The reason is very simple, the vision that Yan Qingxuan showed at this time was really terrifying.I saw the blue sky above her head, the blue silk fluttering, the whole person was like a huge black hole, the surrounding void was all twisted, turned into wisps of void energy and drilled into her body, making her fist power several times stronger.

The most terrifying thing is that wherever Yan Qingxuan's fist wind goes, the void collapses, turning into strands of pure energy attached to the front of the fist, fueling its power, just like the emperor of space, swallowing mountains and rivers, tolerant of the sun and the moon.

"Void undefeated tactics?"

In the audience, Zhang Tian raised his brows, revealing a hint of surprise.Among the four secrets of the white-clothed immortal king, the strongest is undoubtedly the "Taixu Jing".

The weakest is "Broken Void Finger". In terms of power alone, it is equivalent to an ordinary Great Emperor's unique skill, but it contains the profound meaning of space law, so it is stronger than the ordinary Great Emperor's unique skill, which is barely equivalent to a true immortal's unique skill. .

The remaining "Void Invincible Warfare" and "Great Void Technique" belong to the unique skills of the Immortal King. The former is a supreme warfare magical power that absorbs the energy of the void to enhance the combat effectiveness. The power of battle slashes the true immortals, shaking the nine mountains and seas.

The latter is a Void Dao method with unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, extremely mysterious, and cultivated to the extreme.With this method, the white-clothed Immortal King back then could appear in any corner of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas in a single thought, and any air-forbidding formations would be ineffective. The real ghosts and ghosts would make countless great forces terrified.

Four unique skills, including mind, warfare, Taoism, and fingering, created a peerless fairy king in the era of war.

Zhang Tian originally thought that what Yan Qingxuan should learn should be "Great Void Technique", but he did not expect it to be "Void Invincible Warfare", which is most famous for its violence.

The biggest difference between this method and other methods that can stimulate the potential of the body is that it has no side effects and can be used indefinitely.

The immortal king in white at the time was using this technique almost all the time. If he was given thousands of years, even if he was not promoted to the quasi-immortal emperor, the bonus of this technique alone would be enough for him to have the real power. The quasi-immortal emperor's combat power.Soso Novel

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The battle on the stone platform was still going on. With the help of "Invincible Battle in the Void", Yan Qingxuan's combat effectiveness increased several times out of thin air, and every punch had the power to suppress the mountains and rivers.Forcing the ruthless man had to sacrifice the Sword Intent of Ice and Fire at the same time, and only then did he reluctantly restore the decline.

"It's terrifying, Yan Qingxuan actually mastered such an earth-shattering secret."

"What a terrifying punch, if Yan Qingxuan had used this kind of punch just now, Ji Feixue would probably be killed with one punch."

"Use the power of the void for your own use? What kind of secret technique is this? Unheard of!"

All the holy land elders and holy masters are crazy, the battle between Ruthless and Yan Qingxuan is completely beyond their understanding. If the sword intent of Ruthless is a natural evil spirit, then Yan Qingxuan’s method is one after another. It's been called weird.

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

Just when everyone was amazed at Yan Qingxuan's mysterious supernatural powers, the ruthless man suddenly let out a long roar, and a peerless sword light that penetrated the heavens and the earth rose into the sky, slashing fiercely towards Yan Qingxuan, who was like an emperor in the void.

"It's that sword!"

Lu Shaoyan exclaimed, his impression of this sword was too deep. In the palace of the refining tower, the ruthless man used this sword to destroy his swordsmanship in a destructive manner!

At this time, the sword was driven by the ice and fire sword soul, and its power increased by dozens of times. Even if it was such a long distance, it made his soul tremble.


The tyrannical ice-fire sword light seemed to cut off everything, directly shattering the void around Yan Qingxuan, and a faint bloodstain appeared between Yan Qingxuan's eyebrows, like a blooming plum, which made her even more poignant and beautiful.

"No, I will not lose!!"

Yan Qingxuan's voice was full of anger and unwillingness. Deep in his dantian, the blood of the Sea Dragon King, bound by countless void threads, broke free and burst open.


A majestic dragon roar rang out from Yan Qingxuan's body, and her qi and blood surged again to an unbelievable extreme state.The tides of the Linghai Sea behind him roared and trembled, and the incomparably huge Sea Dragon King phantom, after circling several times, actually plunged directly into Yan Qingxuan's body.


Another dragon roar sounded, which seemed to contain great pain. Yan Qingxuan's aqua blue dress was torn apart, revealing terrifying blue scales.

"Turn into a dragon! Yan Qingxuan has turned into a dragon!"

Everyone in the audience fell into a state of madness, looking at the majestic sea dragon that was hundreds of feet tall in the void.

"Zhang Ruren, this is what you forced me to do. This is the first time I have used the Dragon Transformation Technique. You must be honored to be defeated by this technique!"

The sea dragon in the void roared loudly, staring at the ruthless man. , , .

Chapter 239 Who dares to touch the Prince's things?

"It turns out that this is their real strength. In the previous battle, the two of them didn't even use [-]% of their strength."

Shi Wuhua sighed lightly. After he reached the realm of returning to the original, he was full of confidence, and he believed that he was invincible in the legendary realm. Until this moment, he knew that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.In a world of great competition, even if he is struggling to break free, he will eventually be turned into dust.

"Dragon Transformation Art, this is a vision that can only be manifested when the king's body is cultivated to the extreme. It can increase the combat effectiveness several times."

"I didn't expect Yan Qingxuan's sea dragon king body to reach such a terrifying level."

"It can't be beaten, it can't be beaten. After using Dragon Transformation, Yan Qingxuan's combat power is already comparable to that of a middle-level king, and no one can match in the legendary realm."

"I didn't expect that Zhang Ruren, who had comprehended two sword souls, would be defeated. The gold content of the first Tianjiao in this Eastern Wilderness is too heavy."

Everyone showed a look of pity, pity for the ruthless, with her strength, she was enough to swept the first arrogant of any core list in the past, but unfortunately this year she met the more evil Yan Qingxuan.

Looking up at the huge sea dragon in the sky, the ruthless man's face was fearless and fearless, and said indifferently: "After all, you still used this trick, just forged the sea dragon king body, and dared to transform into a dragon shape?"

As soon as this statement came out, a hint of panic appeared in Hailong's eyes, and he forced himself to calm down: "What do you mean?"

"Hmph, do you think no one knows what you did in the Immortal Temple? Don't forget, my third sister also entered the Immortal Temple!"

There was a hint of playfulness in Ruthless Man's eyes. She knew why Yan Qingxuan panicked. The blood descendants left by the Sea Dragon King were still the superpower in Beihai. If they knew that Yan Qingxuan had captured the Sea Dragon King's essence Blood destroys the inheritance of the Sea Dragon King, so she must bear the anger of the entire Sea Dragon Clan.

"What does Senior Sister Zhang mean? Yan Qingxuan has entered the Temple of Immortality?"

"Could it be that Yan Qingxuan is the arrogance of the human race who entered the Immortal Temple last year?"

"Could it be that Yan Qingxuan's Sea Dragon King Body was obtained in the Temple of Immortality?"

Without the barrier formation, the conversation between Ruthless and Yan Qingxuan clearly reached the ears of everyone outside the venue, causing an uproar. Countless ancient sects of holy places were attracted and wanted to explore the secrets of the Immortal Temple from Yan Qingxuan. .

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