Without a trace of pity or accident, the big golden hand directly shattered the Void Divine Halberd, as if it had burst a space, and the whole world trembled.

"Senior Zhang, please show mercy!"

Seeing that the golden palms slammed towards Ye Bufan again, the elders of the academy who were sitting on the BOSS stage finally couldn't hold back their breath, and they all turned into shock and stood in front of Ye Bufan.

"Senior Zhang, please show mercy!"

Many voices emanated from the ground of Deity Academy. They were all old monsters who had been in retreat for countless years. They had not asked about world affairs for a long time.

Even if they have many opinions on Ye Bufan, they must take action to save him at this time.Because Ye Bufan is the future hope of the Deity Academy and the seed of the Deity Academy.Deity Academy can do without them, but not without Ye Bufan.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

A total of more than [-] terrifying auras rose up and formed one piece. With oneself as the formation base, a ban barrier was set up to block everything and stand in front of Ye Bufan.

Among these people, the weakest also have the cultivation base of the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm. Semi-Saints can be seen everywhere. There are [-] powerful people at the Great Saint level, seven at the Holy King level, and three at the Holy Master level. There is even a peak supreme saint, whose breath is like a wolf smoke hell, with white hair and endless death energy, he is the former leader of Deity Academy.

"Terror, absolutely terrifying, this is probably the whole background of Deity Academy."

"The former leader of Tianshen Academy once coerced Donghuang and defeated the terrifying existence of the Ice Emperor. He really did not die, but was in retreat, fighting for his life with the sky, and attacking the immortal realm!"

"The terrifying Deity Academy, accumulated over [-] years, broke out once, and these more than [-] sacred powerhouses came together, enough to sweep most of the ancient sect holy places in the Eastern Wasteland."

"There are so many powerful people in the holy realm who set up 'heavenly power', which is extremely rare even in a barren war. In order to protect Ye Bufan, the Deity Academy has done so much."

All the big figures in the hanging attic were alarmed. As the cradle of cultivating talents in the major holy places, Tianshen Academy has always been indifferent to the world. No one knows how much it has.

"Senior Zhang, my Deity Academy is willing to make compensation for Ye Bufan's offense, please calm down your anger, and don't hurt your peace."

The former leader of the Deity Academy said mightily, his voice reverberated throughout the Eastern Desolation, he was originally the supreme sage of the peak, and at this time, there were more than [-] strong men with the blessing of the 'Heaven Power', and the spirit and energy increased countless times. , has already exceeded the scope of the Supreme Sage.

All the big figures believe that this battle will be over.Not only because the former leader of Deity Academy has the strength of a half-step emperor at this time, but more importantly, he is still a dying person, with little life expectancy, a superpower who is about to die, can do anything crazy. Action, no one wants to provoke.

This is not without precedent. Two thousand years ago, there was a supreme supreme saint who failed to attack the immortal realm. He was about to die. In order to avenge the death of his daughter, he went into the holy capital and abolished the foundation of a prince, and then went away. The dignified ancestral dynasty did not dare to stop it.

What's more, Zhang Tian has nothing to lose today, and there is no reason to provoke a dying peak supreme saint.

"With you, you also want to block this emperor?"

Zhang Tianbing's cold and arrogant voice broke everyone's expectations, and even caught those academy elders who set up the 'sky potential' by surprise.

In the next moment, the golden palm came crashing down, the terrifying 'heavenly potential' disintegrated instantly, and all the more than [-] supreme powerhouses vomited blood and flew backwards! , , .

Chapter 243 The real power of the emperor!


Zhang Tian used absolute strength to interpret the meaning of this sentence. It seemed to be able to forbid everything in the sky. Under his huge palm, there was no room for resistance at all, and it instantly vanished into ashes.


Those big men who predicted that this battle would end without a chance, all felt suffocating fear, and then they remembered that this senior Zhang's domineering and arrogance was not inferior to Ye Bufan.

The Amethyst Lion King, the Golden Feather Clan God Emperor clone, the Ice Emperor clone, and the Ice Emperor deity, who are not the big figures on the dominant side, even the Ancestor Dynasty did not want to offend easily, but they were all suppressed by this senior Zhang.

People stop killing people, God stops killing God!

This is an emperor who ignores all the rules, even when facing the 'Heaven's power' composed of more than [-] holy realm powerhouses, he did not waver in the slightest.


The golden palm covered the pressure and blasted Ye Bufan out again. This time he sacrificed an ancient cauldron full of immortal rhythm, which barely saved his life.But the whole body was soaked in blood, like a ghost in hell, no longer the prestige when he came from the sky.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Ye Bufan watched the golden palm approach again, and couldn't help roaring loudly. The power of the infinite void was mobilized by him, and even his body became distorted, as if it was integrated with the void, as if the whole world was used by him.

"Void undefeated tactics, really good."

Zhang Tian watched Ye Bufan's aura rise again, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.The nine great mountains and seas have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and countless powerful unique skills have been born, among which extraordinary secret techniques that can fight across ranks.However, passive promotions such as "Void Invincible Tactics", which have no side effects, are rare and almost perfect.

I still remember that there are great powers in the nine mountains and seas, and let the white-clothed fairy king open the "Invincible Warfare in the Void" to sleep for [-] million years. After exiting the customs, he will be invincible in the universe. Although it is just a joke, you can also see this war. of power.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! I am the void, and I will fight to the death!"

Ye Bufan's roar shook the world, he raised a palm, and half of the void stirred, turning into a giant beast of the void, and slammed his golden palm towards Zhang Tian.


The sky-shattering explosion sounded, and the giant beast of the void was like a moth flying into a flame, and was directly smashed by the golden palm, and even the void was turned into nothingness, which could not be healed for a long time.


Ye Bufan let out a scream, and he just performed the "Invincible Void" and "Great Void Technique" at the same time, combining himself with the Void. Now that the Void is destroyed, he is also severely injured, and his raised right arm is directly blown to pieces. It turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, the blood rain was golden, and every drop was like a boulder weighing [-] catties, pouring down, smashing giant pits in the square.

"The Desolate Holy Body, the bloodline is pure gold? You and that person are not simply similar."

Seeing the golden blood rain in the sky, Zhang Tian couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, and waved his golden palm again to grab Ye Bufan.


The academy elders on the ground sighed in pain, but none of them dared to step forward to stop them. Zhang Tian's palm just now not only shattered the 'Heavenly Power', but also caused each of them to suffer serious internal injuries.

They are very clear that this is a warning. If they dare to force their way forward, they will only end up like the Ice Emperor, both physically and mentally.

"An unparalleled genius, died halfway!" Miaoshuba www.miaoshuba.com

Everyone in the Martial Dao Peak Square sighed. They felt Zhang Tian's will. It was the Emperor's will and was unshakable. At this time, no one could save Ye Bufan.

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