
A sword swung out, like golden ripples appearing on the water surface, the entire void oscillated layer by layer, cracked open one after another, and healed quickly, as if the sky was dyed golden, a series of changes that made everyone overwhelmed.Literature under the Pen 2020 www.dst9.cc

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

A roar resounded through the void, all the attacks were annihilated under the golden sword light, and even the sword power continued to spread, sweeping towards the suspended attic, causing a violent fluctuation.

With one sword, the attacks of more than [-] kings and great saints were all resolved!

This is the prestige of the prince who covers the sky, which is terrifying and unparalleled.

"Shengyuan Continent is really too weak, not as vast as those big worlds, the so-called elders and holy masters, but a group of chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow."

Ye Bufan caressed the long sword lightly, and the sword glows on it, the cracks are more and more obvious, but there is an eternal and immortal strong will.

"This is a fairy sword, and you actually got a fairy sword in that big world!"

"Ye Bufan, your strength has reached such a level. You can resist the Great Sage without entering the holy realm!"

"This time, I have confessed my plantation in Tiangang Holy Land, Ye Bufan, the grievances between our Holy Land and you will be cleared up."

Ye Bufan's strength shocked all the elders of the ancient sect holy land. Seeing him put away the ten Void Seeds, no one dared to shoot again.This unparalleled arrogance has grown up. If they are not able to suppress it, and then fight against it, the ancient sect holy land behind them is in danger of destruction.

"This is absolute power. It can ignore all the rules, be arrogant and domineering, and no one dares to stop it!"

The fighting spirit in Ruthless Man's eyes was even stronger. Ye Bufan's strength not only made her fearless, but made her more firm in her martial arts path!


Seemingly feeling the will of the ruthless man, Ye Bufan frowned slightly, leaned over to look at the ruthless man, and said coldly, "It was you who killed Yan Qingxuan? Do you know that she is the confidant of this prince?"

"So what? In the martial arts arena, life and death have their destiny. This is the rule of the Deity Academy. She is not as good as others, so who can be blamed?"

The ruthless man looked directly at Ye Bufan, his voice was so loud that it reverberated throughout the square.

Ye Bufan didn't seem to think that the ruthless man would dare to refute him like this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he exuded overwhelming coercion: "You actually talk to me about the rules? I am the rules of the Deity Academy, and Yan Qingxuan is my appointed shading alliance. Heir, if you kill her, you're breaking my rules, so there's only one way to go."

After finishing speaking, Ye Bufan raised the immortal sword in his hand and swung towards the Ruthless Sword.

"No way!!"

All the elders of the academy on the BOSS stage showed a look of astonishment and shouted to stop.


Zhang Tian opened his mouth lightly, and staring at his eyes, the peerless immortal sword burst into pieces, Yu Wei rolled back, and smashed hard on Ye Bufan's chest.


Ye Bufan flew upside down, a large cloud of blood spurted out of his mouth, the huge pain still couldn't hide the horror in his eyes. , , .

Chapter 242 Relying on you, also want to block this emperor?

"This man is so strong!"

Ye Bufan looked at Zhang Tian who was sitting in the auditorium, and the horror in his eyes could not be concealed. The immortal sword was dug out of an immortal tomb at the risk of dying. Following him in the battle, he looked at him, but he did not expect to be directly destroyed by this man.


A burst of banging sounded, the void behind Ye Bufan seemed to solidify into a wall, and he firmly took his body that flew upside down, but he couldn't bear the huge force, and cracked open countless huge cracks. Crash.

"This is Senior Zhang's shot!"

"Senior Zhang's strength is really terrifying, and the sword will shatter with one blow."

"Haha, Senior Zhang is a half-step emperor, this Ye Bufan who dares to trouble his daughter is just killing himself!"

There were many voices of gloating in the hanging attic. Ye Bufan was only a junior, but when he appeared on the stage, he overwhelmed the heroes, making them face nothing. Now that he was injured, they all laughed unscrupulously.

Ye Bufan's mouth was still stained with blood. Hearing the undisguised ridicule around him, his face became even more ugly.This is his root. He rose from here. If he wants to conquer all worlds, how can he tolerate the damage to the root.

"For the Emperor of Heaven, I will fight against all enemies!"

Ye Bufan said word by word, "The Great Wilderness Heavenly Emperor Sutra" and "Invincible Warfare in the Void" worked to the extreme, and the power of the infinite void turned into giant dragons of the void, rushing towards him, as if he was this one. Master of the Void.

"This breath is so terrifying. I am a Holy Master, but I feel heart palpitations."

"Is this the arrogance of the world? It doesn't enter the holy realm, but it can cross the difference of rank and compare to the existence of the great sage!"

There were voices of exclamation from some suspended attics. The difference between the legendary realm and the Great Sacred Realm was ten times larger than the gap between the extraordinary realm and the legendary realm, and it was simply insurmountable.

But today's Ye Bufan exudes a terrifying aura comparable to that of the Lord of the Holy Land, completely ignoring the difference in rank, and even some low-level great saints feel fear under this power, as if life and death are all in the other party's mind. between.


Ye Bufan is brewing a unique trick to gather all the giant dragons in the void and turn them into a Fangtian painted halberd that traverses the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Fang Tianhua halberd rolled towards Zhang Tian like a galloping horse, as if the might of this halberd could sever the sea of ​​stars and the mountains, rivers and the earth.

As the attack got closer, everyone's hearts were lifted.

Finally, Zhang Tian's eyes became serious, he stared at the ten thousand zhang halberd, raised his hand and patted the void.

In an instant, the Martial Dao Peak Square was darkened. Everyone looked up and gasped in shock. They saw a huge golden palm pressing down from the top of the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Compared with this palm, the Void Divine Halberd, which seems to be able to cut off everything, is like a wave in the sea, insignificant.

"Boom!" Butterfly Novel Network www.diexia.com

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