Zi Yan said nonchalantly, and hugged Yu Xin's arms again, and said coquettishly: "Second sister, Zi Yan hasn't eaten your dishes for more than half a year. Would you like to make more delicious food tonight?"

Yu Xin fondly stroked Zi Yan's head, and said softly: "It's rare for everyone to be reunited today, so I'll cook a few more dishes, there must be some that you like to eat."

"Long Live Second Sister!" Xuefu Novel www.xuefu168.com

Zi Yan immediately cheered.

Yu Xin smiled slightly, and immediately looked at Zhang Tiandao with a red face: "There are too many things to buy, Dad, come with me."

Zhang Tianzi had no reason to refuse, and nodded with a smile.

Ruthless Man glanced at the sky and said, "It's still early before it gets dark. I plan to go back to the academy first. If such a big change happened on the battlefield of the gods and demons, the academy must have sent someone to investigate. I'll ask what happened. thing."

Zhang Tiandao: "Go, come back early."


The ruthless man nodded, turned into a rainbow of fire and ran out.

Arriving at the Deity Academy, the ruthless went straight to the Gentlemen's Party. Unexpectedly, the leader, Su Ziming, just happened to rush back from outside.

Seeing the ruthless man, Su Ziming's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to say, "Congratulations to Junior Sister Zhang for getting out of the customs. You are in such a hurry to come back. It must be because of the sudden change in the battlefield of the gods and demons just now, right?"

"I have seen Senior Brother Su."

The ruthless man bowed slightly, and then went straight to the subject and asked, "I heard that this is the fourth divine power explosion in three months. As an academy saint, Senior Brother Su should know a lot of inside information, right? I don't know if there is any. What can you reveal?"

Su Ziming waved his hands and said, "Junior Sister Zhang is very polite. Back then, in the Martial Dao Peak Square, the vice president granted you the treatment of saints in public. Now you and I are considered equal, so there is nothing to hide. However, these information are still classified. Junior Sister Zhang can just listen to it herself, don't spread it out, or it will cause a big panic."

The ruthless man's face became even more solemn when he heard the words, and he said solemnly: "Senior Brother Su, please rest assured."

Su Ziming said: "Junior Sister Zhang should still remember the opening of the Demon Emperor's tomb a year ago, right? There was a lot of commotion at that time, and even experts from the Southern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, and even the experts from different races came to hunt for treasure. The situation is similar, the changes in the battlefield of gods and demons have attracted warriors from the entire continent, but this time, what was born this time is not the tomb of the demon emperor, but a real battlefield relic, the remains of the ancient battle between the gods and the demons."

"Immortal War? Is there still an immortal there?"

The ruthless man sucked in a breath of cold air. The gods and demons sounded terrifying, but in fact they were just two powerful races born from innateness. The weakest gods and demons were equivalent to the realm of immortal emperors.But the 'immortal' is different. Immortals are cultivated the day after tomorrow and need to go through countless hardships and ups and downs. Even the weakest immortals are capable of slaughtering emperors and slaughtering gods and demons like slaughtering dogs.

What kind of battle and what kind of powerful gods and demons can bury the immortals?

Su Ziming nodded and said, "It sounds incredible, but it's the truth. It was a mutation that occurred during the second outbreak of divine power on the battlefield of the gods and demons. At that time, I happened to be investigating the situation at the scene, and I saw with my own eyes an immortal corpse from the ruins. It rushed out, and all the warriors who were closest to the ruins at that time were completely destroyed, and those who were a little further away were also immobilized by the mighty power it exudes, and they could only watch it smashed away."

As he spoke, Su Ziming had a somewhat worried expression on his face. Obviously, the immortal corpse left a very terrifying impression on him, and he felt terrified just by recalling it. , , .

Chapter 260 The power that is enough to make the continent tremble

"The corpses of immortals actually appeared on the battlefield of the gods and demons. It seems that the East Wilderness is going to be turbulent again."

The ruthless man couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the last time the Demon Emperor's tomb appeared in the world, I don't know how much turmoil it caused, and even the powerful aliens from the Ninth Mountains and Seas broke out of the world, and this time the movement should not be small.

Su Ziming shook his head and said, "Although the Demon Emperor's tomb was very noisy last time, it was only confined to the Demon Emperor's secret realm. This time, the situation is not that simple. I'm afraid not only the East Wasteland, but the entire continent will be affected."

"It spreads to the entire continent? Could it be that Senior Brother Su is referring to the immortal corpse?"

The ruthless asked in astonishment.

Su Ziming said solemnly: "The corpse of the immortal is very mysterious. If there is really trouble, let alone Shengyuan Continent, even some big worlds may not be able to stop it. But I am not referring to it, but another force. , a force that is enough to make the entire continent tremble."

After a pause, Su Ziming didn't wait for the ruthless man to ask, and said directly, "I wonder if Junior Sister Zhang has heard of the Demon Race?"

"Demon Race? Could it be that Senior Brother Su is referring to the Demon Race that invaded Shengyuan Continent [-] years ago? Haven't they all been suppressed?"

The ruthless man asked even more strangely, not only did she know about the Demon Race, but she also visited the scene of the cross-border battle through the ancient sword of the founding leader of the academy, and even watched the Hell Demon Lord of the Dark Demon Realm be beheaded by her father.

"Oh, I forgot that Junior Sister Zhang held the academy competition in the Demon Refinement Tower. She should have already seen the Demon Race masters. But what you saw is only part of it. Back then, the cross-border invasion of the Dark Demon Realm was enough. Three devil-level commanders descended upon us, one of them was killed on the spot, the other was detained in the Demon Refinement Tower by the founding leader of our academy, but the other, named Purgatory Demon Lord, escaped."

"There are so many masters of the human and demon clan, and they even let a demon king go?"

Su Ziming said with a wry smile: "If a demon monarch escapes desperately, who can stop him? Moreover, this demon monarch is very cunning, and often sneaks into the sect of the demon sect to confuse the sight of the human and demon clan chasing and killing the army. , a war broke out between the three different races, and no one would care about him."

The ruthless man frowned and said, "So, that Demon Lord has reappeared in this world?"

Su Ziming sighed lightly: "The demons have a long life, and a hundred thousand years is nothing to a purgatory demon. One hundred thousand years ago, he already possessed the terrifying power of the emperor level. After one hundred thousand years, the strong on the mainland will wither. I'm afraid no one can threaten him anymore."

"But what does this have to do with the battlefield of the gods and demons? Could it be that the devil has also taken a fancy to the resources in the ruins of the gods and demons?" The ruthless man said sharply.

Su Ziming said: "Junior Sister Zhang is really smart. This time the relic of the gods and demons was born, not only a corpse of an immortal, but also many corpses of gods and demons, and a large number of corpses of gods and demons appeared. But a few days ago, these corpses were all gone. Yes, someone saw that it was the masters of the Demon Race who stole these corpses.

According to legend, the demons have an evil secret called "The Seal of Corpse Demon", which can lock the dead energy in the corpse, and then manipulate the corpse like a puppet.Think about how terrifying those corpses of gods and demons would be if they were refined into corpses. "04 Novel www.04xs.com

"The corpse demon seal?"

Ruthless people recalled their previous encounters on the fifth floor of the Demon Refinement Tower. The four Supreme Demon Saints also used this secret technique to summon an ancient corpse demon of the Demon Emperor level. They could even control the divine sword transformed by Jin Lei. It's not as strong as before, I'm afraid it's not far behind.

Until then, the ruthless man really understood what Su Ziming was worried about.If there is only one purgatory devil, the powerhouses of the human and demon clans may not be able to be suppressed, but if a purgatory devil plus a group of demon powerhouses, plus the corpse demon army made from the corpses of gods and demons, then again Counting the entire continent, what strength is there to rival?

Su Ziming added: "The birth of the Demon Clan has already alarmed the superpowers of the Human and Monster clan, such as the Ancestral Ancestor Dynasty, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, etc. They have their own way to deal with it, so Junior Sister Zhang doesn't have to worry too much, but it's best not to approach this time. The ruins of the gods and demons, in order to avoid any accident. I still have some urgent matters, so I will go first."

The ruthless man nodded and said, "Senior Brother Su, go to work if you have something to do."

After Su Ziming left, the ruthless man came to his exclusive attic, and used the power of the supervisor to transfer a lot of information, all of which happened in Donghuang in recent months. Su Ziming's disclosure was so secret, but it was more comprehensive, which allowed her to better grasp the situation in Donghuang.

After reading these materials, the ruthless man could not help but let out a sigh of relief, and completely dispelled the idea of ​​going to the battlefield of the gods and demons. In the battlefield of the Holy Land wrestling, there are too many high-level kings, and it is not suitable for a single person to go adventure.

At this moment, there was a slight noise at the door.

The ruthless man squinted his eyes and looked at the closed wooden door, and said solemnly, "Is it Li Ming? Just come in if you have something to do."


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