Nalan Ruoxue let out a sigh of relief, her face softened, and she said softly to Yu Xin: "It is my fault of Lingbao Pavilion to frighten Master Zhang. This time, the nine-pattern Huayu Pill shot a total of [-] My Lingbao Pavilion won't draw a cent for the ten thousand-day-grade Lingshi, which is considered an apology to Master Zhang."

Yang Daoyuan shook his head and said, "There is a difference in what Concubine Xue said. The previous quotation of [-] million Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones was for an ordinary nine-patterned domain elixir. Now, with the blessing of Master Zhang's blue-patterned pill, how could it be the same day? And the words? I would like to add another [-] million Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones to make up [-] million integers to buy Master Zhang's Nine-patterned Domain Pill."

Hearing this, all the warriors in the audience could not help but nod their heads for a while, secretly saying that this is the arrogance of a big family. One voluntarily gave up one-tenth, which is [-] celestial spirit stones, and the other took the initiative to increase the price by four Millions of purchases have given enough face to the Alchemist Guild.

Compared with Shangguan Qianhe's unscrupulous shot for a little face, the means of these two people are many times higher.

A turmoil was so silently resolved.

Gu Bo was not surprised in the subsequent auctions. Although there were several high-priced treasures that were auctioned for tens of millions of heavenly-grade spirit stones, many people were no longer on the stage, but were enthusiastically discussing the shocking nature of the ruthless man. A sword.

Beihai is similar to Donghuang, and the competition between Tianjiao is extremely fierce. Shangguan Qianhe, as the direct descendant of the Shangguan family of the First War Clan, was named the top ten Tianjiao of Beihai Alliance a few years ago, and it is also the Beihai Alliance and the Sea Monster Clan. One of the leading figures of the sea people's Tianjiao battle, but did not expect to be killed by a Tianjiao sword from Middle-earth, which also made the sea warriors even more awe of the mysterious Middle-earth world.

At the end of the auction, Yuxin also received the auction fee of [-] million spirit stones. Without thinking, she handed it to Ruthless Man.

Ruthless didn't refuse. The "Swallowing Heaven Demon Art" she majored in was a bottomless pit, how many spirit stones could be consumed in an instant, not to mention that she had ten Void Seeds, a treasure that was extremely difficult to refine. There is still a huge demand for spirit stones, and there is no need to be polite to Yuxin.

On the other side, Yang Daoyuan was waiting outside Lingbao Pavilion early. When he saw Zhang Tian's family coming out, he immediately greeted them respectfully and said, "I have seen you all."

The Ruthless Man had a pretty good impression of him, and said calmly at the moment: "You deliberately wait here, but what's the matter?"

Yang Daoyuan was startled, only to feel that he was swept by the eyes of the ruthless man, as if all the secrets of his body had been understood, and now said more respectfully: "The girl's swordsmanship has reached the realm of transformation, and she must be a famous Tianjiao in the Middle-earth world. There is a Kui Niu secret realm about to open in the nearby sea area, I wonder if the girl and others are interested in visiting?"

"The Secret Realm of Kui Niu? Is it referring to the ancient beast Kui Niu?"

The ruthless man asked in astonishment, this Kui Niu is a congenital divine beast, and it is also one of the most combative fighting races among the demon clan. It has often fought against gods and demons in the ancient times, and it is very fierce.

However, the most famous part of this clan is not fighting, but their skins are very suitable for war drums, and the effect is outstanding. Among the ten ancient immortal emperor-level treasures, there is a war drum made of the skin of Kui Niu Demon Emperor, named Kui Niu The Emperor Drum, which later fell into the hands of the Emperor Buried, became famous all over the world with him in his battles against the nine great mountains and seas.

Yang Daoyuan said: "What the girl said is not bad. After investigation, this secret realm is formed by the fall of a powerful Kui Niu beast in ancient times, and its body overwhelmed the space. There are many Kui Niu descendants living in it. Because the entrance is very secret, it has always been It is not known to outsiders. A month ago, a caravan entered this secret realm by mistake. In the end, only one person escaped and announced to the world. Only then will everyone know the location of this secret realm. And tomorrow, it will be this secret realm every month. An opening day."

Zhang Tian touched his nose. This scene reminded him of an ancient text he had learned on earth in his previous life: "In Taiyuan of Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling fished for their business. Forest……"

Now, Yang Daoyuan and the others had made it clear that they planned to follow the guidance of the 'Wuling man' to destroy the paradise of Kui Niu Secret Realm, which made him feel a lot. , , .

Chapter 270 Whoever moves the emperor's daughter, die!

"It turned out to be a secret realm formed in ancient times, and the continuation of the blood of the ancient beasts. No wonder it attracts so many geniuses to gather in Juque City. In those hanging attic, there are many geniuses of your eight major families and other families, right? "

The ruthless man looked at the fire, and quickly connected everything, and finally figured out why there were so many bloody Tianjiao in Juque City.

Yang Daoyuan said: "This is a grand event. In the ancient secret realm, there are often many spiritual medicines and treasures that have been cut off on the continent, and there may be great fortunes. Not only the talents of our eight major families are here, but even the sea monsters. Some of the tribes, and the arrogance of Sea God College, will not miss this great opportunity."

"Sea God College?"

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed, this is one of the four major academies in the mainland, and peerless powerhouses are emerging one after another, especially the leader of the current Sea God Academy, who is also a legendary figure who is in the same era as the current Saint Ancestor Human Sovereign, but it has not been covered up. Guanghua, on the contrary, left a very glorious legend in Middle-earth.

Seeing that Ruthless Man seemed to be interested, Yang Daoyuan quickly said, "I'm waiting here on a special trip. I just want to invite you all to visit the secret realm. I believe it will be of great benefit to both alchemy and martial arts."

Zi Yan clapped her palms and said, "Zi Yan is going, the secret realm is the most interesting!"

Ruthless and Yuxin also looked at Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian nodded and said, "Since you've passed by here, let's go and have a look."

Yang Daoyuan was overjoyed and said, "Let's lead the way ahead, I don't know how many girls..."

Walking along the way, Yang Daoyuan carefully explored the identities of Ruthen and Yuxin, but they were cleverly blocked back by Ruthen, and there was nothing to gain except a name.However, he did not despise him because of this. For him, Yu Xin, who only has the Blue Vein Pill Token, is worth trying to win over.

Soon, everyone rushed to an island by boat, only to see thousands of people standing there, with strong blood and blood.

Because the islands in Beihai are very far apart, there are basically no sects. Everyone is connected with the family. When they saw Yang Daoyuan coming, the arrogance of those small families respectfully saluted and made way.

In the center of the crowd, there are young masters from the eight major families. Among them, Shangguan Qianhe is also there. His broken arm has been connected, but the lost blood is difficult to make up, and the source has been injured. very pale.

Seeing the ruthless man appear, Shangguan Qianhe suddenly filled with anger, strode forward, and said sternly: "I haven't gone to you to settle the bill, how dare you appear in front of me again?"

Yang Daoyuan stopped in front and said, "Miss Zhang is a friend I invited. Can Brother Shangguan put down his personal grievances first, and treat it as a favor for me, Yang Daoyuan."

Shangguan Qianhe said savagely; "What you said is light, it wasn't you who cut off her arm, and you want me not to hold you accountable for now. Well, you let her give up her own arm as compensation."

"This..." Bookbag Network

Yang Daoyuan looked at the ruthless man and gave a look, meaning to let the ruthless man take out some treasures as compensation, and give the two sides a step down.

Ruthless Man glanced at Shangguan Qianhe, and said calmly, "You, what are you?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a huge uproar. Thousands of Tianjiao in the audience were all powerful families from the most prosperous areas of Beihai, but for the Shangguan Tianjiao, who is known as the first war clan, who should not bend their knees and please a little bit , How dare this person say, what kind of thing is Shangguan Qianhe?

"Okay, okay, Yang Daoyuan, you have seen it, if I don't move back today, how can I stand in Beihai in the future? If you want to stop it, it's up to you, but I want to tell you that the commander of the Juque City Defense Army Wuda is me. A vassal of the Shangguan family, within the scope of this giant city, you are not qualified to compete with me!"

Shangguan Qianhe laughed angrily and turned to look at a tall young man beside him.

I saw the young man take a step forward and said coldly and arrogantly: "Wu Yuanzhi, the young commander of the City Defense Army in Xiajuque City, suspects that you are spies from China. Now you will be escorted to the City Defense Department for interrogation."

"It is everyone's responsibility to protect the Beihai cultivation world. Elder Feng, Elder Xiao, come on, let me suppress this group of people from Middle Earth. If they dare to resist, they will be executed!"

Shangguan Qianhe looked at the ruthless people with vicious eyes, as if looking at a dead man again.

All Tianjiao in the audience couldn't help but hold their breath, only to see the void trembling, and two monstrous old men burst out of the sky.

Their power is extremely powerful, and their body exudes a kind of light blue wolf smoke essence, which is far superior to the ordinary legendary nine-transformation kings. Asked to be the guardian of Shangguan Qianhe, to benefit the descendants of his family.

Even the semi-sages are unwilling to take the initiative to be evil, because this group of people is full of dead energy, their minds are already twisted, and they will do a lot of crazy things.

Yang Daoyuan frowned slightly. Although he opposes Shangguan Qianhe everywhere, he does not want to be offended to death by the Shangguan family. Moreover, in today's scene, Shangguan Qianhe and the military family of the Juque City City Defense Army help him. If you win, you might lose some face.

Just as he was hesitating, the two peak kings had already rushed to the Zhang family's door. One of them grabbed Yuxin fiercely, and the other took the ruthless person directly. The two of them were even more excited. For them, who are approaching the deadline, it is a very pleasant thing to be able to personally obliterate the peerless genius.

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