"Dragon Emperor bloodline?"

Yu Xin sucked in a breath of cold air. The demon clan respects the bloodline. If Zi Yan really reaches the dragon emperor level bloodline, it means that she can become the ancient emperor even if she sleeps every day, and the nobility of the ancient dragon clan bloodline in Taixu. The Great Emperor Zhengdao can immediately possess a terrifying combat power comparable to a true immortal. A small world such as Shengyuan Continent can be annihilated with a flick of a finger.

"The third sister is really amazing. When I meet the Dragon and Phoenix Companion Fruit in the future, the eldest sister will definitely try my best to help you win it, and strive to make you reach the Dragon Emperor bloodline as soon as possible."

The ruthless man touched Zi Yan's little head and said.

"Hey, I will become the emperor in the future. Who dares to bully the eldest sister, the second sister, I will slap him to death!"

Zi Yan said very proudly, her breasts stood up high, as if she had become an emperor, but she was too small, and this action did not have the slightest momentum, but only looked naive and cute, which made the whole family chuckle.

After flying for a while, the ruthless man saw that Yuxin had been flipping through a booklet, and couldn't help but wonder: "Second sister, what are you looking at?"

Yuxin raised the booklet and saw six characters "North Sea Geographical Map" written on the cover.

"This map was obtained from my Xiaozhufeng's Book Collection Pavilion. The North Sea is located in the extreme north of the mainland, and there are countless islands. The combined area of ​​sea and land is almost equivalent to two barren lands, because the sea area here accounts for seven Therefore, in many places such as the Dan Dao, it is very different from the Middle Earth. This senior traveled in the North Sea for three hundred years in order to study the Beihai Dan Dao, and compiled all his knowledge into this map.” Literature 88 www.glgw88.com

The ruthless man said: "So it is, I only know that the sea clan in the North Sea is very powerful, and the Holy Ancestor Dynasty is also very jealous. The rest is not very clear, the second sister may explain it?"

Yuxin sorted out the broken hair scattered to the front, and said softly: "The distribution of forces in the North Sea is very complicated. Generally speaking, it is divided into four forces, the first is the tribes of the Sea Monster Clan, and the second is the various sects of the Sea People. The third group is the army of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, with more than [-] million people. The highest commander is King Jinghai, one of the eight kings with different surnames. The fourth group is the martial arts family that migrated from the Middle Earth. This group is the weakest and its territory is limited to Some scattered islands, therefore formed the North Sea Alliance, united as one."

"Sea Monster Race? Sea Human Race? What is that, can people still grow in the sea?" Zi Yan asked with big eyes.

Yuxin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The so-called sea monsters and sea humans, if we trace their origins, are monsters and humans, but they migrated to the bottom of the sea very early to live, and many habits have undergone great changes, including physical characteristics. Change, and the human race on the land, there is a big gap, and wars often break out between the two sides."

Ruren said: "This war is said to have been provoked by the major tribes of the Sea-Monster clan, and the momentum is very large, and the various sects of the Sea-human clan are behind the scenes, with the intention of subverting those human clans that occupy the islands in the North Sea, forcing the Beihai Alliance to not be able to. Do not unite with King Jinghai of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty to defend against the attack."

"No matter who provoked him, as long as he dares to provoke us, he will become a barbecue."

Zi Yan's eyes flashed, and she said viciously, causing another chuckle.

Time flickered and another half a month passed. The four Zhang family members browsed the scenery all the way, and unknowingly reached the border of the North Sea.

Zi Yan stood on the back of the Frost Dragon, and suddenly saw a dark and ferocious city below, standing on the seashore, very majestic, she couldn't help shouting: "Dad, big sister, second sister, hurry up. Look, what a big city, like a giant beast lying in the sea, ten times higher than the city wall of the city of freedom."

Yuxin explained: "Because this place is close to the North Sea waters, there are often big waves, so the city is generally built relatively grand. Like this kind of giant city, there are protective magic circles laid down by the magic masters on the city walls. Once activated , even the sea beast tide led by the demon saint, don't even think about breaking through, of course, the consumption is also very huge."

The ruthless man fixed his eyes and saw three gilded characters 'Juque City' engraved on the city gate. Even if they were separated by ten million meters, he could see it at a glance, and then said briskly: "We have been flying for several days, I don’t know where the next city is, so let’s supply some supplies here. Xiaolong, descend.”


Above the Giant Que City, a violent whistling sound rang out, and the giant frost dragon swooped down with a terrifying frost and cold air. Before it could get close, the power of frost and snow froze the entire giant city into ice cubes, even the spirit tree in the city. , have formed large ice crystals.

"Woohoo! Woah!"

Juque City responded quickly. The tall and tall city walls on all sides were covered in black light, forming a semi-circular protective cover, and a thousand-zhang divine sword was condensed above the city, slashing towards the frost giant dragon fiercely.


Zhang Tian put one hand behind his back, and the other hand bent forward a little.

Suddenly, the void exploded, and the thousand-zhang divine sword was directly annihilated, and the emperor's power swept down, breaking a huge door on the protective cover of the divine light. , , .

Chapter 263 The Shock of the Lord of Juque City

"Sea beasts are coming, sea beasts are coming!"

"What a big dragon, could it be that the powerhouse of the Sea Dragon Clan wants to destroy Juque City?"

"The master of the formation who killed thousands of knives, what kind of garbage defense formation was made, and it shattered by itself before it could be beaten."

All the warriors in Juque City looked up at the sky, with deep despair in their eyes. People living above the North Sea all understood the truth. When the beast tide came, the defensive circle of the city was the last barrier. Once broken, those legendary kings and holy masters may be able to escape, but the bottom warriors are basically certain to die.

Just when they thought that the city was about to be buried in the waves, the giant dragon in the sky uttered a loud dragon roar and broke through the air, leaving everyone stunned.

On the street, just as everyone looked up at the sky, the four Zhang family had already mixed into the crowd and were looking at the surrounding buildings with interest.

After a while, the noise in the city resumed. What should I do? On this seaside, the distance between the city and the city is extremely far. Even if there is a beast tide, they will only die if they escape from the city. Quick, might as well just keep shrinking in the city and resign.

The ruthless man looked around and realized that there are many strong people in this city, not the kind of strong cultivation base, but the strong background, similar to Tianjiao, and most of them are converging in the same direction.

At this time, Zi Yan shouted: "The fragrance in this restaurant is very heavy, there must be a lot of delicious food, maybe there is high-grade sea animal meat, let's eat here!"

Zhang Tian followed Zi Yan's line of sight and saw that it was a very stylish restaurant with seven floors. It stood out among the surrounding buildings. It was obviously a big signboard. He nodded and said: "Then go to this one. ."

"Great, I want to eat sea beast meat, high-level sea..."

Halfway through the words, Yu Xin blocked Zi Yan's mouth and said softly: "Don't say it so loudly, this place is very close to the sea area of ​​the Kraken, so be careful to be heard by those from the Kraken. "

Zi Yan turned her big black eyes, and she saw that there were many people with scales around. They were all sea people and sea monsters who had lived underwater for generations and their bodies had mutated. Although they had seen them before, they were far away. There is not much here.

The vicious beasts in the sea are no different from those on land. Except for a small number of sea monsters with enlightened intelligence, there are more sea beasts who only know how to kill. This kind of sea beast meat is also one of the favorite delicacies of the people in the North Sea. This restaurant is also for sale.

Just as the family was feasting around the dining table, a middle-aged man who looked like a scholar walked silently to the Zhang family's dining table, raised his hand and placed a soundproofing ban.

It was only at this moment that the ruthless man noticed the existence of this person, and he couldn't help being very vigilant. Before he could react, he saw the middle-aged man salute Zhang Tian and said, "I... the younger generation, the city master of Juque City, Bai Lingfeng. , I don’t know if the senior is coming, and if you have lost a long way to welcome it, I hope that the senior will forgive you.”

He originally wanted to call him 'my servant', but when he was about to say it, he felt a huge terror. He temporarily changed it to 'junior', and his eyes were full of horror. To be so coercive, at least he was the supreme saint.This kind of powerhouse, even the huge Beihai, is also very few.Tianya Micro Fiction www.tywxs.com

Only then did the ruthless man know that this person came to the door because of the forcible breaking of the ban just now. I think he has some special means to monitor the city, otherwise he would never be able to lock them so quickly.Don't care at the moment, continue to taste the delicious food on the table.

Zhang Tian sat still and said calmly, "This emperor is just passing through this city to make some repairs, and he has no intention of doing anything here, so you can retire."


Bai Lingfeng showed a look of embarrassment, and cautiously explored: "Look at the clothes of the seniors and others, they seem to be people from the East Wilderness, I don't know which sea area they are thinking of, and what are they doing? I can help the senior. Or if the senior wants to visit Juque City, the junior can arrange someone as a guide."

Zhang Tian looked worried, and before he could speak, the ruthless man said one step ahead: "There is no need for the guide, just a question. The people in this city seem to be gathering in one direction, but what's so exciting?"

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