"Senior Zhang, you really can't get in. City Lord Bai Lingfeng has already..."

Yang Daoyuan repeatedly discouraged him from behind, but before he could finish speaking, he saw Zhang Tian's figure flashed and stepped directly into the gate of light, and he was immediately stunned.

"Senior Zhang is really very personable."

The divine light in Bai Mu's eyes became even hotter, and he quickly plunged into the gate of light with the children of the Bai family. Yang Daoyuan and Nalan Ruoxue looked at each other and followed closely behind.

"Humph! When my Shangguan family's war department arrives, all of you will regret offending me today!"

Shangguan Qianhe said something vicious and rushed into the gate of light with a group of Baijia Tianjiao.

It didn't take long for the geniuses on the entire island to disappear.

"What a rich spiritual energy, at least ten times that of the outside world. The spiritual energy has been transformed into spiritual dew, even the small hole in the Lingxu in the academy is far less than that."

Standing in the dark cave, Ruthless said in amazement, I saw that this cave is very spacious, can accommodate five people side by side, and the surrounding smooth stone walls are covered with a layer of dew, if you touch it with your fingers, you can find that it is not. Real water is completely formed by pure aura, which can be directly absorbed by the operation of the mind.

Yuxin also sighed: "If you live in this kind of place, even if you don't know the way of cultivation, you can eat and drink dew all day long.

"Wow, what a precious medicine!"

Zi Yan's eyes were sharp, and she found a gray spiritual plant hidden in the crevice of the stone wall from a long distance, and flew out directly from Zhang Tian's arms, like a giant eagle, falling from the sky and punching the stone wall there.


With a loud noise, the entire cave seemed to tremble three times, and the stone wall collapsed directly, rolling up a large piece of dust.

Yang Daoyuan and others were extremely horrified. They didn't expect that Zi Yan, who looked cute and naive, had such brute force, which was comparable to a demon king. When they looked at it, they saw that Zi Yan was already dragging Lingzhi and running happily. came back.Tiantian Novelswww.tiantianxs.com

"This is the Baizhixi willow tree. The fruit on it is Baizhi fruit, which contains a very strong spiritual energy. It is a fourth-grade high-level spiritual fruit. With some other precious medicines, it can even be used to refine a semi-sage's treasure pill. Only these dozen or so A piece of Angelica fruit can be auctioned at the auction house for [-] million Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones."

Nalan Ruoxue said in amazement, with a hint of regret in her eyes. This kind of Baizhixi willow has long been lost in the mainland. If it can be completely transplanted, it will be invaluable. Unfortunately, the roots have been destroyed by Zi Yan's brute force.

Hearing this, Zi Yan took a bite of the next fruit and said vaguely: "Yes, the aura is very strong, about three times that of the ordinary ten thousand year medicine. Big sister, second sister, you can also try it. ."

Seeing this, Bai Mu, Yang Daoyuan, and the others were all speechless, swallowing the ten thousand years precious medicine, which is absolutely a waste of life, and even the arrogance of a super family like them can't enjoy this kind of treatment.

But what surprised them even more was that Zi Yan was able to swallow an Angelica fruit, which is comparable to the spiritual power of the ninth-level martial artist of the extraordinary realm, into her stomach. What a tyrannical body this is supposed to be used by the saint, even an ordinary demon king would be difficult to do.

The ruthless man took the Angelica fruit, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it twice, and said excitedly: "It really is a paradise, there are such treasures only at the entrance, there should be more treasures inside, everyone speed up."

The group groped in the cave for a while, and found that there are many fork in the road, and they lost their way unconsciously, but they are all brave and daring people, and they don't care, they just focus on treasure hunting.

"There are so many Earth Core Tempering Body Milks here, come on everyone!"

An extremely excited voice suddenly came from far away.

Yu Xin said in astonishment: "Earth core body quenching milk, it is a fifth-grade holy medicine, it is extremely difficult to form, only the pure force of the earth squeezes for hundreds of thousands of years, there is a chance to be born, and it has the magical effect of washing marrow and refining bones. "

Nalan Ruoxue wanted to explain, but she didn't expect Yuxin to take the lead, so she could only retort: ​​"This kind of holy medicine has very harsh birth conditions and cannot be cultivated artificially. ."

The group immediately rushed towards the source of the sound, and quickly arrived at the destination, only to see that this is a very majestic cliff, thousands of feet long, with surging magma below, and there are only nine roads leading to the other side. Broken iron rope.

At this time, a large number of warriors have been assembled on the cliff side, not only the monks of the Beihai Alliance, but also many sea monsters and warriors of the sea people. They are clearly divided into three camps.

"Dad, eldest sister, look, that's the core of the earth, and the core of the earth's body milk is inside the rock!"

Yuxin pointed to the bell-shaped object hanging on the top floor of the cave opposite the cliff and said.

At this time, Yang Daoyuan had already inquired about the news and rushed back, and said solemnly: "It's really not that simple. If you want to get these earth-core quenching body milk, you have to pass through the cliff. But behind the cliff is the old nest of the descendants of Kui Niu, on nine iron cables. , are guarded by the strong Kui Niu clan, their strength is comparable to the legendary king, plus the terrain is dangerous, it is difficult to pass, and hundreds of Tianjiao have been beheaded before this."

The ruthless man smiled and said, "No wonder some people deliberately spread the information about the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, thinking about it, they want to gather all the forces and break through this line of defense."

"Haha, we Beihai Tianjiao gathered here, do we have to let some savage aborigines stop it? I propose that the Sea-Monster Clan, the Sea People Clan, and the Beihai Alliance cultivators will each be responsible for three iron cables, and we will see who will break through first!"

In the Kraken Clan team, a huge Dragon Whale Clan Tianjiao stood up and said proudly. , , .

Chapter 273 The Nine Demon Kings, I will defeat them alone!

"Jing Tianyu, he actually came too."

"It is said that he once tore up a legendary king of the Beihai League."

"What a powerful force of qi and blood, this is no different from the demon king."

Seeing the Dragon Whale Clan Tianjiao Whale Tianyu, the Hairen Clan and the Beihai Alliance team broke out into a riot, and there was a lot of discussion.

Even Nalan Ruoxue frowned slightly and said: "This is troublesome, the tribes of the Kraken are originally of different genera, but Jing Tianyu is one of the six quasi-monster kings of the Kraken, and it is enough to have him in town. It is not good news for us to suppress the conflicts between the tribes and make them unanimous."

Yang Daoyuan, Bai Mu and others nodded in agreement. The strength of the Kraken clan is far stronger than that of the Beihai Alliance. The reason why the two sides are evenly matched is because the various tribes of the Kraken clan are not united enough. Now these Kraken clan masters are led by Jing Tianyu. That is by no means comparable to the monks of the Beihai Alliance, and they will suffer a lot in terms of competing for resources.

At this time, one person from the sea people team walked out and said loudly: "There is an intersection among the nine iron cables, and the nine Kui Niu strong people can cooperate and support each other, so it is necessary to attack each of them in nine ways, and then there is a chance of winning. But above the iron cables It is difficult to perform, you can only compete with brute force, naturally your Kraken has the most advantage, if you want to divide the iron rope, you should divide it into five."

Jing Tianyu laughed and said, "It's fine to divide into five pieces, but we have to take [-]% of those geocentric stones."

The people of the sea people are a little moved. They have tried it before. The strong Kuiu people guarded on the iron rope are very powerful, especially the physical blood, all of them are demon king-level. If the blood is stimulated, it is not even comparable to ordinary demon kings. Combined with the strength of all the sea people masters, they can only barely break through the two.

I saw the people of the sea people gathered around and discussed for a while, and the young man who spoke before came out again and said to the Beihai alliance team: "My sea people agree with this distribution method, and your Beihai alliance is responsible for the two iron cables. Let's split the remaining [-]% equally, is there a problem?"

The arrogance of the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance all frowned, and the [-]% was divided into half, but it was only [-]%.How could they be reconciled in the face of the five-grade holy medicine such as the Earth Core Body Tempering Milk?

After some discussion, Yang Daoyuan stood up and said softly: "Let me try the strength of these Kui Niu powerhouses first."

Jing Tianyu turned his body sideways and sneered: "You can give it a try. If you have the ability, it's okay to give you all the nine iron cables."

Yang Daoyuan ignored Jing Tianyu's ridicule, let out a sigh of relief, and rushed towards the iron rope on the far left.

Although their Yang family did not have the bloodline of the ancient beasts like the Shangguan family, but because of the great saints in the clan, the bloodline evolution is also very powerful. place.

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