Li Danyun said with an embarrassed expression.

"It turns out that Vice President Li is also here. It's a pleasure to meet you."

These high-level sacred places are all old fritters. They pretended to see Li Danyun, and immediately led Zhang Tiandao: "Could it be that Vice President Li doesn't even know Senior Zhang?"

"He, senior?"

Li Danyun still didn't turn the corner, pointed at Zhang Tian and said blankly.

The suzerain of the Fengyang Ancient Sect said dissatisfiedly: "What is the attitude of Vice President Li, Senior Zhang is a half-step emperor, who just killed the Ice Emperor in the Eastern Pole, and eliminated a great harm for me in the East, even if Wu Hui I don’t dare to be so arrogant, even in person! Don’t hurry up and apologize to Senior Zhang!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was dead silent. , , .

Chapter 247 The power of the half-step immortal emperor

Although the Fengyang Ancient Sect was not the top in the Eastern Wilderness, it was still a first-rate force. The Fengyang Sect Master was a genuine Saint Lord-level powerhouse.

Not to mention that Li Danyun is only a fifth-grade alchemy master with a semi-sacred cultivation level. Sect Master Fengyang sees that he is polite to say something to the face of the family behind him.

However, compared to the attitude of Sect Master Fengyang, what he said was even more shocking.

"He... is he a half-step immortal emperor?"

Li Danyun looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and his shocked eyes almost popped out. There are many ancient sects in Shengyuan Continent. There are not many great saints in any holy land, but there are very few supreme great saints who can cultivate a perfect holy body. Half-step immortality is even rarer.

You must know that there is a huge Eastern Desolation, and on the bright side, the Dongming ancestor of the Dongming Holy Land is a half-step immortal emperor.That old ancestor, who has been in seclusion for countless years, still shocks Donghuang. Every year on his birthday, many ancient sects, including the Donghuang branch of the Alchemy Masters Association, will present all kinds of rare and precious treasures called congratulations, which is a real tribute. This is the power of the half-step immortal emperor.

That is a person who truly stands at the pinnacle level of the continent, even if it is the transcendent power of the Alchemist Guild, which is widely known in the world, it would never dare to offend.

Now, Sect Master Fengyang actually told them that Zhang Tian was the supreme at this level, and even killed the Ice Emperor, the lord of the East Pole that everyone feared in the East Desert.

Fear, awe... Many emotions appeared on the faces of everyone, including Li Danyun, Mu Yuntian, etc. Zhang Tian, ​​who was originally light-hearted, instantly became incomparably tall in their eyes. Although he was just standing at will, he gave them A peerless emperor who suppresses the heavens and the world.

"The junior Lu clan chief, Lu Ziming, greets senior Zhang."

A slightly fat middle-aged man sitting in the main seat stood up in awe, and bowed solemnly to Zhang Tian. The ancient family, the Lu family, was one of the most famous Dan Dao families in Donghuang, and its status was slightly higher than that of many ancient sect holy places. , and now the head of this clan bowed down to Zhang Tian.

Lu Ziming's statement instantly made many people regain their sanity, and they all stood up and bowed respectfully towards Zhang Tian, ​​their expressions full of awe.

Li Danyun's face changed three or four times, but he finally chose to bow his head, bowed to Zhang Tianchang, and said respectfully: "This junior has eyes and does not know the true god, and offended senior Zhang, he deserves death. This blue-patterned elixir is an apology, and I hope Senior Zhang hopes."

He was very aggrieved, but he had to put on a low stance.With his qualifications, it would have been difficult for him to hold the position of real power as the vice president of the Donghuang Branch, but he used the power of his family. If it was known that he had offended a half-step immortal emperor when he came to Donghuang, not only he. The position of the president is going to be lost, and the entire family's position in the Alchemist Guild will plummet.

This is the power of the half-step emperor, which is no longer limited to one wasteland and one place, but can make the entire continent tremble.

"This is the legendary blue-patterned alchemy order that only Qingpao alchemists can possess? Few people in the entire alchemy guild have this order."

"It is said that this treasure of Dan Dao can enhance the control of the soul, and long-term wear can nourish the soul."

"This is a big deal. The weight of a blue-patterned pill is comparable to that of the Great Sage."

The surrounding Tianjiao watched Li Danyun take out the blue-patterned pill, and they all showed an extremely envious look, especially Mu Yuntian, the jealousy in his eyes was about to burn out.This thing can be regarded as the lifelong pursuit of all alchemists, which is equivalent to the evaluation of 'peerless genius' in martial arts.

Not to mention the benefits, just by taking this order to the auction house to auction the medicinal pills, the price of the medicinal pills sold can immediately skyrocket several times, because this is equivalent to obtaining the highest certification from the Alchemist Guild, and the style has increased countless times.Huaxia Bookstore

Even Li Danyun did his best to get such a blue-patterned pill. At this time, he held it with both hands, and his whole heart was dripping with blood.

But there is no way, who made him kick the iron plate this time, this is the price of pretending.

Zhang Tian caught a glimpse of the desire in Yu Xin's eyes, and couldn't help but smile slightly, raised his hand to take the blue-patterned elixir, and threw it to Yu Xin, saying softly, "This is not an example."

"Yes, yes, yes, the juniors will definitely follow the teachings of the seniors in the future, and be cautious in their words and deeds. If the seniors need anything, you can come to the Alchemy Masters Guild to find me, go through fire and water, and do whatever you want."

Li Danyun breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly patted his chest to ensure that it was a fortune among misfortunes to be able to resolve the enmity of the half-step emperor with a blue grain pill.

Mu Yuntian looked at the backer that he had worked so hard to move, and he actually agreed in front of Zhang Tian, ​​but it only helped Zhang Tian's power, his lungs exploded, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

The elder Dan Daofeng, who was sitting in the main seat, saw that the situation had subsided, and immediately warmly invited: "Danling Peak will come out, please come to the main seat to watch."


The voice fell, Zhang Tian took Ruthless Man's hand, took a step, and moved directly to the seat where Xiao Zhufeng was.

"Junior Yunxia, ​​see Senior."

Fairy Yunxia stood up and bowed to Zhang Tianyi with a very complicated look in her eyes.

Zhang Tianrou said: "You have a lot of care for Yuxin, so these customs will be avoided."


Only then did Fairy Yunxia show a soothing look, and she let Zhang Tian take the lead and sat next to her.


Just when Zhang Tian sat down, the magic circle in the center of the square emitting colorful divine light suddenly became more radiant. With the quaking of the void, a magnificent peak rose up from the magic circle, and went straight to the ground. Soaring the sky.

"Is this Dan Lingfeng? It's really mysterious."

Looking at the Xiongfeng that appeared out of nowhere, the ruthless man couldn't help showing a look of surprise. I saw that this Dan Lingfeng was as high as a thousand feet, and the spiritual energy was so strong that it even condensed into a spiritual cloud, floating among the peaks. Go there, you can see countless spiritual flowers and plants, which are very rare treasures in the mainland today.

The most amazing thing is that the entire Lingfeng is illusory, giving people a feeling that the mountain road is visible to the naked eye, but unreachable.

Zhang Tian followed Ruthless Man's line of sight, his eyes flashed with a smile, and he nodded slightly: "This Lingfeng is not bad, it is a good fortune of Yuxin." , . . .

Chapter 248 The Peerless Dan Emperor of Danwu Shuangxiu

Fairy Yunxia saw that Zhang Tian and Ruthless seemed to be very interested in Dan Lingfeng, so she couldn't help but explain.

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