"What a powerful strength, is this the strength of the Crown Prince Zhetian? His real body is not here yet, just a wisp of aura coming from the long river of space, he is so fierce!"

The ruthless man's sword light was easily torn apart by the coercion of the crystal-clear palm, and Yu Wei's cover pressed down, constantly pressing her body, as if to crush her into slag.

At this moment, she clearly felt the gap between herself and the first saint of the Deity Academy.The so-called strong enemy Yan Qingxuan was nothing compared to the Crown Prince Zhetian, but a wave in the sea.

"That's my goal!"

Looking at the invincible crystal palms in the void, the ruthless man's eyes burst into monstrous fighting intent.

"Click!" Good Chinese www.haozw8.com

The crack in the void has doubled again, and at the other end of the crack is a terrifying scene of flame hell, the sky is dark red, and the corpses of countless huge and incomparable beasts lie on the ground.

And in the center of this mountain of corpses and blood, a young man stood proudly, looking only in his twenties, with black hair and a shawl, his eyes were extremely deep, as if there were stars in the void of disillusionment.With his hands on his back, he looked at the other side of the crack with contempt, and stepped forward step by step.

The shocking power of this shattered space gave him a peerless demeanor of breaking through the ages and returning the king.

dong dong dong!dong dong dong!

Everyone's heart couldn't help beating nervously following his footsteps, full of suffocating oppression.

"This, this is the return of the world? It's too terrifying. I heard that Prince Zhetian is proficient in the Way of the Void. I didn't believe it at first. When I saw it today, it was really amazing. It seems that Xiahouba and Yan Qingxuan's unique space skills are inherited. Since he is gone, now that he wants to take away Yan Qingxuan's relics, what should the dean do?"

Elder Judgment looked at Ye Bufan who came from the other side of the world with palpitations. Even though he already had a semi-sage cultivation base, under the pressure of Ye Bufan, he still felt that it was difficult to breathe, and even his true qi became stagnant. .

The vice president of the academy also had a solemn expression on his face. Ye Bufan was the heir appointed by the leaders of the academy, and he was an unparalleled talent who had grown up. Even he didn't want to offend him easily, so he could only say slowly, "Let's wait and see what happens. "

Ye Bufan fully revealed his figure, standing above the square, holding the sky above the ground!

Zhang Tian was moved and looked at Ye Bufan, but his eyes were erratic. Is there really two similar flowers in the world? If not, why did he see another person's shadow in this young man.

Zhang Tian's eyes gradually became hazy, as if he saw a magnificent vision of mountains and seas.

Any mountain peak can overwhelm Shengyuan Continent, and any ocean can overwhelm the earth. In this magnificent world, there is also a peerless figure stepping on the top of the mountain, screaming in the sky.

The white-haired boy who walked out of the sixth mountain and sea on the ancient immortal road, the frivolous boy who shouted that if he was the emperor of heaven, he would kill all the enemies in the world, the unyielding battle, the death without retreat, trembled with the roar of billions of ants The stubborn boy of heaven and earth...

After all, he grew into a generation of heavenly emperors, and made the peerless giants such as Immortal King Jiuyou and Immortal King in White to submit to their feet. With his team, with his wild vision, he launched an attack on the ancient heaven, just as he said in the past. The sixth power of mountains and seas, turned into the roar of billions of ants, challenged the high heaven.

In that battle, blood rained on the sky, as if the earth was bleeding and crying.Heavenly emperors slumber, immortal kings fall, and great emperors are like ants, buried at will.

The last sentence of Immortal King Jiuyou, "Who dares to fight with me", made all the battlefields of the nine mountains and seas mourn. An Immortal King who is proud of the world and swallows mountains and rivers with his blood and blood, goes against the long river of time and plays the sound of crossing the river. Robbery Elegy.

With the remnant body of the decaying Immortal King, he invited the Quan Immortal Emperor to fight the quasi-immortal emperor, burst into the final glory of his life, and declared to the world: Jiuyou's life is not weaker than others!

This battle has been covered in dust for five million years. Zhang Tian originally thought that everything was long gone, but he turned it over today, but he is still vivid in his mind.

In this near-antiquity era when the immortal road was cut off and the nine great mountains and seas were in decline, opponents like Ye Tiandi who could brighten his eyes have not appeared for too long.

For a long time, he had begun to miss the white-haired emperor who was born to fight but died without fighting. , , .

Chapter 241 I am the Emperor of Heaven, killing all enemies in the world!

"You guys, want to take this prince's things?"

Ye Bufan stepped in the void, looked down at the audience, and said coldly.

His power was a hundred times more terrifying than Yan Qingxuan, who turned into a dragon. Although he just stood at will, the surrounding void was all twisted and collapsed, turning into the source of Tao and pouring into his body.

No one knew where his powerful secrets came from, just like he was born out of nowhere, without any warning.There are some rumors that he got the inheritance from the burial place of the gods and demons, but there is no way to confirm it.

The audience was deadly silent. No matter how talented Ye Bufan was, he had only risen for decades. In terms of real strength, he may not be comparable to some big figures in the attic, but his prestige was too heavy. He rose for more than ten years. Here, the arrogance of the entire Shengyuan Continent has been reduced to a foil, and this kind of domineering domineering, even the Lords of the Holy Lands, cannot be compared.


Seeing that no one spoke, Ye Bufan snorted lightly and raised his hand to grab the ten Void Seeds.


Seeing that Ye Bufan was about to take away the Void Seeds, several of the big men in the attic finally lost their breath. This is a treasure that contains Void Dao. Maybe it can be used to comprehend the Void Profound Truth. The Void Noble Phantasm is infinitely valuable.

"Ye Bufan, [-] years ago, you killed my Holy Son and more than [-] true disciples of the Xiaoyao Ancient Sect on Huangfeng Island. This matter has not yet been settled with you, so I will use a Void Seed to pay for it today."

There was a murky sound from a suspended attic, and a big hand formed in the air, grabbing a Void Seed.Different from the previous hastily formed palm of will, this big hand is more powerful, with golden runes shining on the surface.

The other big figures in the hanging attic didn't expect this kind of operation, and they followed suit.

"Ye Bufan, eighteen years ago, you killed [-] descendants of my Tiangang Holy Land in Juque City. Everyone knows about this in the Eastern Wilderness, and it hurts the harmony between the two families. Today, take a Void Seed and then Two clear."

"Ye Bufan, do you still remember Gu Takong more than [-] years ago? That was the grandson of one of my ancestors in Tianhe Holy Land, who died unexpectedly while exploring a ruin. My Holy Land only investigated this thoroughly a few years ago. It is clear that the murderer is you, Ye Bufan! The evidence is so conclusive that you cannot tolerate your sophistry."

More than [-] suspended attics sounded at the same time, all of which were ancient sacred places in the Eastern Wasteland. They recounted Ye Bufan's crimes. Like more than twenty kings, half saints, and great saints at the same time.

And these attacks seem to be chaotic, but in fact, they cooperate secretly and set up a desperate killing array. Obviously, there is communication within, and it is decided to take ten Void Seeds first, and then distribute them.

The Tianjiao in the square was shocked and angry. I didn't expect these ancient sects to be so shameless in order to win treasures, but they didn't do anything, because all these people said were the truth. Whenever the unparalleled Tianjiao rises, it is necessary to step on countless people. The bones of the corpse, without the demeanor of being the enemy of the world, how can it be said that the world is unparalleled?

The elders on the BOSS stage also frowned, not knowing how to deal with it. Although Deity Academy is strong, it is not strong enough to fight with so many ancient sect holy places at the same time. Besides, Ye Bufan is at fault for this matter. There is no good reason for wanting to come back.

"Oh? It seems that you all want to fight against me?"

Ye Bufan stepped in the void, letting his black hair dance wildly, watching the attack from the sky, a look of disdain in his eyes.

In the next moment, an extremely powerful emperor's might erupted from him, sweeping the entire Martial Dao Peak Square, and all the voids roared and trembled, turning into giant dragons of the void, pouring into Ye Bufan's body, causing him His aura was rising like a giant wave.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, killing all the enemies in the world!"

Ye Bufan spoke solemnly, grabbed his right hand toward the void, and held a simple-looking long sword in his hand. breath.

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