"Hey, Zhang Yuxin, we meet again."

Mu Yuntian ignored everyone's flattery, but looked at Yuxin coldly. When Yuxin broke his Tribulation Pill in public on Xiaozhufeng, he lost all face, and this matter has always been brooding.

However, his serious provocation got Yu Xin's ignorance.

I saw Yuxin standing tall and slim. At this time, she was curling her curly eyebrows and looking out, as if she was waiting for someone, making her already beautiful profile look a little more pitiful. Feel.

Mu Yuntian was anxious for a while, and then sneered: "Are you waiting for your father, and you want him to support you? I have joined the Alchemy Master Guild, and the elders of the guild are on the scene today, if your father dares to come, He will be disgraced."

He has been preparing for this day for a long time, not only to defeat Yu Xin in the alchemy technique, but also to make Zhang Tian show a humble look in front of everyone, so that the perfect father in Yu Xin's heart can be shattered, so as to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Yu Xin turned a deaf ear to his words, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she saw a splendid cloud rushing from the sky, against the background of the handsome men and fairies who behaved intimately like the beautiful people in the picture, perfect.

Soon, Yunxia came to Yuxin, Zhang Tian took two steps forward, fondled Fu Yuxin's side face, and said softly: "Dad is here."

Chapter 246 Apologize to Senior Zhang soon!


Yuxin showed a very well-behaved expression, and then looked at the ruthless man and said, "What is the result of the big sister's competition?"

"Fortunately, Yan Qingxuan's soul has been killed by me." The ruthless man said indifferently, as if to say a trivial matter.

Yu Xin said happily: "That's great."

At this moment, the elder of the Alchemy Master Guild who was surrounded by the crowd suddenly came to him. The leader was a young man with five stars engraved on his star robe. He had been the attention of the audience before. The focus, at this time, immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"Are you Zhang Yuxin's parent?"

With a proud look, the young man asked coldly.

Zhang Tian didn't seem to hear half of it. He glanced around and saw Fairy Yunxia beckoning to him. He nodded slightly, turned his head and said, "Yuxin, you can participate in the competition with peace of mind, and Nannan and I will be outside for you. You're good to go."


Yu Xin put her hands together, revealing a very sweet smile.

"Presumptuous! President Li of the Alchemist Guild asked you a question, didn't you hear it?"

An old man stood up aggressively and yelled loudly.

"Elder Wang, don't be rude."

The young man waved his hand and stopped, looked at Zhang Tian and said, "Under Li Danyun, Tim is the vice president of the Donghuang Branch of the Alchemy Masters Guild. Hearing from the new purple-robed alchemist Mu Yuntian, Lingyuan Zhang Yuxin has a lot of experience in alchemy techniques. , I personally invited her to become the purple-robed alchemist assessment of our alchemist guild. I don't think I need to say more, Mr. Zhang should also know what this means, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar. The way of plants and trees, with Zi as the respect and Qing as the emperor, the alchemist guild almost included [-]% of the alchemists in Shengyuan Continent, but most of them were black robes.There are less than one hundred people who can be rated as purple robes. Only the alchemist Tianjiao who can stably practice the five-pattern or above can get it, and the status is one level higher than that of the same rank.

In other words, if Yu Xin passed the third-grade purple-robed alchemy alchemist assessment of the alchemist guild, her status would be comparable to that of an ordinary alchemy master.

However, many alchemists are also like mirrors, and Mu Yuntian would never recommend Zhang Yuxin so kindly, there must be some tricks in it.

Zhang Tianping said calmly: "Whether or not to join the Alchemist Guild is Yuxin's own business."

Li Danyun frowned slightly, and said with a slight displeasure: "It seems that Mr. Zhang is the kind of cultivator who concentrates on seclusion and ascetic cultivation, and he doesn't know much about the energy of my alchemy guild. Not to mention, the major ancient sects in the Eastern Desert. The elder, who do not give me three points of thin face when you see me? This is a symbol of status. It is rumored that Mr. Zhang is a strong person in the holy realm, but in terms of status, he may not be stronger than the purple-robed alchemist. Therefore, her ignorance delayed Lingyuan's future."

Zhang Tianping said calmly, "So what?"

Mu Yuntian sneered secretly, he originally planned to lead Yu Xin to the Alchemy Masters Guild, and then used his power to frame Yuxin for cheating during the assessment, making both her and Zhang Tian discredited. The president did not give face, and directly offended Li Danyun.

Li Danyun has a distinguished status and has long attracted the attention of the audience. When they heard Zhang Tian's words, everyone felt incredible. They thought that this person was too arrogant and offended such a big man as Li Danyun. implicated his daughter.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky stirred, as if there was a turbulent sea running towards the Pill Dao Square, causing the void along the way to tremble, as if unable to withstand the overwhelming momentum.

"This... these breaths, there are more than a dozen holy realm powerhouses rushing here, and there are countless semi-sacred and legendary realm kings." Sansi Biquge www.sssqxw.com

The entire Pill Dao Department square was blown up, and Li Danyun, who had been surrounded by the stars, also showed surprise, looked towards the cloud layer, and the next moment showed a clear look, proudly said: "This is the Eastern Wilderness. The big figures in the ancient sect Holy Land, their news is well-informed, they even know that I am here."

"What a big show, the Alchemy Masters Guild is really extraordinary. A vice president came forward and attracted most of the senior officials of the ancient sect."

The onlookers around the square sighed with emotion. They came to visit the Dao of Pill Dao, and they were all related to the Dao of Pill. When they saw Li Danyun's pomp, they were also a little arrogant.

With a smile on his face, Li Danyun glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​he wanted to let this person know that even the holy realm powerhouses of the ancient sect holy places would have to attack him.

In an instant, the high-rises of the major ancient sect holy places have already rushed to the sky above the square.

"Look, that's the sect master of the Fengyang Ancient Sect, the Holy Master-level powerhouse, who actually came in person."

"There is also the Great Elder of Tianming Holy Land, who is a holy king."

"A dozen great saints, this President Li Danyun has too much face."

Li Danyun listened to the emotions around him, and was even more satisfied. He laughed loudly: "Every elders and sect masters, Danyun has just arrived in Donghuang, and he hasn't had time to visit one by one. How can I bother you to come and see in person."

"Li Danyun?"

The high-level officials of the Holy Land looked at the prestige, and they all showed surprise. This person is not only the new vice president of the Alchemist Guild, but his family has a huge influence in the Alchemy Guild. If it is changed to other occasions, it must be broken and intersected. But this is not the time.

Seeing that the eyes of these people only stayed on Li Danyun for a moment, they turned to Zhang Tian, ​​who was on the side, and cupped their hands one after another:

"I heard that Senior Zhang's daughter is going to participate in the Pill Dao Competition. I'll be here to cheer you on."

"Senior Zhang's daughter is a dankui of the Dan Dao department. She is a genius that will not appear in ten thousand years. She will surely be able to calm down the East Wasteland in the future."

"I also hope that Senior Zhang will forgive the sin of not being disturbed. I really admire it very much, and it is unpleasant to see it."

Li Danyun was dumbfounded, Mu Yuntian was dumbfounded, the alchemists in the square were dumbfounded, and those who came to watch the game... all were dumbfounded.

"Who is Senior Zhang? You... Didn't you come to see me?"

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