This is a turbulent time, and the level of excitement is not inferior to the martial arts competition. Every day, groups of Tianjiao come to challenge, and the ruthless are too lazy to deal with them. Sharpen sword intent.

In this way, it only took half a month, all the arrogances in Donghuang were willing to worship, and no one dared to threaten the challenger.

Ruthless and Yuxin also completely fell silent in the following time, digesting the various opportunities they had obtained in the past six months.

Zhang family courtyard.

Yu Xin, who had just celebrated her fifteenth birthday, was reading with relish in the yard holding a black booklet. This booklet was obtained from Mu Yuntian. It seemed ordinary, but in fact it was made of a strange material. Not only can water and fire not invade, but even the sword intent of the ruthless cannot be torn apart.

And on the cover of this booklet, four big characters are clearly engraved - the Poison King's Notebook.Adds an unusual flavor to this ordinary brochure.

Obviously, this is a notebook that records the inheritance of the Poison King's life. The first half is his insights on the Dan Dao, and the second half is his various experiences and experiences after switching to the Poison Dao.

According to the chief elder of the Pill Dao Department, this notebook was one of the most important inheritances of the Poison King back then. It should have been taken back to the academy and sealed up, but it was Yu Xin’s own hands (in fact, it was taken by Zhang Tian’s terrifying strength). ), in the end, the elders of the Alchemy Department unanimously decided to give this Poison King Handbook to Yuxin as a reward for the first place in the competition.

Despite this, Yu Xin was not too interested in this notebook that exuded a strong sense of death, and kept it in the storage ring all the time.

However, a month ago, Yu Xin had completely digested the Pill Emperor's Pill Dao comprehension, and the progress of the Pill Dao was stagnant for a while, which made her involuntarily interested in watching the Poison King's Hand Letters.

After all, this Poison King was also an elixir wizard before he switched to the Poison Dao, and even the first person under the alchemy emperor recognized by Donghuang, his alchemy insight was extremely precious.

But she didn't want to see this, but she was completely addicted to it. The Poison King had already reached the realm of the great master of Dan Dao before he switched to Poison Dao. His understanding of the Dan Dao was completely different from that of the Dan Emperor. Xin opened the door to a new world and brought it into another vast world.

As a result, after reading the first half of Dan Dao's insights, Yu Xin naturally looked at the second half. She wanted to know what kind of amazing achievements this peerless genius in the Dan Dao has achieved after switching to the Poison Dao. .

"Alas..." Daxia Chinese website

Turning to the last page of the Poison King's Notebook, Yu Xin couldn't help sighing, as if she saw the ups and downs of a path seeker's life.

According to her inference, if the Poison King does not switch to the Poison Dao, but concentrates on the study of alchemy techniques, his achievements in the alchemy Dao will never be inferior to the alchemy emperor, and there will be another unparalleled genius in the alchemy world.

Unfortunately, the poison king's ambition is too great, what he wants to pursue is not the way of alchemy, but the way of longevity.However, the ordinary cultivation physique made him unable to cross the threshold of the entrance of life and death. It was also because of this that he was very obsessed with his physique, intending to artificially create a powerful physique that would never die.

In order to obtain a strong physique, he did not hesitate to cooperate with the devil in exchange for the blood of the poisonous dragon. He used a blood conversion pill to forcibly graft the blood of the poisonous dragon onto himself, and obtained the poisonous dragon body. With this physique, he broke through to the legendary realm and shaped the holy The body, advanced to the great holy realm that I didn't even dare to think about before.

But the Poison King was not satisfied. He needed a higher cultivation level. If the Poison Dragon Body couldn't do it, he had to develop a stronger physique, so he came up with the idea of ​​the 'Necronomicon'.

The entire Necronomicon is divided into two stages. The first stage is the Necromancer body, which is similar in effect to the Poison King's body. The second stage is the Necromancer. Physical physique, the probability of breaking through to the immortal realm will also increase tenfold.

It's a pity that the part about the Undead King's body on the Poison King's Notebook seems to have been torn off, leaving only the Undead Holy Body part. I want to come to Mu Yuntian to refine the Undead Spirit Pill desperately, in order to cross the Undead King's body. stage, directly practice the Holy Body of the Necromancer.

After sighing, Yu Xin raised her hand and stroked her eyebrows. There was a strange other side flower living there. It had already bloomed with four-color flowers, exuding a terrifying atmosphere comparable to the legendary king, which made her both happy and worried.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise behind her. Yu Xin looked back and couldn't help but be surprised: "Eldest sister, you finally got out of the customs, have you broken through to the half-step king?"

The person who came is a ruthless man who has been in retreat for three months. After half a year of precipitation, she has completely stabilized her cultivation base, and her breath is like a prison, giving people a powerful feeling that she can tear the void at will.

The ruthless man shook his head and sighed: "My background is too deep, and the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck is a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people. It is almost impossible to smoothly transition to the half-step king, so I can only leave the customs ahead of time."

Although the cultivation base did not go any further, she used this time to comprehend most of the "Swordsmanship", and also tried to sense the perfect destruction sword intent in the soul sea, barely able to control one or two, and compare it with the ice and fire The simple fusion of sword intent has created the second form of "Inverse Chaos Sword Art", 'Ice Extinguishing Rebellion', and the third form 'Fire Extinguishing Reciprocity'.

If she were to face Yan Qingxuan again, even if she didn't use the Sea Dragon King's blood essence and will, she would be [-]% sure that she would be able to kill him.

"Oh? Nan Nan also went out? Today is a good day."

Zhang Tian walked out of the courtyard lazily and said with a smile on his face.

Yuxin said strangely: "What is the big sister 'also' out of the customs, is there any other..."

Halfway through, Yu Xin's tone suddenly stagnated, as if thinking of something, Ruthless Man's eyes also lit up, and the two of them looked at Zhang Tian in anticipation at the same time.

I saw a cute and naive figure jumping out from behind Zhang Tian, ​​and said briskly: "Eldest sister, second sister, Zi Yan wants to die for you."

Chapter 259 The gods and demons changed, and the immortals were born

"Sanmei, you finally woke up, it's great!"

Ruthless and Yuxin both showed very surprised expressions. Since Zi Yan returned from the bloody trial, they have been sleeping. Although Zhang Tian has repeatedly assured them, they have been worried in their hearts, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After more than half a year of sleep, Zi Yan's breath became more and more terrifying, like a young god, but she was still not big. She was wearing a white skirt and her skin was whiter than snow. She was like a porcelain doll carved with jade. In his arms, burying his small head in the already beginning to take shape, Weng said: "Zi Yan had a lot of dreams, one after another, and thought she would never wake up, but finally she heard Dad's voice. , those dreams were all shattered."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan raised her head and said in a ghostly manner: "Eldest sister has grown a lot here, and she has suffocated Zi Yan. If she is bigger, she can be a bride for Dad."

The ruthless man's face suddenly turned red, he quickly adjusted his clothes, pinched Zi Yan's fleshy little face and said, "Just you little devil!"

"I said it's true. The eldest sister is so beautiful, but she can't give it to outsiders cheaply. Second sister, do you think what I said is correct?"

Zi Yan defended unconvincingly.

Yu Xin looked at the excitement with a smile at first, but she didn't expect Zi Yan to drag her into the water, and she immediately blushed, and she didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise from the northwest, and the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations scattered, even making the city of freedom so far away tremble slightly, and the spiritual power swept over the body, which gave people a kind of feeling. Creepy feeling.

The ruthless man was startled, and quickly looked at the source of the sound, only to see a huge beam of light rising from the ground, straight into the sky. It seems to be evenly divided, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Where is... the battlefield of gods and demons?"

After all, the ruthless man has lived here for nearly two years, and quickly guessed the location of the black and white light beam based on the distance, and immediately showed a strong color.That battlefield has existed for an unknown number of years, burying countless gods and demons, and every time it fluctuates, it will bring great changes to the entire continent.

After all, the current Shengyuan Continent is no longer the prosperous world where the gods and emperors were everywhere a million years ago, and even far less than [-] years ago, and there is no power to deal with the power of gods and demons.

Yu Xin glanced at her and said calmly: "Eldest sister retreats, I don't know, it seems that this kind of divine power eruption has happened for the fourth time in three months. There is another one before, which is more violent than this time."

"the fourth time?"

The ruthless man's eyes widened, and he sighed: "It seems that something big is going to happen in Donghuang."

"Isn't it just some stinky gods who have died? If Dad is here, even if they are alive, they will be killed!"

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