Yu Xin didn't disappoint everyone. The second test had just started, she twitched her hand and shot a green light towards the ground, but in the blink of an eye, a flowerbed was formed around it, competing for beauty and beauty. Huan.

She didn't use the Qing Emperor Spirit Transformation, because of the other shore flowers, the power of plants and trees in her body is very vast, and even if she just uses ordinary refining methods, the effect is far beyond ordinary people.Kubiquge www.ku162.com

"Look, Senior Sister Zhang is the first place again, several times more points than Mu Yuntian's!"

"This Mu Yuntian can't do it. I thought he was so strong, even in front of Senior Sister Zhang."

Everyone looked at the first spiritual list in the sky, and they all let out bursts of exclamations. They didn't expect this level to be a crushing domination. From the perspective of the speed of rise, let alone Mu Yuntian, it was the addition of the entire Chiling Peak. Together, there is not as many points as Yu Xin alone.


Seeing the changes in the standings, Mu Yuntian's chest was about to explode. The humiliation he suffered at Xiaozhufeng that day seemed to be vivid in his mind. After many days, he once again became a foil, or even a laughing stock.

"Zhang Yuxin, you forced me!"

Mu Yuntian's face suddenly flashed a sinister color, and he used another secret method, the entire right palm turned dark green, and immediately slapped the earth fiercely.

In an instant, endless wailing sounded one after another, which was the elixir on the ground, but in the blink of an eye, the large tracts of elixir that were spawned were all wiped out, turning into black ashes, and only the flowerbed beside Yu Xin was still there. Remain alive a little bit, but also dying.

"This... what happened?"

"This is the Poison Dragon Extinguishing Palm. The unique skill of the Poison King of the Big Bamboo Peak [-] years ago has long been lost, and it was actually acquired by Mu Yuntian!"

All the alchemists sounded terrified. The Poison King back then was a genius in the alchemy dao that was not inferior to the alchemy emperor, but his talent in martial arts was very weak. Even after spending countless treasures to temper his body, he was still unable to break through to the legendary realm. In the end, he became mad, and directly switched to the Poison Dao. He used the essence and blood of a Poison Dragon to change his physique and became a Poison Dragon King. Only then did he successfully break through to the legendary realm.

But after that, the Poison King has changed his mind and personality. He no longer follows the Tao of Pills, but concentrates on the Tao of Poison. In the end, he gets deeper and deeper, and even created a cruel and unique technique like "Poison Dragon's Extinguishing Palm". out, all things wither.

Later, the Poison King completely stepped into the evil way, and was personally chased and killed by the leaders of the Deity Academy at that time. In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, all the classics left by the Poison King were all classified as taboo, and no one could usually view them. Reappeared on Yuntian.

"Mu Yuntian, you are despicable and shameless, and you can't beat Senior Sister Zhang, so you use the "Poison Dragon Destroying Palm", which is a secret technique that will perish together, what kind of arrogance!"

The alchemists of Little Bamboo Peak were furious and scolded, and even the alchemists of the other peaks showed disdain.

Mu Yuntian said proudly: "Who said that this is the same death? The real training method, even on the dead land, can bloom beautiful flowers. Zhang Yuxin, do you dare to compare with me?"

"What, blooming flowers on the dead Jedi? How is this possible, you have the ability, try to make it first!"

A group of alchemists shook their heads again and again, the urging method depends on the way of grass and trees, and the breath of death is the most taboo, how can such things be done?

"Humph! Just let you guys see it. Liu Qingyun!"

Mu Yuntian sneered again and again, and suddenly turned his attention to Liu Qingyun.

"Brother Mu, what are your orders?"

Liu Qingyun was a little unclear, but he still showed a very respectful expression.

"Lend your life to use it." ,, . . .

Chapter 252 If I were the Qing Emperor in his age

"Lend your life to use it."

As soon as Mu Yuntian's words fell, he suddenly pointed at Liu Qingyun, a black line burst out from Liu Qingyun's forehead, and countless black blood gushed out.

"This... is this Breaking Bad? Mu Yuntian, you actually poisoned me!"

Liu Qingyun is also a genius of Dan Dao. After smelling the smell of black blood, he immediately guessed that Mu Yuntian had manipulated his body, and suddenly showed a shocked and angry expression.

"This is not poisoning, it's just using your pure blood to nourish the poison, otherwise why would I invest so much money on you, the villain of the Rebel Peak. This poison is just for me to cast the Necronomicon. Poison, now, has come to blossom and bear fruit."

During the speech, a large number of black runes appeared on Mu Yuntian's face, which looked like a ghost, and the fingers were pinched faster and faster. blood was extracted.

"The Holy Body of the Necromancer? Isn't that the Holy Body of Poison Dao deduced by the Poison King? This Mu Yuntian has actually obtained the complete inheritance of the Poison King!"

All the alchemists were so frightened that they stepped back ten steps in a row, and looked at Mu Yuntian, whose temperament had completely changed, in disbelief. At this time, his body was extremely deadly, like a mummified corpse that had been dead for ten thousand years.

"Ahhh... Mu Yuntian, I'm going to die with you!"

Liu Qingyun's face was hideous, he suddenly broke out of control, turned and rushed towards Mu Yuntian, forming a fierce fist wind.

"court death!"

Before Mu Yuntian could move, Shangguanlong stepped aside and blocked in front of him. He raised his hand and grabbed it forward. It turned out a huge white ghost claw, which directly penetrated Liu Qingyun's chest and turned the black heart. Pulled it out and crushed it hard.

"You... you two demons, you actually practice the evil way of the Poison King, and you will be hunted down by the righteous way in the world! Just like the Poison King back then!"

A small Bamboo Peak alchemist said in a panic.

"Evil devil? Righteous way to chase and kill? Joke! I am the confidant of the Crown Prince Zhetian, and this inheritance is also given by him. When he becomes the leader of the academy, I will be the elder of the alchemy department! I am the righteous way! Who dares to kill me? "

"In the final analysis, the world is still the strong one! The Poison King saw this clearly, so he did not hesitate to switch to the Poison Dao. Unfortunately, his cultivation qualifications are too poor. Respect him like a god, who would dare to face each other with swords?"

"When I cultivate the Holy Body of the Necromancer, nourish my qi with ten thousand poisons, and achieve a body of immortality and immortality, it will be an easy task to break through to the half-step immortal realm. At that time, the entire Eastern Wilderness will look up to me!"

Mu Yuntian's body was full of dead energy, like a peerless demon god, who controlled the fatal poisonous blood, sprinkled it all over the Danling Peak, and then sternly said: "The flower of the dead, open!"

In an instant, the earth shook, and the earth that had been annihilated by the death energy actually wriggled violently, and the strange black flowers bloomed, swallowing all the remaining elixir.

Soon this army of dead spirits spread to the flowerbeds around Yuxin, breathing in deathly breath, the spirit flowers that were barely supported withered one after another, leaving only the last peach flower leaf, fluttering, and this was saved from a disaster.

"Haha, did you see it! I said that the real stimulant method can bloom beautiful flowers even on the dead land. Zhang Yuxin, can you possibly do this?" 29GG Novel www.29gg.net

Mu Yuntian laughed arrogantly, waved his hand, and took off most of the necromantic flowers. He will use these necromantic flowers as the main medicine to refine the necromantic elixir, not only to complete the third test, but also to him An important step in the achievement of the Eucharist.

Looking at the necromantic flowers all over the ground and the burgeoning aura of death, everyone showed despair. Even the rankings on the spiritual list in the void disappeared completely, leaving only Mu Yuntian alone. , Obviously Necronomicon also belongs to the category of elixir.

This is a big problem. Not only does the second level have to make Mu Yuntian come out on top, but all the alchemists have no elixir, and even the refining of elixir in the third stage cannot be completed. The champion of the competition is already doomed.

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