"You are courting death!"

Yan Qingxuan became angry and didn't dare to let the ruthless man speak any more. He directly waved his dragon claws and pressed down towards the ruthless man's cover.

"Since this is your last trump card, then I won't hide it anymore."

"This is my own sword art, although there is only one style. But it is enough to defeat you!"

"The first form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art: Ice and Fire Reverse Chaos!"

Facing the violent and invincible sea dragon claws, the ruthless man condensed like a pine mountain, pressed the hilt of the sword with one hand, and swung out a sword outrageously.

In an instant, the power of ice and fire went against the chaos, following the huge dragon claws and rushing straight to the sea dragon body.


The power of rebellion stirred in the flesh and blood of the sea dragon, making a shattering sound, and the huge sea dragon claws burst directly, and the flesh and blood flew.

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Yan Qingxuan let out a cry of extreme pain, only to feel that the ice and fire attributes in her body were disrupted, and even the infuriating energy became a mess.

This sword style was modified from the Kunpeng clan's to-baby art "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Art", but it was driven by the power of ice and fire. Anyone with the attributes of ice and fire in their bodies must be subject to this swordsmanship.

However, although the power of this sword is strong, it is not enough to defeat Yan Qingxuan. Its real function is... to stimulate the will of the sea dragon king's blood essence.

The sea dragon statue in the Immortal Temple once said that the will of the sea dragon king is indelible. Although the ruthless man did not know what means Yan Qingxuan used to suppress the will in the blood essence, she believed that as long as she created an opportunity, that drop of blood essence could be eliminated. The will in China will surely take advantage of the situation.

Sure enough, just when Yan Qingxuan reluctantly suppressed the rebellious aura in his body, the will hidden in the blood of the Sea Dragon King suddenly attacked.In the state of being transformed into a dragon, the energy in that drop of blood essence has long been dispersed into the blood vessels of Yan Qingxuan's whole body. Now that he resists, Yan Qingxuan has no resistance at all. The weak fire of his soul is directly affected by the violent will of the sea dragon. crush.

Although this will is strong, the spiritual wisdom is ignorant. After taking the initiative of the body, the two huge dragon eyes reveal deep confusion.

At this moment, the ruthless man said softly: "Return to the ancestral land and protect the ancestral land."

"Ancestral Land?"

There was a ray of thought in the eyes of the sea dragon, and his eyes looked to the north. Suddenly, he made a great effort. He screamed at the sky, and flew directly toward the North Sea with the surging tide of the spirit sea. Halfway, the upper body turned into Yan Qing again. The noisy human body, only a huge dragon tail is left tossing in the waves.

The Xeon in the hanging attic watched the sea dragon go away, and vaguely understood the truth. No matter how pure a drop of blood was, it would not be able to maintain the dragon body for a long time. A supreme guardian can appear in one clan, which will be a rise of Beihai forces and will have a major impact on the pattern of the continent.


Watching the sea dragon go away, the ruthless man finally let out a sigh of relief. After this battle, she finally understood the power of the legendary king. This difference in rank is like a moat, no matter how amazing her talent is, it is difficult to make up for it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Just when the ruthless man thought the wind was calm, ten Taoist talismans in the void suddenly burst open, turning into ten void seeds, suspended in the air, exuding an obscure and mysterious aura.

"This is the treasure of space!"

I don't know who shouted, and in an instant, all the suspended attics shot at the same time, and formed one after another king's palm in the void, the palm of the great saint, and grabbed the ten void seeds.

The ruthless man has quick eyes and quick hands, and also waved an ice-blue sword light towards one of the Void Seeds.

"Bold, who dares to touch the prince's things?"

A voice exploded over the entire Martial Peak Square!Majestic, ruthless, like the emperor of the world.

Boom, boom, boom!

The void roared, shattering a crack, revealing an unusually white, crystal palm that seemed to be carved out of white jade. It seemed to grab it casually, and directly smashed all the dozens of kings' palms and the palms of the great saint.

"This is the prince, covering the voice of the prince!!"

All the arrogances in the square boiled, looking at the palm as if looking at the gods.

In the auditorium, Zhang Tian, ​​who had been careless all the time, was only slightly surprised even when he saw the inheritance of the Immortal King in White. He looked at the white jade palm, showing a moving expression for the first time. , , .

Chapter 240 I Still Think About Ye Tiandi

"It's Prince Zhatian, he's back!"

"As expected of the Crown Prince, with a single blow, the will of all kings and great saints will be destroyed!"

"What a powerful coercion, the Prince of Heaven is coming!"

All the Tianjiao in the square were cheering, and their eyes were full of excitement. Although some of them were oppressed by the Zhatian League, this did not prevent them from admiring Ye Bufan.

The prince who covers the sky is extraordinary!

Covering the sky with one hand is extraordinary!

Flicking your fingers to cover the sky is extraordinary!

Since Ye Bufan was born, countless auras have shrouded him. On the way to his rise, he has been riding the dust, pressing the Tianjiao of the other three colleges, and even pressing the Tianjiao of the entire continent. No one pursued him.

Before Ye Bufan, the four major academies were on an equal footing, until he was born and overwhelmed the Tianjiao of the other three major academies, and the Tianshen Academy had the title of the first of the four major academies.

It can be said that Ye Bufan has won too many honors for Tianshen Academy. Almost everyone regards him as the pride of Tianshen Academy and as the next leader of the academy. Now that the real body is revealed, it immediately attracts everyone's attention.

"What? Ye Bufan is back?"

In the suspended attic above the square, many big figures in the Eastern Wilderness were disturbed. They could be said to have watched Ye Bufan rise from a genius, rise against the trend, and grow to the point where they can be on an equal footing with them, and even need them to look up.

There were even some young Holy Land elders, who used to be Tianjiao at the same time as Ye Bufan. At this time, they felt Ye Bufan's coercion, and they all felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.Back then, Ye Bufan pressed down on them like a mountain, making them almost desperate, but now, he is back, even more unfathomable!

"Humph! Such a domineering crown prince!"

Dissatisfied voices came from some of them in the hanging attic. They were all people with great identities. Before, they turned out the palm of their will and wanted to snatch the Void Seed, but they were easily annihilated by a palm of Ye Bufan's crossing space. This is a great shame. Let them hold grudges.

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