With Yuxin's current state, as long as she goes further, she can be comparable to the peerless peak master! , , .

Chapter 255 Heavenly Emperor Comes to Danling Peak

"Ta Tata..."

Yu Xin climbed up step by step, and soon reached the position of four hundred and fifty feet. She sat on the ground and took out the pill furnace to make pills. The rest of the pill masters, Shangguan Long, the highest position, only reached ninety feet with four spirit pills. Location only.


There was another loud noise, and the nine-legged purple gold dragon cauldron exploded again, and a whole green elixir rushed out, bringing a green danxia, ​​which was fifty feet long, and was connected to the mighty four hundred and fifty feet. On the Danxia stone steps.

Climbing Danling Peak, the higher the level, the stronger the suppression force, and the less easy it is to produce Danxia. Now Yuxin is almost halfway up the mountain, but she is still able to spew fifty feet of Danxia with a single spiritual pill, which immediately caused a sensation. , causing all the alchemists to stop involuntarily and watch.

"This is the Wood Spirit Pill, the Nine-pattern Wood Spirit Pill, taken by the king of the Four Transformations of the Legendary Realm and the Five Elements Transformation! It can improve most of the wood element's true essence!"

All alchemists exclaimed in amazement. They were also alchemy masters, and there were also three, six, and nine grades. The first watershed was whether they could refine the five-element elixir with more than six patterns.If he could, he could be regarded as a fourth-grade middle-level alchemy master, whose status far surpassed that of a fourth-grade low-rank alchemy master. Even in the alchemy department of the Deity Academy, he could hold the position of the master of the first peak.

There is no suspense, Yuxin not only reached the realm of alchemy master, but also became a middle-level alchemy master.

"Look, Senior Sister Zhang didn't move, she's still refining pills."

A small bamboo peak's alchemist exclaimed loudly, and everyone looked at it, and sure enough, Yuxin was still sitting at a position of four hundred and fifty feet, and another pot of medicinal herbs was opened, and she did not climb Danxia as before. stone steps.


The Zijin Shenlong Cauldron exploded, and another aura shone with the birth of Baodan, the whole body was gilded, dazzling and boundless, and once again spurted out fifty feet of Danxia.

"This is the golden elixir used by the king of the legendary four-transformation 'five-element transformation', the nine-pattern golden elixir! It can increase most of the gold-type true essence!"

Terrible, terrifying!

A group of alchemists looked at the golden elixir in the sky, shocked and didn't know what to say. In normal people, the five elements are balanced, but for cultivators, they will focus on a single attribute according to the different attributes of the major, such as major In fire-based exercises, the fire-attribute real energy in the body will overwhelm the other four attributes, so even an alchemy master is generally only good at a single attribute elixir in the Five Elements Pill.

But then, something even more shocking happened.

Nine-pattern water elixir!

Nine Pattern Fire Spirit Pill!

Nine Pattern Earth Spirit Pill!

One after another, five elements of medicinal pills flew out from Yuxin's pill furnace, and there were five of them, exuding various auras, hovering in the void.

She actually used her own strength to refine all the five elements of elixir!

The entire Danling Peak world was as silent as death, and all the alchemists were terrified and speechless.

As if the whole world, only Yu Xin's footsteps are left.


Put away the Purple Gold Dragon Cauldron and the Five Elements Spirit Pill, Yuxin is like a devout believer, climbing up step by step, sometimes stopping halfway, lowering her eyes to think, sometimes slowing her pace, listening carefully, listening to the Pill Emperor concocting pills Echoes in the Dan furnace.Dong Dong Novel www.dodoxs.com

Just like this, it took her two hours to walk the long [-]-foot stone steps, reaching a height of [-] feet that no one has reached in nearly ten thousand years. First, she meditated cross-legged for a while, and then took it out. Purple Gold Divine Dragon Cauldron.

"Senior Sister Zhang has started to concoct pills again. Could it be that this time she is going to concoct the elixir used by the king of the Five Transformations of the Legendary Realm 'Yin-Yang Transformation'?"

A group of alchemists below secretly guessed that many people had already guessed that Yuxin should refine the Yin Lingdan and Yang Lingdan in two separate furnaces, just like refining the Five Elements Pill before.

No one doubts that Yuxin can't do this, but the level of yin and yang attributes is much higher than that of the five elements. Unless the alchemist himself has reached this level of martial arts, it is difficult to have a deep understanding.Therefore, many people speculate that Yuxin can refine the Yin-Yang elixir, but the quality will not reach the Jiudan pattern.

However, the real genius is to break everyone's expectations and accomplish feats that ordinary people would not dare to imagine.

With a loud noise, the purple gold dragon cauldron in front of Yuxin exploded, and in an instant, the entire Danling Peak world trembled, and the vast and infinite Danxiang spewed out from the Dan furnace, condensing into one black and one white Two-colored huge Dan clouds cover the entire sky.

The Danxia stone steps, which were already as high as seven hundred feet, trembled for a while, and they actually extended upwards by another two hundred feet, reaching a height of nine hundred feet, only a hundred feet away from the top of the highest peak.

"This, this is..."

Seeing the vision in the sky, Mu Yuntian shook his hand, the fire of the pill was out of control, and there was a burning smell from the seven-legged black python cauldron.

"This is... yin and yang training together?"

At the Pill Dao Department Square, the number of onlookers was more than ten times more than at the beginning, and there were a million people, including people from the Martial Dao Department, the Equipment Dao Department and other departments, all came to watch because of Yu Xin's feat.

At this time, everyone looked at the nine-pattern Yin Lingdan and the nine-pattern Yang Lingdan wrapped in the center of the two-color Danyun, and without exception, they all showed a thick color of horror.

"What an amazing potential of alchemy. If she can refine a nine-patterned domain dan suitable for the king of the legendary six transformation 'domain transformation', then her status will be comparable to that of an alchemy master!"

The Great Elder of Tianhe Holy Land sighed, his eyes full of anticipation, looking forward to witnessing the birth of a legend.

Once the legendary realm changes to six changes, for some powerful ancient sect holy places, as long as they are willing to spend resources to cultivate, it is not difficult.But after reaching the six changes, it is very difficult to break through to the seven changes.

The Six Transformations of the Legendary Realm can only be called a mid-level king, while the Seven Transformations of the Legendary Realm can be called a high-level king. The difference in combat power between the two is huge.If there is a nine-patterned field pill to help, even if there is only one, it can increase the probability of breaking through to the seven changes of the legendary realm, which is of great significance to any sect holy land.

Li Danyun shook his head and said: "Difficult! Huayu Pill, that is a spiritual pill that can only be refined by a fourth-grade high-level alchemy master, not to mention the incredible nine-pattern Huayu Pill, even if the Pill Emperor was reborn back then, it may not be can be refined.”

"Come on, Yuxin! If you can refine the nine-patterned Domain Pill, you will have the opportunity to climb to the top of Dan Lingfeng and obtain the complete inheritance of the Pill Emperor, which is against the heavens!"

Fairy Yunxia murmured nervously, clasping her palms tightly with sweat stains.

Zhang Tianqing took a sip of tea, and there was a dignified look in his eyes. Among all the people in the audience, only he could see that Yu Xin had reached the limit.

This kind of limit is not the limit of physical strength, but the limit of the soul's endurance, forcibly infused with the Pill Emperor's half-life Pill Dao perception, even with Yuxin's extraordinary soul strength, there are signs of unbearable.

Seeing Yu Xin's difficult steps to move up and climb up, every step of the way, the snow body trembled slightly, and a lot of sweat dripped from her smooth forehead, Zhang Tian finally couldn't bear it, and pointed to Danling Peak.

Suddenly, the mighty emperor descended to the world of Danling Peak.

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