Beside Yu Xin, Zhang Tian transformed into a spiritual body, held Yu Xin's hand, and said plainly: "Yu Xin, Dad will lead you on this journey." , . . .

Chapter 256 The Emperor's Blade Slashes the Pill Emperor!

On the Danxia stone steps, Yu Xin had already reached her limit, but at the moment when Zhang Tian held her hand, a cool air poured into her body, rushing straight into the sea of ​​​​knowledge, turning all the exhaustion and pressure into invisible.

Then, Zhang Tian's warm voice came from his ears: "Yuxin, Dad will lead you on this journey."


Yu Xin nodded heavily, with a very reassuring look in her eyes, and her originally stagnant and stiff footsteps became brisk again.

Ten feet, five feet, ten feet, twenty feet...

Yu Xin went up step by step, only to feel that under Zhang Tian's guidance, this journey became extraordinarily easy, and even the alchemy perception engraved on the stone wall became countless times clearer, no longer as hazy as before. Obvious, she needs to use her mind to observe to see clearly, which is also an important reason why she feels relaxed.

What she didn't notice was that every time she stepped up a step, there would be several cracks on the stone walls that she had realized before, as if they couldn't hold on to collapse, but Zhang Tian forcibly inspired the Dan Dao perception on the stone walls. The result has already damaged the source.

It only took half an hour for Yuxin to climb to the nine hundred feet, and she could vaguely see where the 'heaven' of this world was.

After clarifying her thoughts a little, Yu Xin found a place to sit down at will. This is the real world of alchemists. It is full of alchemy insights, just like the ancient times when the world was first opened, and the laws can be seen everywhere. , you don't need to go to various enlightenments, you can directly capture it with the naked eye.

"Senior Sister Zhang has started alchemy again!"

An alchemist below exclaimed and immediately stopped all alchemists.

Mu Yuntian failed to refine the necromantic elixir, so he did not continue to try, but practiced the elixir that he was usually good at. At this time, he also rose to nearly three hundred feet. Looking at Yuxin, who was nine hundred feet away, he felt extremely aggrieved.

That position should belong to him!

In the Dan Dao Department Square, there was no sound, and more than one million pairs of eyes were staring at Yuxin who was aloof. After an unknown amount of time, Li Danyun suddenly said, "Dan is almost done."

He didn't even notice how his voice trembled when he said these four words.


A shocking thunder crashed down from Danling Peak, but when it was close to Yuxin's head, it seemed to be cut off by an invisible force, and it was directly wiped out.

In the next instant, the rich Danxiang escaped from the Purple Gold Divine Dragon Cauldron, spreading for hundreds of miles, and even everyone in the square felt sane.

Especially for those kings who were trapped in the Six Transformations of the Legendary Realm and couldn't move an inch, the moment they smelled Danxiang, the true qi in their Dantian tumbled violently, and a huge desire was uncontrollably born.

If it wasn't for the Heavenly God Academy, if Yuxin wasn't in Danling Peak, and if it wasn't for Zhang Tian, ​​who was still half-stepped into the emperor's realm, many of the six-transformed kings of the legendary realm might just start to snatch it.

Because they all have a very strong feeling in their hearts, as long as they swallow this medicine pill, they can break through to the realm of the Seven Transformations of the Legendary Realm 'Ghost-God Transformation'.

"It's definitely a nine-patterned field pill. Only the nine-patterned pill can produce such a strange energy." 600 Novels

The chief elder of the alchemy system said word by word with his eyes like divine brilliance.The strength of Yuxin's alchemy technique made him, a calm and sophisticated master of alchemy, also feel shocked.

The key point of the nine-patterned elixir is not 'nine', but 'absolute'. Although it is only one percent more medicinal than the eight-patterned elixir, it represents a limit. In addition to the normal medicinal properties, there is also a Dan Yun in it.

"Sure enough, it is a world of great competition! Even the legendary divine elixir such as the Nine-pattern Huayu Dan has been born. It is fortunate that such a great talent has come to my Deity Academy. Peak Master Yunxia, ​​your little Bamboo Peak, has produced an unparalleled genius! "

The chief elder of the Pill Dao Department said excitedly, and even gave Yu Xin the supreme honor of 'Unparalleled Tianjiao'.

Li Danyun and other big figures in the alchemy world could not help but frown slightly. Although they were also amazed at Yuxin's alchemy skills, and even agreed that Yuxin's status can be compared with the master of alchemy, but to make them admit that Yuxin is a 'unparalleled genius', they Somewhat reluctantly.

What is the arrogance of the world?That is an invincible existence that can overwhelm a big world and overwhelm all the geniuses in the continent, and it needs to be reviewed and recognized by all the forces in the entire continent.

This level of arrogance is unique. If they agree, it is equivalent to the entire Eastern Wilderness agreeing with Yuxin's unparalleled arrogance.What we will face next will be the successive challenges of the remaining two deserts and one sea.

As long as Yuxin loses for a while, the name of 'The World's Best Talent' will disappear, and not only her, but the entire Eastern Desolate Pill Dao World will become a laughing stock.

Like the previous Long Gaitian, it is a living example. The major forces in the Southern Wilderness touted him to the sky and rated him as the arrogance of the world.As a result, when the blood-colored trial ascended the road to the sky, it was suppressed by Zi Yan for a distance of a thousand feet and became a laughing stock in the world.

Therefore, any force will be extremely cautious when evaluating 'The Talents of the World'.

I just heard Li Danyun say slowly: "Elder, and look carefully, this time Danxia is only ninety-nine feet, and it is still a tenth away from reaching the top. Zhang Yuxin's alchemy skills are indeed amazing, but now she is rated as ' It's still too early."

Another patriarch of the ancient Dan Dao clan in the East Desolation also echoed: "Yes, the unparalleled genius of the East Desolate Dan Dao world has not appeared since the Dan Emperor. If Zhang Yuxin wants to gain the name of the world, at least he must get the Dan Emperor. Seniors' approval is enough."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and looked at Danling Peak, and as expected, seeing that Danxia was still a short distance away from the top, they couldn't help showing regret.

Danling Peak World

The will of the Pill Emperor manifested at the peak, looked down at Yuxin, and said indifferently: "Little girl, your talent in Pill Dao is very good, but you are not the successor of the mantle and mantle that the Emperor intended, please stop here and feel it. ."

"Junior obeys."

Yu Xin showed a deep disappointment, but she still bowed respectfully towards Pill Emperor.

Zhang Tian squinted his eyes slightly, the illusory spiritual body suddenly solidified, and countless laws of the heavens emerged under his feet, as if stepping on the entire Danling Peak world under his feet.

"Bendi's daughter wants to take your inheritance, how dare you push three or four? This last ten feet of Danfeng will be pacified by this emperor!"

The voice fell, and the mighty emperor's might exploded, turned into an emperor blade, and slashed down towards the Pill Emperor phantom at the top of the peak.

The power of this slash directly erased the Spiritual Sense of the Pill Emperor, and the contained Pill Dao perception turned into a trickle, pouring into Yuxin's body.

The sky that was originally located at a height of one thousand feet has dropped ten feet! , , .

Chapter 257 Donghuang should respect Senior Zhang

"Boom! Boom!"

The world of Danling Peak was shaken.

This forbidden dimensional space was originally created by Dan Huang using his own body as the formation base, imprinting his soul origin.Now that the origin of the soul has collapsed, this world is on the verge of collapse.

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