Yu Xin's mind poured into a lot of Dan Dao insights, but she didn't have time to absorb it, and her little face was pale.

At this moment, her palm was suddenly clenched, and Zhang Tian's warm voice came from her ear: "Don't be afraid, you will be fine with Dad here."

As if to confirm Zhang Tian's words, the space at the top of the peak suddenly condensed, and despite the collapse and collapse below, the top of the peak was calm.

Yu Xin held Zhang Tian's palm instead, her face gradually stretched, looking at the chaotic scene below, she said with a touch of sadness: "It's a pity that this world has been destroyed like this."

"The brand will be removed, and Dan Lingfeng will be destroyed!"

"This, how is this possible? Could it be that Zhang Yuxin has already obtained the inheritance of the Pill Emperor?"

"It should be right. This world is based on the inheritance of the Pill Emperor. I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, someone would really be recognized by the Pill Emperor."

On the Dan Dao Department Square, looking at the crumbling Dan Ling Peak, everyone is in a mess, especially the elders of the Deity Academy, their eyes are very complicated. It is a good thing that the academy has an unparalleled genius, but it also means The destruction of a top-level cave made them extremely reluctant.

"Quick, look, Senior Zhang, Senior Zhang has entered Danling Peak!"

I don’t know who shouted something in the square, and everyone looked at it, and sure enough, there was a young man standing beside Yuxin at the peak. Although the whole world of Danling Peak was collapsing and disintegrating, the place where he stood was stable. Like a rock, it seems that he is the only one who holds up the 'heaven' of this world.

"What is Senior Zhang doing in Danling Peak?"

This question popped up in everyone's heart, but in the next moment, what Zhang Tian did made them all look horrified.

"This alchemy world, after tens of thousands of years of evolution, is full of dan rhythm, and it has become a spiritual place of its own. It is a pity to destroy it like this. In this case, my father will reshape this peak and use it as your famous place in the world. A gift."

Zhang Tian stroked Fu Yuxin's side face lightly, feeling a ray of warmth from his palm, and moved his fingertips to the center of her eyebrows, extracting a ray of soul origin.

"Everything in this world obeys orders! From today, this emperor's daughter will take over this world. Her will is the will of this world, and she can evolve whatever she thinks."

Zhang Tian solemnly declared like a god, the source of the soul in his palm floated out and was imprinted on the broken soul imprint of the Pill Emperor.

In an instant, the collapse of the entire world stopped abruptly, and then, like the reverse of time, the collapsed earth grew again, but in the blink of an eye, it was restored to its original state, which was amazing.

Yu Xin opened her eyes and felt that she had established a very close connection with the entire Dan Lingfeng world. This Fang Dan world, like her purple gold dragon cauldron, gave her a feeling that she could be driven at will.

"I want flowers to bloom all over the earth."

Yu Xin said something.

In the next instant, a strange power gushed out from her body, and the entire Pill World felt a sense. On the ground, countless flowers bloomed, competing for beauty, exuding blossoming spiritual clouds, rising up.Jiujiushuge www.99shuge.com

"I want those who like me to be gifted by this world."

Yu Xin seemed to be shining, her whole body was bathed in holiness. After these words came out, the alchemy in the void poured into the bodies of the alchemists of the small bamboo peaks. Majestic knowledge that may not be available.

"Many thanks to Senior Sister Zhang for the blessing."

All the alchemists of Xiaozhufeng, with extremely excited expressions on their faces, bowed to Yuxin.

The alchemists of the other peaks could not help but show extremely envious expressions. The reason why this world of Dan Lingfeng is regarded as the holy place of alchemy by all alchemists in the mainland is because of the vast insights on alchemy inside.

However, these alchemy insights are extremely difficult to obtain. Ordinary alchemists refining spiritual elixir, can pave the limit of a hundred zhang Danxia stone steps. At this height, the alchemy comprehension that can be obtained is very limited, but most of them are very low-level.Even Mu Yuntian was so stunning and stunning, and climbing four hundred feet was already the limit.

Now, because of Yuxin's generous gift, all the alchemists of Xiaozhufeng have gained the alchemy enlightenment equivalent to [-] feet above Danfeng. It is also easy to reach the realm of alchemy masters.

However, in addition to envy, the alchemists of Chiling Peak still have a bit of fear in their hearts. Today's Yuxin is like a god in this world, and the people in their peak line have many relationships with Yuxin because of Mu Yuntian and Shangguanlong. hatred.

No matter how talented Yu Xin was in the past, they didn't care about this matter, but now they feel the fear, there is a sense of nervousness facing the trial, and they hate Mu Yuntian and Shangguanlong even more in their hearts.

Sure enough, after gifting the alchemist of Xiaozhufeng, Yu Xin set her eyes on the alchemist of Chiling Peak. This peak is the strongest of the seven peaks of the Dan Dao, and most of the members of the Danding Alliance come from here. Feng, who made things difficult for Xiaozhufeng during the Battle of Prosperity, she remembered all these clearly.

Although Yuxin is gentle, she is not the Virgin. Looking at the alchemist of Chiling Peak, she pondered: "I want those who hate me to be rejected by this world."

When the words fell, the alchemists of Chiling Peak were all shining with aura, and an alchemy furnace flew out and escaped into the void. Not only that, but even the alchemy insights they obtained in this world became blurred and their memory was unclear. It is equivalent to depriving them of all their gains in this world.

"Do not……"

All the alchemists of Chiling Peak let out a wailing sound. Their alchemy skills were powerful, and the alchemy furnace they obtained and the alchemy road they climbed were far superior to those of the other six peak alchemists, but now, everything has returned to zero.

"Mu Yuntian, Shangguan Long."

Finally, Yu Xin said these two names, causing the two of them to snort, and a very ominous premonition was born in their hearts.

She seemed to let out a sigh, and Yu Xin finally said quietly: "Please, buried in Danling Peak."

As soon as Yu Xin’s words fell, countless divine chains of order poured out from the ground, unstoppably piercing the bodies of Mu Yuntian and Shangguanlong, extracting all their physical energy and souls, Turned into the nutrients of the earth.

A black notebook fell from Mu Yuntian and was carried by Qingfeng to Yuxin.

The stars moved, and when all the alchemists came back to their senses, they had already appeared in the alchemy system square.

I saw millions of onlookers in the audience, all of them stood up, including the elders of the alchemy system and the alchemist guild in the main seat, looking at Yu Xin, solemn and solemn.

"Zhang Yuxin, today's East Desolate Pill Dao Realm, I will give you the title of 'Tianjiao', I hope you will cherish it, and he will become famous in the mainland in the future."

The chief elder of the alchemy system made a solemn announcement.

The sect masters of the ancient Fengyang sect and other big figures in Donghuang saluted Zhang Tian Yaoyao, and said respectfully: "One sect and three unparalleled worlds, from today, Donghuang should respect Senior Zhang." , . . .

Chapter 258 The poison king's handwriting, Zi Yan wakes up

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Ruthless and Yuxin's names swept across the entire Eastern Wilderness like a spring breeze. Everyone knew that in this year's competition at the Deity Academy, there were a total of two world-class talents, one from the martial arts department, who jumped to kill the Sea Dragon King.The other is from the Dan Dao department. At the age of fourteen, he personally refined the four-grade divine pills, such as the nine-pattern refining pill and the nine-pattern Huayu pill, and even obtained the inheritance of the pill emperor.

Both of them have gained the approval of the entire Eastern Wilderness with their undisputed strength.

At first, some pretentious disciples of the Holy Land came to challenge one after another, which made the ruthless people impatient.

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