The ruthless man said, and pointed out the window. From such a high view, he could see that people on several main streets were running towards the east. Obviously, they had the same purpose.

Bai Lingfeng said: "So that's what happened. Lingbao Pavilion will hold an annual auction today, which contains all kinds of precious treasures collected by Lingbao Pavilion over the past year. These people are all going to the auction. ."

The ruthless man said with a half-smiling smile, "Could it be that these arrogant geniuses in the city are all here for the auction? You also say that Juque City has outstanding people, and the arrogance is comparable to a land in the Eastern Wilderness?"

Bai Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Ruthless Man's insight to be so powerful, and he said vaguely: "Little friend is joking, my Juque City is only a small town, how can there be so many talents. As for why they came, This city lord has just come out of retreat, and it is not very clear. If you are interested, you can move to the city lord's mansion to rest for a night, and let the city lord investigate clearly and then let you know."

The ruthless man could see at a glance that the city lord was deliberately prevaricating, but she didn't care much at first, and said calmly at the moment: "It's fine for us to understand this, City Lord Bai, please come back."

Bai Lingfeng frowned slightly. He was the great sage on one side, and there was a big family behind him. He was just called a junior in front of the supreme great sage.

"Get out!"

Zhang Tian said something in a low voice, like a thunderous thunder, which exploded directly in Bai Lingfeng's mind.

"Yes, the junior will say goodbye."

Bai Lingfeng's face turned pale, he hurriedly bowed again, and turned to leave.He was extremely terrified. Zhang Tian's scolding just now, if he had the intention to turn into an attack, he would shatter his soul in an instant. How dare he entangle any more, he can't wait to hide away immediately.

Yu Xin looked at Bai Lingfeng's back, and said softly: "This sea area belongs to the Beihai Alliance. If this person can become the city owner, he should be a member of the Bai family among the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance."

Zi Yan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter which family he is, he is definitely not Dad's opponent. Let's eat quickly, and go to the Lingbao Pavilion auction later, maybe we can find some interesting treasures." ,,. .

Chapter 264 The big man from the East Wilderness

However, after Bai Lingfeng, the city lord of Juque City, left, he quickly returned to the city lord. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. There was still a bit of fear in his eyes. After he broke through to the holy realm, he was about to forget this feeling.

"Is this the power of the Supreme Sage, it is really powerful like a prison." Bai Lingfeng couldn't help sighing.

At this time, a mighty man walked in from the door and said solemnly: "City Lord, have you found any daring person who dared to be so unscrupulous in Juque City? Humans?"

Just as Bai Lingfeng was about to speak, he suddenly paused, and cautiously placed a sound barrier, and then said slowly: "He is a big man from Donghuang, his strength is unfathomable, not to mention the city lord, even if the elders of the Beihai Alliance are close to him, It’s probably not an opponent, but he should pass by, and he has no hostility to Juque City, which is a fortune in misfortune.”

The mighty man sucked in a breath of cold air and said in shock, "More powerful than the elders? The elders in the alliance are all powerful at the level of the Holy Master. Could it be that this person is the Supreme Sage?"

"Even if not, the strength is roughly the same."

Bai Lingfeng speculates very carefully, and he can't help but recall the power of Zhang Tian's drink just now. He is sure that none of the elders in the alliance can do this.

The mighty man frowned and said, "Even if he is the Supreme Sage of the Eastern Wilderness, he can't be so arrogant. This is because he doesn't take our Beihai Alliance in the eyes of him at all. Speaking of the Supreme Sage, our Beihai Alliance is not without it. Qianglong still doesn't suppress the snake in the ground."

"Be careful!"

Bai Lingfeng glared at the mighty man and said in a condensed voice, "Don't worry about this matter, I will report it to the league carefully, you just need to pay attention to maintaining the security in the city, and don't let our people offend that person. A great man."

"As ordered!"

The mighty man clenched his fists slightly, turned around and walked out.

Bai Lingfeng watched him leave, and thought about the words again and again, then turned around and entered the secret room of the apse, where there was a high-level magic circle, which immediately manifested an illusory door of light, like a mirror.

"It's Lingfeng, what happened?"

Opposite the mirror, there appeared the figure of an old man. Although his hair was gray, his face was lit up with red light. His eyes were full of spirit, showing a strong vitality.

"Ling Feng sees the patriarch. Today in the city..."

Ling Feng bowed respectfully, and the old man opposite the mirror was the contemporary patriarch of the Bai family among the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance.

The patriarch Bai listened quietly to Bai Lingfeng's words, and said in amazement, "A figure comparable to the Supreme Sage from Donghuang? He still looks like a young man? How is this possible! Donghuang has been declining for thousands of years, and I have never heard of it. Who has cultivated a perfect holy body, otherwise why would an Ice Emperor be oppressed to such a degree. Could it be that you made a mistake?"

Bai Lingfeng said: "There should be no mistake, the clothes they wear are obviously the style of Donghuang. Moreover, that senior smashed all the Demon Slayer Sword and the Divine Array with one finger, and even gave me a way to easily The feeling of killing me is definitely far more powerful than the Holy Master."

Patriarch Bai said softly: "This is strange, could it be the dean of the Deity Academy? He had the name of a peerless genius back then, and his cultivation had already reached the level of the Holy Master. Could it be that he completed the Holy Body and rushed from the world outside the Territory? back?"

"Oh, by the way, that senior also brought three little girls, one looks small, but his blood is as strong as a demon king, one has an elegant and ethereal temperament, and the last one is so restrained that even I can't see it. After all, I only know that her soul power is very powerful, comparable to a high-level king." 56 Novels

Bai Lingfeng finished in one breath.It wasn't until now that he looked back on it, he realized that the three girls next to Zhang Tian were obviously unusual. At that time, he just stared at Zhang Tian, ​​but he ignored it.

"Three girls, could it be..."

Patriarch Bai murmured softly, looking at the calm face, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, he took two breaths in a row to stabilize his mind, and tremblingly said: "Thousand...don't provoke that person, if it's really him. , if one is not treated properly, the entire Beihai Alliance will be doomed."

Bai Lingfeng said stunned: "He? Who is he? To make the patriarch so jealous, does the patriarch already know the identity of this senior?"

Patriarch Bai took another deep breath and said slowly, "I'm not sure yet. You send the image of that person, including the images of the three girls beside him, and I'll rush to the alliance to check."


Bai Lingfeng finished sending the video, and just before turning off the magic circle, he vaguely heard the patriarch say in a low voice:

"He actually came to Beihai, this is a big wave."

On the other side, the Zhang family and his party finished their meal, and at Zi Yan's request, they collectively walked in the direction of Lingbao Pavilion. The closer they got to Lingbao Pavilion, the denser the crowd.

The ruthless man said: "This Lingbao Pavilion is so famous, it has attracted so many people, it is much bigger than the auction in the city of freedom."

Yuxin said: "It is recorded in the "Geography of the North Sea" that the controller behind Lingbao Pavilion is the Nalan family, one of the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance, so the reputation and reputation are the best. However, the location here is relatively remote. It's really rare to see such a grand auction."

"What? There's no room inside?"

"It is said that this auction is hosted by the famous Xue Fei, the princess of the Nalan family, the number one beauty in the Beihai Alliance, what a pity."

"I came back from the sea of ​​​​red blood on purpose, just to take a look at Xue Fei, you told me not to enter?"

"If Xue Fei doesn't come out, I will stay here and not leave!"

The bad news from the Lingbao Pavilion immediately caused a wailing and noise. The Lingbao Pavilion has a deep background, and everyone dared not make trouble, but they didn't want to give up.

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