"Congratulations, Senior Zhang, for being a good daughter and achieving the title of the No. [-] Heaven's Chosen in the Eastern Wilderness. After I go back, I will take Ling Ai as a role model and teach my disciples."

"It is said that the unparalleled little witch who came out of the blood test is also the daughter of Senior Zhang. One of two unparalleled schools is enough to shake the world and become a beautiful talk through the ages."

"What? That little witch who suppressed Long Gaitian and opened the tenth Wheel Sea against the general trend of the heavens is also Senior Zhang's daughter? It's incredible, it's really incredible."

"I've also heard of the name of the little witch. She is recognized as the best in the world. I didn't expect it to be Senior Zhang's daughter."

Many big figures in the hanging pavilions came out one after another, and took this opportunity to congratulate Zhang Tian. Some well-informed people even directly revealed the origin of Zi Yan, which caused a big wave.

At this moment, a violent fluctuation came from a distance, and a colorful brilliance rose into the sky, reflecting the beauty of the entire sky.

"This is the colorful light, Dan Lingfeng was born!"

"The Dan Dao Department actually took out Dan Lingfeng, this is something that has not happened in a hundred years!"

"This year's college competition, the Martial Dao Department brought out the Demon Refining Tower, and the Pill Dao Department took out the Dan Lingfeng. It really is a sign that the great world is about to open."

On the Martial Dao Peak Square, everyone looked up at the colorful beam of light, and couldn't help showing surprise.

Ruthless Man's eyes also brightened, he took Zhang Tian's arm very naturally, and said happily: "Dad, the big competition of the alchemy system is about to start, let's hurry over."

Zhang Tian nodded, stood up in awe, and stepped out in one step. Countless dao patterns manifested on the soles of his feet, condensing into a cloud of colorful clouds, supporting him and Ruthless Man towards the direction of the colorful beam of light.

As the central figure in the audience, his move immediately attracted everyone's attention. , , .

Chapter 245: Zhang Tian's Face Slap Plan

"Why did Senior Zhang go to the Pill Dao Department?"

"I heard that Senior Zhang has three daughters, and one daughter is an alchemist. Do you want to participate in this year's competition?"

"Since it's Senior Zhang's daughter, she must be extraordinary. I'll go and cheer her on. This is a great opportunity to win Senior Zhang's favor."

"Let's go together, Dan Lingfeng is born, people from the Alchemist Guild will definitely come to watch, those guys' eyes are higher than the top, maybe they will bump into Senior Zhang, I can take the opportunity to please."

At this time, there was also a huge square in the center of the alchemy field. Countless alchemists who participated in the competition stood on it. Basically, each peak line occupied a field and faced each other.

As a department specializing in the study of alchemy, the alchemy department rarely had various competitions like the martial arts department, but it was very solemn for the big competition, and the key point was even better than the martial arts department.

First of all, the first champion of the big competition can get the position of leader of the Dan Ding League, and take over the big and small affairs of the Dan Dao department in the next year.

Secondly, among the seven peaks, according to the rankings occupied by their own peak disciples in the top ten, the ranking list will be converted, and the seven peak heads will be ranked in an order. The more places.

According to the practice of previous years, the first place in the seven peaks will have ten alchemist promotion places every month, and the last place in the comprehensive list will only have one place per month.

Therefore, not only did the students who participated in the competition shoulder heavy responsibilities, but the battle also broke the hearts of nearly a million medicine boys in Qifeng. After all, the number of places to be promoted to alchemists was directly related to their chances of becoming alchemists.

"Senior Sister Zhang is here!"

"Senior Sister Zhang, come on!"

"Come on, Senior Sister Zhang, come on, Xiaozhufeng!"

Seeing that Yuxin brought Xiaozhufeng's students to the center of the square, the area where Xiaozhufeng was located immediately erupted into a tsunami-like cry, causing everyone in Qifeng to look sideways and look towards the field.

Dan Kui Zhang Yuxin!

As long as anyone who has had a little contact with the alchemy system during this period of time, will never ignore this name, she is like a comet that suddenly rises and is a blockbuster.

"This is Dan Kui Zhang Yuxin? Sure enough, as rumored, the country and the city are all over the place."

"It is said that this woman's alchemy skills are extremely high, and the way of plants and trees has already broken through the level of 'million changes'. It won't be long before Xiaozhufeng has another alchemy master."

"The way of grass and trees is second. This woman's strongest point lies in the way of controlling fire. She possesses the legendary different fire. The lowest level of alchemy is seven grains, which is much higher than that of other alchemists."

Many people in the audience were whispering. They came here to visit the Dao of Pill Dao this year. They heard that there is a talented alchemist in the Dao of alchemy. He was only fourteen years old and had already made ten patterns. Absolute Dan, comparable to the Dan Emperor of the year.

Not only these outsiders are paying attention, but even the alchemists of the other six peaks in the square, after seeing Yuxin, unconsciously moved out of the way, showing a deep sense of awe.

Meeting such a talented person among the peers is naturally very uncomfortable for these arrogances. If it were someone else, they would inevitably do evil in secret, or even suppress them face to face, but no one dared to do this to Yu Xin.The first Chinese website www.sgzw.net

Because as long as anyone from Dan Daofeng knows that Zhang Yuxin's father has unfathomable strength, even the dignified Chiling Peak Master was shocked by his words, and he could not go into seclusion by punishing himself.

"Where is Senior Brother Mu Yuntian? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

There was a commotion in Chiling Peak's team, and Yu Xin's appearance was so powerful that they suppressed their first peak.

Shangguan Long was wearing a bright red dress and said coldly, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Mu Yuntian will definitely come, and then you will have this Yuxin that looks good!"

Just as his voice fell, the space above the square suddenly fluctuated violently, shattering a huge crack, and a huge green luan beast burst out, and the powerful energy of qi and blood shot straight into the sky.

"This is the guardian beast of the Eastern Wilderness Branch of the Alchemist Guild, comparable to the existence of a holy king!"

There was a burst of exclamations around the square, and many people rushed forward to curry favor. The Alchemy Master Guild was a superpower that spread across the Three Wildernesses and One Sea.

"Look, it's Senior Brother Mu Yuntian, he's standing with the people from the Alchemist Guild."

Some sharp-eyed Tianjiao spotted Mu Yuntian standing proudly on the back of the Qingluan Ferocious Beast at a glance, and exclaimed again and again.

The next moment, Mu Yuntian turned into a stream of light and descended to the center of the square with a contemptuous expression. He was wearing the star robe of the Alchemist Guild. The three stars on his left chest were extremely shining, and there was a fourth star, which only outlined the shape, but did not. brilliance.

"Three and a half, congratulations to Senior Brother Mu Yuntian for becoming a third-rank peak alchemist certified by the Alchemist Guild."

The alchemists of Chiling Peak immediately gathered around and let out a burst of emotion.

The arrogance of the rest of the peak veins was also horrified. The alchemy guild was notoriously strict in its ratings. The third-grade peak alchemist meant that Mu Yuntian's alchemy skills had reached the peak of the third-grade alchemist, and he was only one step away from becoming a legendary alchemist. The alchemy master!

Given that Mu Yuntian is not yet forty years old, he is enough to look down on all the alchemists in the Eastern Wilderness. Even if he looks at the mainland, he can still rank in the forefront.

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