The wooden door opened, and a thin young man walked in. It was Li Ming, one of the first four followers to follow Ruthless.

"Senior Sister Zhang, you... how did you discover me?"

Li Ming stood in front of Ruthless Man with a look of surprise on his face. He deliberately hid his breath just now, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Ruthless Man as soon as he walked to the door.

The ruthless man smiled slightly, her ice and fire sword intent had condensed into a sword soul, and in terms of soul power alone, it was comparable to a high-level king, and Li Ming's deeds naturally couldn't escape her perception.

"You sneaked around here, I'm afraid there is something wrong, tell the truth, I don't care about your rashness."

The ruthless man said in a flat tone, with her status today, she has unknowingly gained the power of a superior, and the words pierced Li Ming's heart like a sharp blade.Under this powerful deterrence, any lie will be exposed in an instant.

Li Ming's face changed three times in a row, but he finally made up his mind, knelt down with a 'puff', and said in a low voice, "I came to find Senior Sister Zhang, but I was helpless and desperate, otherwise I wouldn't dare to use my personal affairs to delay it. In the time of Senior Sister Zhang, I also hope that Senior Sister Zhang can come to the rescue." ,,...

Chapter 261 Introduction to the Realm of the North Sea

The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Personal affairs? What are you talking about beforehand?"

Li Ming put his hands on the floor, streaked green marks, and said bitterly: "Senior Sister Zhang probably doesn't know my family background. In fact, I am not from the Middle Earth, but from a martial arts family in Beihai. Of course, this In Senior Sister Zhang’s eyes, the family is definitely nothing, but to me it is as insurmountable as Mount Tai, my father sent me a letter two days ago…”

"It's strange that you came from Beihai."

The ruthless man showed a slightly surprised expression. You must know that although the North Sea is often compared with the East Desert, the South Desert, and the West Desert, in fact, because of the rise of the Sea Clan, this area has long been tacitly regarded as an exotic land, and there are holy ancestors all year round. The army of the Dynasty was stationed on the border, so that Beihai Seafood rarely communicated with the outside world. I didn't expect that there was a Beihai person standing in front of him.

As for Li Ming's difficulties, the ruthless man also generally understood.To put it simply, Li Ming is the direct son of the Li family among the five great families in the Chaoxing Sea Region of the Beihai Sea, but because of the very strong side branches, he had to leave Beihai and vowed to learn his skills before returning, but now he is unable to do so due to some reasons. Not going back early.

After thinking for a while, Ruren said: "Can your father explain in the letter the reason for calling you back?"

Li Mingdao: "It is said in the letter that a war broke out between the Beihai Alliance and the Beihai Monster Clan, which has lasted for nearly a year, and all the backbone of the family has been exhausted, but a new round of recruitment will start immediately. It will be excluded from the list of the five major families. Therefore, the family issued a recall order to let all the clansmen who practiced outside come back, and bring back some support forces.”

The ruthless man tapped the book table with his fingers rhythmically, and said in a low voice, "Have you tried to release a recruiting mission in the mission hall of the academy? I remember this kind of thing. As long as you offer the right price, you can always hire some people."

Li Ming shook his head and said, "According to my father's letter, this battle is very intense. Below the core disciples, they are cannon fodder. Even core disciples above the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm may not be able to guarantee safety. As for the half-step king or the profound entrance of life and death. Even if the price is offered, who would like to travel thousands of miles to the murky waters of the Beihai Sea?

But I am the direct son of the Li family. At the beginning, I was angry and left the East Wasteland. Now that the family is in trouble, I have returned alone. How can I face my father, and I will be ridiculed by the relatives of the side branches, and I will shame my father for nothing. . "

This is the bond of the family. While enjoying the family dividend, once the family is in trouble, they must fight hard, especially Li Ming, as the direct son of the Li family, bears more responsibilities.

The ruthless man pondered: "In other words, you want me to be your support force, as a cultivator of the Li family, to participate in the battle between the North Sea Alliance and the North Sea Monster Clan?"

Li Ming buckled his head twice and said, "I know that Senior Sister Zhang has the dual titles of the No. [-] Tianjiao in the East Desert and the Outstanding Tianjiao in the World. There are many important things to do, but I really have nowhere to go. If I can't recruit the top experts, even if I die, I don't want to go back to my family to be humiliated."

"Haha, isn't this very interesting? I'm just going to see the strength of Beihai Tianjiao!"

Ruthless Man's eyes are filled with scorching fighting intent. From her debut to the present, she has basically just played petty fights and has never participated in a real battle. The thought of being able to be in the vast North Sea and inviting all kinds of masters to fight, she couldn't bear it. Live with the blood boiling.

Moreover, the ruthless person bears the title of 'The Talents of the World'. No matter what, she has to conquer the Beihai area. It is better to go to the Beihai before fighting the masters of Nanhuang, Xihuang, and Zhongzhou. There is a hunch that the opportunity to break through to the half-step king is in Beihai!Ishuse

"Really, really? Many thanks to Senior Sister Zhang, thank you to Senior Sister Zhang. In the future, if Senior Sister Zhang sends anything, I, Li Ming, will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

Li Ming was so excited that his father had hinted in the letter that he hoped that he could bring back a master of the profound entrance of life and death, so that he might earn some face.But what kind of person is Ruthless, as the first Tianjiao in the East Desert, the world's best Tianjiao recognized by the major forces in the Eastern Desolation, even if a hundred powerhouses of the third level of life and death are added together, they are not her opponents.

Being able to invite such a supreme powerhouse as a help, Li Ming can already imagine how beautiful he will be at the Li family meeting. At that time, he can vent all the grievances accumulated over the past decades and let him be the patriarch. For the first time, his father was able to hold his head high in front of all the side branches!

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "You are my follower, and I will help you with this little thing. I have already written it down in the Chaoxing Sea, the Li family, you can just go home and wait until I finish it. As for the matter here, I will go to Beihai and I will arrive at your house on time."

"Senior Sister Zhang planning to go alone? Well then, I'll go back to the family to prepare and wait for Senior Sister Zhang to arrive."

When Li Ming heard that Ruthless Man did not intend to go back with him, he showed a slight disappointment, but he did not dare to show it. After a few more thanks, he respectfully withdrew.

Returning to his small courtyard, Ruthless Man immediately found Zhang Tian and said briskly, "Dad, I plan to go to Beihai and compete with those Beihai Tianjiao!"

Zhang Tian was stunned for a while, and before he could speak, he heard Yuxin say in surprise: "Eldest sister is going to Beihai?"

Ruthless said strangely: "Second sister is also interested in Beihai?"

Yu Xin put two plates of fragrant hot dishes on the dining table, and said softly: "I read the Poison King's handbook these days, which records that the Poison King once went to Beihai for a trip and found a powerful strange fire on Bingjue Island. , is likely to be the dry blue ice flame ranked twelfth in the "Nine Realms Different Fire List", but for some reasons it was not achieved, and I don't know if it is still there now."

The ruthless man said excitedly: "The twelfth place, that's amazing, it is several times stronger than the second sister's green lotus fire, if you can get it, it will be of great help to the second sister. Whether it is still there or not, They should all investigate."

Zi Yan rolled her eyes, rushed into Zhang Tian's arms and said excitedly: "Dad, Zi Yan is also going to Beihai, the taste of sea beasts must be better."

Yu Xin's eyes showed a look of anticipation. She originally planned to find time to go to Bingjue Island in the North Sea. It would be better if Zhang Tian could accompany her.

Zhang Tian hugged Zi Yan's fragrant, soft and lustrous snow body, and said with a smile: "In this case, let's all travel to Beihai as a family."

PS: In order to prevent everyone from reading the book confusion, Jiuwei first briefly explained the realm system of this book: Forging Realm, Lunhai Realm, Transcendent Realm (after the triple stage of life and death), Legendary Realm King, Great Sacred Realm, Immortal Realm King, Emperor Realm (quasi emperor, great emperor), fairyland (true immortal, immortal king, quasi immortal emperor, immortal emperor)

Simply put: king, saint, emperor, emperor, immortal.This is a normal order. Of course, there are also some examples of peerless emperors beheading real immortals, which are special cases. , , .

Chapter 262 The Emperor of Heaven approaches the North Sea and breaks the gate of God


Three days later, over the city of freedom, a loud dragon roar resounded through the sky.

The Frost Dragon, which has broken through to the Nine Transformations Realm of the Legendary Realm, carried Zhang Tian's family and turned into a huge blue rainbow and flew towards the North Sea.

Standing on the back of the giant dragon, the ruthless man said in amazement: "The crystal core of the peak demon saint is really powerful, and it actually allowed the frost giant dragon to directly break through from one change to nine changes, and it seems that it has not exhausted its energy. , this kind of breakthrough speed is unbelievable for the human race."

Zhang Tian said with a smile: "The monsters are very different from the humans. The foundation of most humans can be said to be the weakest among all races. It is difficult to cultivate step by step, but it has infinite possibilities. The monsters are very dependent on blood. And resources, as long as the bloodline is strong enough and the resources are rich enough, you can quickly improve your cultivation. On the contrary, if you only rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the cultivation speed is much slower than that of the human race. Moreover, there is an upper limit to this kind of rapid breakthrough. Many demons From the moment the clan was born, the highest cultivation level that can be achieved has been destined, unless there is a chance against the sky to sublimate the bloodline, this can break the shackles."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said: "Xiaolong can get the crystal core of the peak demon saint, even if it is a chance against the sky?"

Zhang Tiandao: "It's barely. This frost giant dragon has the bloodline of the dragon family, and the upper limit of its cultivation is far better than that of ordinary monsters. Given enough time, even if it breaks through to the demon holy realm, it is not too difficult. , that pinnacle demon holy crystal nucleus only shortens the process of accumulating spiritual power, and the improvement of bloodline is not significant."

"So, what about the blood of the Peacock Ming Wang I swallowed?" Zi Yan asked curiously.

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows, put two fingers on Zi Yan's eyebrows, probed for a while, and said, "There are some boosting effects, plus the boosting effect of the Dragon Phoenix Associated Fruit, your current bloodline strength has already Far beyond the ordinary Dragon Emperor bloodline, it is estimated that if you swallow a few Dragon Emperor companion fruits, you will be able to evolve to the Dragon Emperor bloodline."

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