Feixue's defense at all. After several unsuccessful attacks, he was directly punched by Ji Feixue. blasted out.

Until this moment, everyone really understood how terrifying Ji Feixue's body was, and they were even more in awe of Yan Qingxuan who defeated Ji Feixue.

Subsequently, the ranking order of the fourth and second semifinals was also announced:

The first game: Zhang Ruren vs Shangguan Qin.

Game [-]: Yan Qingxuan vs. Shi Wuhua.

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