The Great Elder standing in the center showed a smug look, then looked at the altar deep in the secret room, and sighed: "Unfortunately, no one in my family can drive the sacred object, otherwise why bother, just use the sacred object, No matter how many enemies come, they will die!"

Another young man said: "According to the ancestral teachings left by our ancestors, this sacred object is the fate of our Kui Niu family. Whoever can control it will be our king and lead us out of the secret realm and conquer the world. When will a 'king' appear."

The first elder said: "To drive the holy relic, it requires a powerful force of blood and blood. It is extraordinary. Before the arrival of the true king, we can only wait patiently. The most important thing at the moment is to eliminate all these invaders. ."

Another person said: "The people from the sea monster race ran fast before and escaped the division of the natural battle. Do you want me to take someone to destroy them?"

The first elder waved his hand and said: "No, I will lead the people of the sea monster clan to the powerful girl who uses the sword later. Those earth core quenching body milk are the treasures I deliberately left. In order to seize this thing, They will definitely kill each other, and we can take advantage of the fisherman and avenge the nine warriors who protect the clan."

The powerhouses of the Kui Niu clan said in unison, "The Great Elder has a clever plan, pre-arranged the lower layers of backhands, and these intruders will all be buried here."

"It's a lot of courage to start a natural battle under the eyes of this emperor."

Zhang Tian stood in an open space and looked into the distance, as if he saw the scene in the depths of the secret room through the layers of space. The corners of his mouth could not help twitching, and he raised his hand and grabbed it towards the void. In an instant, Ruthless Man, Yu Xin, and Zi Yan fell out of the space crack.

"Dad, that's great, I thought we were going to be separated!"

Zi Yan jumped directly into Zhang Tian's arms.

Yu Xin looked around and said softly: "These Kui Niu people don't seem to be just brute force. They have built a natural formation based on the terrain here, which directly makes everyone lose their way."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "Don't underestimate the creativity of the demon clan. Although the Kui Niu clan has always been famous as a savage warrior, occasionally a few wise men who are not weaker than the human clan will be born."

Ruthless said: "Dad, where should we go next?"

"Take the passage on the left." Zhang Tian pointed casually.

Zi Yan said: "What treasure is there on that road?"

Ruthless and Yuxin also looked over with curiosity.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "At the end of that passage, is the ancestral land of the Kui Niu Clan. There are sacred objects of the Kui Niu Clan in it. Whoever gets it will be the King of the Kui Niu Clan." ,, .

Chapter 277 The emperor's blood stains the cave!

"King of the Kui Niu Clan?"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, revealing a look of interest.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "Don't think that there are very few people in this clan. In fact, they all hid in the ancestral land. Even if there are tens of thousands of warriors who can be used on the battlefield. Moreover, these Kui Niu descendants are all the ones from the past. The bloodline of the Kui Niu Ferocious Beast is multiplied, and the bloodline is extremely pure and powerful, but it is not guided by a good cultivation method.

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said, "Then let's go over quickly, don't be preempted by others."

"Calm down, the Kui Niu Clan has been waiting for the 'king' for thousands of years, how could anyone be able to become a 'king'? Even with the current conditions of Nannan, there is still something missing."

Yu Xin asked curiously, "Since the eldest sister is so strong, isn't she qualified?"

Zhang Tian looked at Ruren Ren and said: "The strength is enough, but the most important condition is still missing, that is, the blood of the Kui Niu clan. Let's go to the left passage first, maybe there will be useful things on the way."

The three daughters were confused, but they believed Zhang Tian's words and walked side by side towards the passage on the left.

Although the Kui Niu Secret Realm is a dimensional space formed by the body of Kui Niu in ancient times, it is not only the descendants of the Kui Niu tribe, but also many fierce beasts that cannot be enlightened. The land is divided into kings.

Along the way, Ruthless and Zi Yan took their own shots and killed seven or eight beastmasters, because these powerful beasts used their instincts to occupy the most aura-rich places. Generally, there are peerless medicines nearby, so the harvest is very rich.

The demon cores of those beast kings naturally fell into Zi Yan's mouth, making her aura stronger and stronger, and there were faint signs of breaking through. It is a pity that they are all four-grade ten thousand year medicines, and they have never encountered five-grade holy medicines like Earth Core Body Tempering Milk.

"Who is it that trespassed on the forbidden land of our clan!"

Just as Ruren and Zi Yan carefully opened the way, there was a sudden roar in the jungle ahead, and then hundreds of powerful bone arrows flew out, the force directly piercing the void, making bursts of screams, every Zhidu is close to the power of the demon king.

"Second sister, be careful!"

Zi Yan shouted, flew directly to the front, and spread out her hands with five colors of divine light, covering the entire radius of [-] feet.

In the next instant, all the bone arrows that entered the range of the five-color divine light were slightly twisted, and then disappeared out of thin air.

"What a powerful technique, is this the natal supernatural power 'five-color divine light' of King Peacock Ming?"

The ruthless man couldn't help but exclaimed. Under her perception, the five-colored rays of light had their own mysteries, as if they formed a space of their own, which could interfere with the laws of heaven and earth. All foreign objects entering it would disperse their spiritual power, making it difficult to control.This kind of power is very mysterious. Even if she asks herself to fight with Zi Yan in close quarters, it is difficult to control the sword in her hand.

Zi Yan smiled, flipped her palm, a bone arrow appeared in her hand, and said excitedly: "This treasure is really fun, I feel like there is a small house in my body, all of which are brushed by the five-color divine light. Everything in it will appear in it.”

Zhang Tian stepped forward, touched Zi Yan's little head and said: "King Peacock Ming is one of the four great kings and Buddhas of the Pure Land of the Buddha, do you think it is a vain name? Her five-color divine light can not only collect treasures, but also It can also transform the treasures and magical powers into the invisible, and even use his own way to give him the body, which is a character that will give the quasi-immortal emperor a headache."

"There are intruders, kill them, and defend the forbidden area to the death!" Tianping Novel Network

There was another wave in the dense forest, and then the lush sea of ​​trees was separated, and more than [-] Kui Niu warriors who were half human and half beast rushed out, waving bone knives one by one, rushing towards Zhang Tian and others, each time None of them are inferior to the Kui Niu warriors who guarded the entrance before.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and the sword around his waist was unsheathed.

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

A gigantic sword of ice and fire pierced through the heavens and the earth, encapsulating the power of the two swords and souls of ice and fire, as if dividing the whole world into two halves, crushing it down mightily, knocking more than [-] Kui Niu warriors directly. Bomb kill, and even create a tunnel of ice and fire several feet wide on the ground.

The lingering power of the sword light continued to sweep forward, turning the lush sea of ​​trees into ashes.


Seeing the scene behind the dense forest, the three daughters could not help but let out a light huh, in this secret realm of Kui Niu, the spiritual energy is very strong, there are spiritual trees and grass everywhere, but the place in front of them is very desolate, except for a dark Outside the cave, there is nothing else, giving people a feeling of chilling to the bone.

"Second sister, third sister, stand behind me, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Kui Niu people, don't let your guard down."

The ruthless man said something dignified, took the sword and walked forward, the closer he got, the heavier the savage air, and when it reached the entrance, the cold air penetrated directly through the body, making people feel that the blood in the whole body was freezing. Stiff.

Ruthless and Zi Yan were physically strong and could still hold back, but Yu Xin was so frozen that her body was trembling, and her face was pale.

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