These three characters represent a very legendary figure, who is the direct disciple of the current Sea God Academy leader, a peerless genius who was in the same era as Ye Bufan.

During the time when Ye Bufan was covering the mainland, the three deserts and one sea, including the arrogance of the wild and alien races, were all overshadowed. Only the Sea God Academy's Jianxi came, and a faint brilliance appeared.This is his great misfortune, which makes everyone feel sorry for it. If it were put in another time period, he would be enough to be the protagonist for a while. Unfortunately, when he met Ye Bufan, all the protagonists' luck was taken away, and he could only be reduced to a foil.

But even so, Jian Xilai's name is still very loud, especially in the Deity Academy, when it comes to Beihai, this name, this person, can't be avoided.

Jian Xifeng also raised his neck when he heard the words, proudly said: "Jian Xilai is my brother, it seems that your Deity Academy is also very jealous of my brother. Although Ye Bufan dominated the mainland back then, when it comes to swordsmanship, no one can Better than my brother, are you also his admirer? Hand over the rest of the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, and I may be able to let you see him."

"No, I've only heard this name occasionally. I'm not interested in Ye Bufan's defeat."

The ruthless man shook his head, as if he really just asked casually.

"How dare you humiliate my brother and court death!"

Jian Xifeng shouted and scolded, took out the sword directly, and raised the momentum to the top.

The arrogance of the Sea God Academy behind him is also filled with righteous indignation. Jian Xilai's position in the Sea God Academy is almost equal to Ye Bufan's position in the Heavenly God Academy. Senior Brother Jian, show her some greatness!"

"Come on, let me see "Water Emperor's Killing Sword" from Sea God College."

The ruthless man said plainly, but did not raise his sword, looking calm and composed.

"The Seventh Form of the Water Emperor's Killing Sword - Water Emperor Exits!"

Jian Xifeng let out a long roar, and flew directly across the cliff, the sword in his hand flew up, and turned into a sky-shattering sword light, like the emperor coming into the world, suppressing everything. Replacing defense with offense, invincible!

"Good Sword Art, as expected of the Sea God Academy's supreme inheritance. Sword Intent, Sword Art, you are much stronger than Lu Shaoyan half a year ago, and you do have the capital to be proud of."

In the face of this imposing smashing sword, the ruthless man was indifferent, and even had time to appreciate the subtlety of this sword, until the sword light rushed to the front, her aura suddenly changed.

"However, you shouldn't come to provoke me."

The sword light was vertical and horizontal, and an ice-blue sword energy shot up into the sky, bringing up a glacier, directly freezing Jian Xifeng and all his sword light into a glacier, and then bursting with a bang.

What no one noticed was that one second before the glacier broke, the ruthless man pressed his left palm on the mysterious ice, and quietly performed the "Swallowing Heaven Magic Art", drawing out the Sword Intent of the Water Emperor, which had been honed by the West Wind for decades. .

That Water Emperor Sword Intent had already condensed into the prototype of the Sword Soul, which contained all his insights into "Water Emperor Breaking and Killing Sword", and he was only one step away from being able to evolve into the Water Element Sword Soul.

"Great harvest!"

The ruthless man showed a smile. As long as she refined the prototype of the sword soul, she could not only fully master the high-level imperial sword art of "Water Emperor Breaking and Killing Sword", but also obtain the perfect water element sword intent.

This is the hegemony of swallowing the devil! , , .

Chapter 276 Zhang Tian takes action and wants to seize the throne

"Jian Xifeng is dead?"

Seeing the smashed corpse wrapped in big ice falling down, everyone was stunned, especially Tianjiao of Sea God College, who couldn't believe his eyes.

You must know that Jian Xifeng is definitely the top three existence in the same rank of the Sea God College, and it is also the most powerful person to be sent by Sea God College in this year's four-academy competition. Ji Tianjiao killed him with a single sword.

"You killed Senior Brother Jian, this is a big sin, Sea God Academy will not let you go!"

One of the Sea God College Tianjiao said tremblingly, he knew how guarded Jian Xilai was, and his younger brother was beheaded in public. Once this incident was reported back, it would definitely cause shocking waves in the entire Sea God College. After all, Jian Xilai Lai was treated the same as Ye Bufan, and he had long been appointed as the successor of the leader of the Sea God Academy. When he was angry, it was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to catch it.

"Can you say anything other than this cliché?"

The ruthless man rolled his eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and continued to fetch the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk at the top of the cave.

This time, no one dared to stop it. In terms of the same rank, the Hu brothers and Jian Xifeng basically represented the strongest combat power of the Kraken and the Sea People.

The rest of the people, even if they had a trump card, did not dare to joke about their own lives after seeing the deaths of the first few people. After all, this god of killing from the Deity Academy really dared to kill people, and it was all a sword. In seconds, there is no chance to even beg for mercy.

But not doing it doesn't mean they don't have extra thoughts.

Seeing that the ruthless man had put away all the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk and put it in the storage ring, Jing Tianyu couldn't help but see a few rays of light in his eyes, and said to the leaders of the major tribes of the Kraken tribe: "This celestial god The girl in the academy is looking for death, and she even wants to save the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, let's find a place later, smack her, and grab all the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk!"

Those leaders also showed their hearts. Although the ruthless people are strong, they are weak in strength, and they are lured by treasures such as the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, which is enough for them to take a risk.


Many Sea-Monster Clan leaders, Tianjiao, transmitted their voices one after another, and their eyes were filled with coldness when they looked at Ruthless.

Until the ruthless man had collected all the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, the geniuses of these three camps dared to fly over the cliff and rushed towards it.

This is the entrance of the Kui Niu people's residence, and further on, is the real treasure of the secret realm.

Nalan Ruoxue, Bai Mu, Yang Daoyuan and the others rushed to Ruthless Man and congratulated each other: "Congratulations to Miss Zhang for obtaining the treasure, with the help of so many heart-quenching and body milk, her aptitude will be doubled, and she will become a perfect holy body in the future. , is not impossible.”

Although they were also a little hot in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it at all. No one knew the strength of Ruthless Man and Zhang Tian's terror better than them.

The ruthless man smiled lightly and said: "Continue to explore inside, I believe you can also find some good treasures."

Everyone nodded, and immediately ran towards the long and narrow passage ahead.

Half an hour later, Ruthless Man and the others walked out of the passage. Looking around, they saw that the front was like a giant peak that had been hollowed out. There were colorful sea trees and fluorescent sea flowers everywhere, and the whole space was illuminated as bright as day. , there are tens of thousands of miles, the mountains are ups and downs, and the horizon is endless, like a small world independent of the world.

Nalan Ruoxue, Yu Xin and others were all fascinated by the scenery in front of them. Before they could sigh, there was a sudden violent fluctuation under their feet. It was not the earth that was moving, but the void under their feet was shaking.Funny Biquge

"No, this is a natural battle, and the Kui Niu tribe's natives plan to break us up!"

Yang Daoyuan was well-informed, and immediately recognized the change in the formation under his feet, but it was too late, and the void was distorted, and everyone disappeared from the place and was teleported to a different place.

In the secret room in the deepest part of Kui Niu's secret realm, a group of Kui Niu strong people gathered together, and they all showed excitement when they saw Yu Xin and others being teleported out.

"It's still the great elder who is wise and has been studying this natural formation, and now it has finally come in handy. These outsiders are very weak and weak. As long as they are separated, they will not be slaughtered by us!"

A Kui Niu big man said excitedly.

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