"Whoever moves this emperor's daughter, die!"

Zhang Tian's face suddenly condensed, and he said a plain sentence, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the front of the two peak kings. But it didn't splash on Zhang's side at all.

The audience was dead silent, and everyone looked at Zhang Tian in amazement, including Yang Daoyuan. Although he guessed that Zhang Tian should be the guardian of these Tianjiao, he did not expect him to be so powerful.

Shangguan Qianhe was so frightened that his face turned ashen, he retreated again and again, staggered, fell directly to the ground, and panicked: "Wu Yuanzhi, call the city defense army." , . . .

Chapter 271 Zhang Tian's Network Power!

Wu Yuanzhi was stunned for a long time, and it was difficult for anyone to keep calm when he saw two peak kings die silently. It was not until Shangguan Qianhe reminded him that he reacted and trembled: "You...you dare to kill The people who died in the Shangguan family, I asked my father to lead the city defense army to suppress you."

After speaking, Wu Yuanzhi took out a communication jade talisman tremblingly and pressed it with one hand to activate it.


A sound of thunder from the sky suddenly came from a distance, and Wu Yuanzhi's palm shook in shock. He was very familiar with this voice. It was Bai Mu, the direct descendant of the Bai family among the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance, and Bai Lingfeng, the lord of Juque City. 's nephew.


The arrogance of the heavens saw a white frightening flickering across the sky, and the momentum was extremely horrified. It came directly to the top of Wu Yuanzhi's head, and with a merciless slam, Wu Yuanzhi was slammed and flew out, and the jade talisman also Taken by him.

"Wu Yuanzhi, you are so brave, you still know who is the real master of Juque City!"

I saw Bai Mujian's brows and eyes, holding the jade talisman in one hand, and his whole body was trembling. It is necessary to have a disaster, and the Bai family, as the master of Juque City, can't escape the relationship.

Wu Yuanzhi was a little stunned and said, "Young Master Bai, this... these spies from China killed Shangguan..."

"shut up!"

Bai Mu gave a cold snort, directly squeezed the jade talisman, and said mercilessly: "From today onwards, your Wu family is no longer from Juque City, this is what I mean, and also my uncle Bai Lingfeng City Lord the meaning of!"

There was an uproar in the audience. Bai Mu's actions were far beyond everyone's expectations. Not to mention that the Wu family has been in control of the city defense of Juque for generations, and the Shangguan family behind the Wu family is definitely not something that the Bai family can easily provoke. For the sake of a few people from Middle-earth, he directly swept the Wu family out of the house, ruthless and decisive.

But then, Bai Mu did something even more shocking. He actually walked up to Zhang Tian and the others in person, bowed and said respectfully: "Junior Bai Mu, I have seen Senior Zhang, this martial artist has always been arrogant. Domineering, I have long been disgusted by my uncle, and today I disturb the senior's purity, which is not what my uncle wants, and I still look to my senior Haihan."

Shangguan Qianhe became angry and roared, "Bai Mu, do you want to fight against me too?"

Bai Mu straightened up and said coldly, "Shangguan Qianhe, no matter what crime you have suffered, forget it all at once, and apologize to Senior Zhang, this is my advice to you, it is up to you to decide whether to listen or not. ."

He could only say so much, and he didn't dare to say more, for fear of touching Zhang Tian's taboos. These are what Bai Lingfeng warned him repeatedly before.

Yang Daoyuan rolled his eyes, he has always been alert, he vaguely understood something from Bai Mu's words, and immediately made a decision, dodged to the Zhang family's side, and said solemnly: "Shangguan Qianhe, Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang are both The guests I invited, if you continue to entangle you, don’t blame me for not being sympathetic!”

"Okay, okay, you all want to fight against me, don't you? Then I'll kill you all!"

Shangguan Qianhe, with a crazy look on his face, took it directly into a gray cylinder and lifted it up to the sky, and a huge firelight rose from the sky, actually reflecting half of the sky like a sea of ​​fire.

In the center of the sea of ​​​​fire, a dozen fire dragons were rolling and roaring, converging together to form a huge "war" word, and the entire North Sea was clearly visible.Roto88 www.roto88.com

"Crazy, really crazy, Shangguan Qianhe actually sacrificed the War Department Summoning Order!"

"The war department of the Shangguan family has three saint kings, ten great saints, half saints and countless legendary kings."

"As soon as the War Department came out, it was impossible to return. This is a killer that made all the major tribes of the Sea-Monster Clan terrified."

"Shangguan Qianhe, you actually summoned the War Department, do you want to stir up a war within the Beihai Alliance?"

Yang Daoyuan's face was full of astonishment. He knew that Shangguan Qianhe was simple-minded, but he didn't expect to be so stupid. Even during the war with the Kraken, the Shangguan family rarely dispatched this elite war team.

"Haha, I know I'm afraid, but unfortunately it's too late. People who offend my Shangguan family will have to die!"

Shangguan Qianhe laughed wildly, and finally regained some confidence.

"If the Shangguan family wants to fight, they might as well add an enemy of my Nalan family."

A cold and sweet voice came from afar, as if flowers were blooming on the earth, bursting with countless immortal spirits, Nalan Ruoxue came by the wind like a fairy in the sky, followed by four extremely beautiful girls in white dresses, but they did not cover at all. Live her style, but like green leaves foil flowers, making her even more elegant.

"It's Concubine Xue, Concubine Xue is here too!"

"This time, the secret realm of Kui Niu is really a gathering of heroes."

Landing in the center of the island, Nalan Ruoxue walked to Zhang Tian step by step under the admiration and gaze of all Tianjiao, Yingying said: "Junior has seen Senior Zhang, and I planned to thank Senior Lingbao Pavilion for rescuing after the auction. Thinking that the seniors are actually a step ahead, so that the juniors are easy to find."

Being so close, Zhang Tian could only feel the fragrance coming from his nostrils. He couldn't help thinking of the wonderful feeling when he stopped this beautiful woman's waist before. He smiled and said, "It's just a job, you get up."

Nalan Ruoxue happily said: "Thank you senior, today is not well prepared, Ruoxue will give you a big gift in return tomorrow."

For a time, among the eight major families in Beihai, three of them chose to stand on the Zhang family's side, making all Beihai Tianjiao stunned, and they were even more in awe of the mysterious Zhang Tian.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the void, like a pebble falling on the calm lake, and ripples appeared.

Among the eight major families, the Guo family's team that mainly attacked the formation, walked out of a young Tianjiao, instructed everyone to set up the formation flags that had been prepared a long time ago, and soon formed a formation, supporting the void that had only a trace of cracks. Open a huge portal more than ten feet long and wide.

"The secret realm of Kui Niu is open, everyone come in!"

A group of Beihai Tianjiao didn't care about watching the excitement, and rushed to the secret realm, fearing that if they entered late, the door of light would close in advance. , , .

Chapter 272 Senior Zhang, You Really Can't Get In

Bai Mu respectfully said, "Senior Zhang, please wait outside with peace of mind. My disciples of the Bai family will swear to the death to ensure the safety of several young ladies."

Zi Yan stared wide-eyed and said, "Why let my dad wait outside? Dad wants to go in with us."

Yang Daoyuan said: "The girl doesn't know that the entrance to this secret realm of Kui Niu is extremely unstable and cannot accommodate warriors above the legendary realm. Otherwise, the Beihai Alliance would have sent a great sage to take over this secret realm and capture the descendants of Kui Niu as slaves. already."

Zi Yan hugged Zhang Tian's thigh and said, "I don't care, I'm going in with my dad."

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, hugged Zi Yan, and said briskly: "Nan, Yu Xin, let's go in too."

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