The battle has been going on for a long time.

I saw that Shi Wuhua in this battle was very different from the previous one. He no longer had the calmness and calmness, but instead became very impatient, constantly attacking Yan Qingxuan, and the powerful sword gang danced wildly, shaking the whole body. The void trembled.

"Very clever, the Sea Dragon King's body belongs to the water system, and the biggest feature is the vastness and endlessness of true energy. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for Shi Wuhua. Unfortunately, his sword intent is too weak. If he can condense his martial soul, perhaps There's still a fight."

After watching it for a while, Ruthless Man couldn't help shaking his head, showing a look of regret. He didn't expect that even Shi Wuhua would not be able to force Yan Qingxuan's unique skills from Ye Bufan.

As if to confirm Ruthless Man's words, just as her voice fell, Yan Qingxuan suddenly exerted his strength, using the might of the Sea Dragon King to mobilize the Invincible Emperor Fist, directly annihilating Shi Wuhua's Xeon Sword Gang, and his entire being. They all flew out, and the blood gushed wildly.

"Yan Qingxuan, you are going too far!"

Several elders on the BOSS stage couldn't help shouting loudly. Shi Wuhua did not have a terrifying body like Ji Feixue, and he did not have a ruthless person as his queen. The power of this punch was enough to damage Shi Wuhua's origin. Said it was very vicious.

Faced with the accusations of the college elders, Yan Qingxuan was expressionless, just pretended that she hadn't heard her, and her eyes crossed the crowd and fell on Ruren, and said coldly, "Zhang Ruren, come to the stage and fight with me!"

This sound is like thunder, like dragon roar, rolling in, and it contains infinite coercion, so that all the arrogances can't help but surrender, as if Yan Qingxuan at the moment is not the arrogance of the same realm as them, but a real arrogance. The sea dragon king, the supreme existence that can slaughter gods and destroy demons!

"Okay, let's make a break!"

The ruthless man said loudly, strode forward, stepped out, and walked directly in the air, and within a few steps, he had already stood on the other side of the stone platform.

Before the battle, the powerful momentum shock made the audience boil.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that this year's finals turned out to be a battle of two peerless geniuses, and the five giants were all trampled down!"

"It's unbelievable. In the end, it turned out that two rising stars who only had the ninth level of Transcendent Realm won in the end." 163TXT

"Whoever wins will get the Devil Refining Tower and the title of the No. [-] Tianjiao in the Eastern Wilderness!"

Everyone in the audience talked a lot, especially those big figures in the hanging pavilions, whose expressions were extremely dignified. The way of martial arts, there is often a word of luck.

But this kind of luck is not constant, but can be plundered from each other. Like this kind of peak matchup, the winner will get the title of the first Tianjiao in the East Wilderness. A manifestation of the increase.Similarly, as the defeated side, luck will decline accordingly, becoming a stepping stone for others.

So this battle is very important!

"I heard that your Ice and Fire Sword Intent has reached the perfect state, so let me see it."

Yan Qing's blue silk fluttered, and her long aqua blue dress fluttered in the wind. Behind it was the huge tide of the spiritual sea, and there was a shadow of a sea dragon king tossing in the middle.The consecutive victories over Ji Feixue and Shi Wuhua brought her momentum to an extremely terrifying level, and the entire Martial Dao Peak Square fell for her.

In contrast, Ruthless's opponents are weaker by a level, and the battle is even more calm, but it makes people feel mediocre and not very optimistic.

The ruthless man slowly took out the Yin Spirit Sword, and said solemnly: "In this battle, I will do my best!"

The tip of the sword pointed obliquely downward, and just as the last word of her voice fell, the power of infinite frost burst out, instantly freezing half of the stone platform into a glacier.

The sword move has not yet appeared, and the sword intent is the first!

"This is... Sword Intent Condensing Soul?"

I don't know which voice came from the suspended attic, and suddenly swept the audience like a violent storm, causing everyone to shout.

"Sword Soul, this is the Sword Soul! Zhang Ruren actually condensed the Sword Soul at the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm. He really is a swordsman wizard who will not last for ten thousand years!"

"The world of great contention, this is the world of great contention, all the senior figures will come to an end."

"Fuck, it turned out to be the sword soul! Lu Shaoyan is a dick, and the five giants together are not enough for Senior Sister Zhang to fight."

"Senior Sister Zhang is mighty!"

The audience was full of people, and everyone looked at the ruthless man frantically. The ninth level of the Transcendent Realm condensed the soul of the sword. This record will definitely be recorded in the history of the Deity Academy, and even the history of Donghuang.

"Ice Sword Soul? Interesting, you really are a strong opponent."

Yan Qingxuan's eyes also became sharp. For the first time, she chose to take the lead, her figure flashed, and the tide of the entire spirit sea was pressing towards the ruthless man.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

The ruthless man stood still, unleashing his extremely powerful sword stance, and slammed it outright.


Under the peak duel, the huge stone platform that stood for [-] years and was engraved with countless Taoist arrays burst into pieces! , , .

Chapter 238 Void Undefeated Tactics!

"Horrible, terrifying!"

All Tianjiao couldn't help taking a breath when they saw this scene. These ten trial stone platforms were built by the founding leaders of Deity Academy, because they are engraved with powerful self-healing Dao patterns, which can heal quickly even if they are injured. Therefore, after [-] years, it has not declined.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of today's decisive battle, it was directly smashed into slag, and even the Dao pattern was destroyed, and there was no possibility of healing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The collision in the void is not enough, and the residual power generated by the battle between the two makes the entire Martial Dao Peak Square roar and tremble, like a huge iceberg fighting against the vast ocean, which is absolutely shocking.

"Click! Click!"

As the battle escalated, the ruthless man's icy sword intent was recklessly vented, actually freezing the tide of the spirit sea directly behind Yan Qingxuan, and even the phantom of the Sea Dragon King became stiff.

"Break it for me!"

Yan Qingxuan felt that the infuriating energy in her body was getting more and more stagnant, and finally she couldn't help showing anxiety. The aqua blue dress suddenly swelled up, and all ten Void Seeds in her body exploded, turning into Dao Talismans, which appeared Around her, there seemed to be the power of distorting the void.

Under this twisting force, the tidal wave of the ice-sealed spirit sea collapsed, and the tsunami roared again.

"This... what kind of secret technique is this?"

All the onlookers were stunned, and even the elders of the Holy Land in the hanging pavilion were alarmed. One of the semi-sages, the great sages, and the powerhouses have probed their spiritual senses, wanting to explore the changes in Yan Qingxuan's body.

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