"Senior Brother Mu is mighty, the so-called Dan Kui is just a chicken and a dog!"

Shangguan Long held his ghost claws and said insidiously.

At this moment, Yu Xin smiled. This smile was like the return of spring to the earth, as if the fairy in the moon palace came to the world. Although she was in a dead place, her "arrival" transformed everything into a wonderful realm of empty mountains and spiritual rain. to the extreme.

All the alchemists stared at each other and saw a strange scene.

It is a vast world, with vast seas and sky, boundless four poles, and in the center of prosperity, there is a huge burial ground, lying there, no grass, endless death, distorting the void.

At this time, the burial ground suddenly trembled violently, and the death energy increased a hundredfold, as if the gods and demons sleeping under the burial ground were about to break out of the ban.It can be predicted that once they are born, the demon blood will devour this world, turning it into purgatory, and all the people will become undead.

At this moment, on a peak that was extremely far away from the burial place, there was a young man dressed in Tsing Yi standing proudly. His seemingly youthful face revealed endless years of vicissitudes.

Looking at the burial ground, his eyes were full of sorrow, he gently twisted a peach blossom leaf and sent it to the wind, whispering softly:

"If I am the Qing Emperor in his age, I will share with the peach blossoms!"

As soon as this statement came out, the peach blossom leaf immediately fluttered into the burial ground, and it was on top of the endless deadness that opened up a ten-mile peach forest, suppressing the burial ground that was about to explode.

The stars moved, all illusions were shattered, and the figure of the young man in Tsing Yi seemed to overlap with Yu Xin.

"If I am the Qing Emperor in his year, I will be rewarded with the peach blossoms."

The only remaining peach blossom leaf flew out from Yu Xin's hands.

In an instant, it was as if the god Sichun issued an edict.

With Yuxin as the center, within a radius of thousands of miles, countless flowers and spirits are blooming at the same time, competing for beauty, and the refreshing fragrance condenses into a cloud of spirits that envelopes the audience, as if you are instantly in the middle of the Yaochi Fairy, and all the dead flowers are gone. exist.

This is the second realm of Qingdi Spiritualization, blooming flowers on death, and then suppressing death.

Yu Xin became enlightened, and the spiritual clouds in the void turned into tides and poured into her body.

Silently, that gorgeous other side flower quietly bloomed its fourth petal. , , .

Chapter 253 The Fourteen-Year-Old Alchemy Master!

In the Pill Dao Department Square, everyone saw what Mu Yuntian had done, and they were all shocked and angry. Get rid of them as soon as possible! Otherwise, the calamity of the Poison King will be repeated!"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders of Qifeng changed their faces. They had a high status and knew many unknown inside stories. For example, the suppression of the poison king was not smooth sailing.

On the contrary, the poisonous king's death-defying counterattack completely killed more than a dozen former saints in the Deity Academy, and the death and injury of the legendary king and half-sacred were countless.This is also the most important reason why the academy blocks news and forbids the inheritance of the poison king.

Now the peak master of Heshou Peak compares Mu Yuntian to the poison king, obviously he has a strong murderous intention.

Unexpectedly, Li Danyun of the Alchemy Master Guild suddenly said: "Heshou Peak is too alarmist, there are hundreds of alchemy paths, including the poison path, how can I be reduced to the evil way? Even if I am the alchemist guild , there are also countless poison masters. Does the Heshou Peak Master want to kill them together? Besides, Mu Yuntian is already a member of my alchemy masters guild. If the seminary wants to punish him on the grounds of practicing poison, we will The guild also had to act as a guarantor."

Li Danyun's identity is extraordinary after all, and the head of the Crane Head Peak didn't dare to confront him head-on, so he could only frown and say, "Even if he doesn't pursue the poison technique, it's always right that he kills his fellow students indiscriminately, right?"

A red-robed elder in Chiling Peak said loudly: "In today's world, heroes are rising together, and the martial arts department is a big competition. Thousands of people are killed and injured at every turn. Is it impossible for the alchemy department to lose? Looking at all the sacred places of the sect, if this If you make a small mistake and kill an unworldly genius, then this sect holy place will definitely not last forever."

All the high-level officials of the Holy Land nodded slightly when they heard the words, but when Tianjiao rises, certain rules will be broken, and even they are counted. In the process of growth, there are few innocent lives in their hands.The so-called debate between righteousness and evil was originally just a lie to fool the ignorant. Although Mu Yuntian went too far this time, his talent was enough to offset this crime, which was considered an unwritten rule in the ancient sect holy land.

The chief elder of the Dan Dao department sitting in the main seat coughed and said solemnly: "The Dan Lingfeng has been opened, whether it is right or wrong, let's wait until the end of the big competition."

At Xiaozhufeng, the ruthless said angrily: "As expected, most of the elders of this college are protecting Mu Yuntian, just like that Ye Bufan!"

Fairy Yunxia said softly: "Tianjin Academy, its essence is also a big force similar to the ancient sect Holy Land. Since it is a big force, it is inevitable to take special care of Tianjiao. For example, Master Zhang, who is not also killing Wuji in the academy, but no People dare to question it. Although there are factors of your honor, the most fundamental thing is that you have the privilege of being in the academy because of your peerless reputation."

After speaking, Fairy Yunxia showed a worried look again, and said, "But that Poison King's unique skills are very ruthless, not comparable to ordinary poison techniques, and Mu Yuntian is very hostile to Yuxin, I am afraid that he will be in there. Yuxin is not good."

The ruthless man was startled and said sternly, "If he dares to touch the cold hair of the second sister, I will kill him after he comes out, and let him sink forever!"

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, stroked Ruthless Man's back, and said plainly: "Don't worry, with Dad here, no one can hurt Yuxin."

Danling Peak World

The second spiritual list in the void fluctuated for a while, and Yuxin's name returned to the first position, solidifying into eternity.

At the same time, the Pill Emperor phantom at the peak manifested again.

"The third pass is to refine the elixir, and use the resulting Danxia stone steps to climb Danling Peak. The higher you climb, the more points you will score."

When the sound came to an end, the alchemist below suddenly burst into a commotion.

Mu Yuntian took out the seven-legged black python cauldron and said in a gloomy voice, "Zhang Yuxin, the first two levels will allow you to win by chance, but for an alchemist, the quality of refining the elixir is the most important thing. I want to see it. , what kind of elixir can you refine to compare with my undead elixir!"

After speaking, Mu Yuntian directly released the pill fire, opened the cauldron to concoct pills, and countless necromantic flowers were thrown into it, exuding extremely strong fluctuations, which made the surrounding alchemists feel terrified.Second Chinese website www.dearzw.com

Yu Xin glanced at Mu Yuntian, did not take out the nine-legged purple gold dragon cauldron, but sat directly on the ground, posing in a posture of recuperating and recuperating.

On the other side, the flowers bloom in the seven-color sky, and the flowers become immortals for a thousand years.The gate of the immortal mountain hides cause and effect, and the road to cutting flowers is not to ask the sky.

The four colors of the other side flowers are already equivalent to the legendary realm in martial arts, and the vegetation and trees covered are also a hundred times more than before. Yuxin is digesting this part of knowledge.

"Dan is done!"

An alchemist from the Big Bamboo Peak shouted excitedly, removed the lid of the furnace, and a crimson Danxia rose up into the sky, which was seven feet high, in the shape of stone steps, giving people a solid feeling of stepping on it.

"It turned out to be the second-grade healing elixir, Zihua Pill. It can have four lines, which is not bad. Let me see!"

Another alchemist shouted and removed the lid of the furnace, and a more intense Dan Xia escaped, and the Danxia rose up to twelve feet, causing a burst of exclamations from the surrounding.

Shangguan Long glanced at it and said with a sneer: "Ignorance, only one pill of the same kind is effective in Pill Spirit Peak. Of course, we must try our best to get the best quality. What's the use of blindly seeking speed? Alchemy!"

As soon as the voice fell, the furnace cover in front of Shangguanlong flew away, and the mighty Danxia spewed out, which was [-] feet tall, comparing everyone's Danxia.

In Danling Peak Square, the elders nodded in satisfaction, the first elder said: "Fifty zhang Danxia is the limit of a fourth-grade alchemy master, he can reach [-] zhang with a single spiritual pill, and he belongs to the upper class among third-grade alchemists. already."

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