Just as he was about to approach the thick fog layer in the center of the iron rope, a big man who was half human and half animal suddenly rushed out of the thick fog, holding a huge bone knife, his face was full of tyrannical colors, his nose was raised, and he sprayed. A cloudy mist of water came out, and he said hoarsely, "Come to die again!"

"Wow, this guy is so ugly!"

Zi Yan exclaimed, the normal monsters are all beast-headed and human, but this Kui Niu big guy did the opposite. The upper body is human, but the lower part is like a cow. Four legs, it seems nondescript.

Ruren said: "This is a kind of abnormal evolution. After all, the secret realm of Kui Niu is not connected to the outside world, and it will only choose the most powerful evolution method. Like this kind of half-orc, it is definitely a heavy-duty killer on the battlefield!"

However, Yang Daoyuan suddenly saw a Kui Niu big man who was half animal and half human. Although he was not confused, he took out two swords and attacked from two directions. and the mother and son stones in it can cooperate with each other, which is almost no less than the imperial Noble Phantasm.


The big man of the Kui Niu clan said savagely, flipping his wrist, the surging divine power surged into the huge bone knife, and slammed into the two swords like lightning.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two bursts sounded, and many cracks appeared on the swords of the two swords, and then shattered.Yu Wei continued to roll towards Yang Daoyuan without diminishing. 8090 Chinese www.8090zw.com

"What, what kind of power is this to destroy the top Noble Phantasm of the royal rank with one blow!"

Yang Daoyuan was so horrified that he didn't dare to fight again. He quickly took out a round shield made of black tortoise shell, and the Dao patterns on the surface were activated, condensing into a shield that was several meters long and wide.


The bone knife smashed on the tortoise shell round shield, and a bloody evil spewed out from the blade, which was unparalleled and made the surface of the round shield dim.

Fortunately, Yang Daoyuan had already abandoned the tortoiseshell round shield at this time, and returned to the cliff with the power of recoil.

Destroying two top-level royal swords and one top-level defensive Noble Phantasm in a row, even Yang Daoyuan was heartbroken to death, but he was more shocked by the strength of the Kui Niu clan than the heartache.

"Haha, how is it, you know how powerful it is, if it doesn't work, we want the Sea Monster Clan to help you share another iron cable!"

Jing Tianyu looked even more arrogant when he saw Yang Daoyuan's embarrassed defeat.

Yang Daoyuan swallowed a spiritual pill, his face returned to normal, and he said slowly: "Everyone has seen that the strength of these Kui Niu clan powerhouses is definitely not inferior to ordinary demon kings, gather the strength of our eight clan masters to solve a problem. Not difficult, but what about the other one?"

Nalan Ruoxue looked at the ruthless man and said, "Miss Zhang has a good swordsmanship, I wonder if she can be in charge of the journey? Of course, I will also send experts to help."

As soon as these words came out, the arrogance of the North Sea Alliance couldn't help looking at the ruthless man with anticipation. This matter is related to the dignity of all the monks in the North Sea Alliance.

The ruthless man pulled back his hair and said with a chuckle, "Why do you need to be so troublesome. Of the nine Kui Niu strong men, I alone will defeat them."

After speaking, the ruthless man rose directly into the air, turning into a fire rainbow and rushing towards the iron cable in the center.

"Miss Zhang, be careful!"

"act recklessly!"

"Looking for death! The iron cable in the middle will face the attack of nine people!"

Seeing Ruthless Man's actions, all the three camps exclaimed, almost predicting the fate of Ruthless Man being cut into pieces by random knives.

As if in response to these people's words, just as the ruthless man was halfway to the iron rope, the dense fog that had been calm suddenly turned violently, and all the nine Kui Niu strongmen stepped out, all of them looked hideous, and raised their bones in unison. The knife slashed towards the ruthless man, and the nine shocking bloods reflected the heaven and the earth, which was comparable to the simultaneous shooting of the nine demon kings, causing the void to roar and tremble.

"Good come!"

The ruthless man let out a long roar, and the ancient sword at his waist came out of its scabbard, drawing a huge flame of sword energy, like a fire dragon, roaring above the iron rope, and the scorching power even covered the surging magma below.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded resounding, and the strong men of the nine Kui Niu tribe were swept away by the flaming sword energy, bursting one after another, turning into a large rain of blood, falling into the abyss,

With a single strike, the nine Kui Niu clan powerhouses comparable to the Demon King were all smashed! , , .

Chapter 274 Who can pick me up without dying?

The audience was deadly silent, and some of the weak-willed Tianjiao were even taken a few steps back by the might of the ruthless, revealing a deep look of astonishment.

Even the mighty Jing Tianyu's mocking expression completely froze, with a burning pain on his face.

"This is... Sword Soul Grade Sword Intent?"

I don't know who said a word, and suddenly broke the silence, like a volcano erupting, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly reached its peak!

Sword Soul-level Sword Intent, that is an amazing achievement that even high-level kings would envy!Now, they have actually seen it in a warrior who only has the ninth-level cultivation level of the Transcendent Realm.

"How is this possible, this is impossible."

Jing Tianyu came back to his senses, and immediately shook his head again and again, not believing what he saw, but he knew very well that there would be nothing wrong with it.

"No, this sword art is called "The Great Sun Burning Sun Sword", which is the unique skill of the Eastern Wilderness Heavenly Theological Academy. This person is not a monk of the Beihai League, but from the Heavenly God Academy!"

One of the sea people team stood up and said loudly, I saw that he was wearing a star-moon robe, and he was the arrogance of Sea God College. Although the North Sea is isolated from China, Sea God College is one of the four major colleges, and there are four colleges every year. Dabi, he is very familiar with this long-established sword art of Deity Academy.

As soon as these words came out, many people suddenly let out a sigh of relief. In their eyes, Donghuang was almost another world, representing mystery, power and invincibility.Especially when Ye Bufan, an unparalleled genius, appeared decades ago, it made them full of awe for the Eastern Wilderness Theological Seminary, and they no longer questioned the strength of the ruthless.

"Tianjin Academy is indeed full of talents. Last year, when the four academies competed, Tianshen Academy has both swords and swords. Gu is about to reach the state of perfection. I wonder if the girl has ever competed with Jianjue and Lu Shaoyan?"

Another person from the Sea God Academy came out to inquire, and his eyes were full of curiosity. Last year, in the four-academy competition, Lu Shaoyan's swordsmanship was overwhelming, which made the Sea God Academy's martial artist who has always specialized in kendo very embarrassed.

The ruthless man stood on the other side of the cliff and said in a low voice, "Lu Shaoyan? It's just one of my defeated soldiers."

After speaking, the ruthless man ignored the crowd and stabbed a sharp stone at the top of the cave with his own sword.


The sword of a ruthless man can kill even a demon king-level powerhouse with one blow. It is no longer a problem to deal with the mere earth core stone. I saw that the stone layer was broken open, and a burst of white mist suddenly emerged from the crack, exuding a faint light. The fluorescence of the radiance, in the surging light, droplets of pure white spiritual droplets came out, intermittently, about a dozen drops, all fell into the palm of the ruthless man.

"This is the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk? It is indeed a rare treasure of heaven and earth. No wonder it can be included in the fifth-rank list."

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