When Zhang Tian saw this scene, he immediately raised his hand and took Yu Xin into his arms, wrapped one arm around her waist, placed it on her lower abdomen, and felt a burst of pure yang infuriating.

In an instant, Yu Xin's body returned to warmth, and she said with a red face, "Thank you, Dad."

At this time, the ruthless man had stepped into the cave and exclaimed: "Dad, second sister, third sister, come in quickly and see what I found!"

The three walked in one after another, only to see a dark red in the cave, and there was a whistling of the gloomy wind, and there was nothing but a downward stone ladder.

Zi Yan wondered: "Is there nothing here?"

The ruthless man raised his hand and patted the wall of the cave, and said with a smile, "Look at what this is."

Yu Xin approached and looked at it curiously. After a long time, she suddenly said in surprise: "This...is this a blood essence stone?"

Blood Essence Stone is an extremely rare spiritual mineral, similar to Spirit Stone, except that it is not pure spiritual energy, but rich blood energy. Usually, the blood of the strong seeps into the stone, and after millions of years of assimilation and precipitation , it is possible to form, and it is of great benefit to tempering the blood of the flesh.The value is a hundred times higher than that of spirit stones of the same grade.

The ruthless said: "The blood gas concentration inside these stones is far from the level of blood essence stones, and they can only be regarded as ore contaminated with blood essence, but these blood essences are very powerful, they are definitely blood above the emperor level, and their overall value is comparable to that of emperors. The blood essence stone is gone."

Yu Xin and Zi Yan's breathing suddenly condensed, and even they were shocked. The entire cave's royal blood essence stone, even those powerful ancient sect holy places, did not have such luxurious heritage. , , .

Chapter 278 Dare to show power in front of this emperor?

Zhang Tian took the first two steps, twitched a bit of blood, and said softly: "This is not emperor-level blood essence, but ordinary immortal blood. The energy contained is similar to that of the emperor's blood essence, but it needs an extra immortal rhythm, which is more valuable. Victory Emperor's blood ten times."

"Fairy blood?"

The ruthless man sucked in a breath of cold air and said solemnly: "No wonder this place is regarded as a forbidden place by the descendants of the Kui Niu tribe, and only the Kui Niu fierce beast that fell from ancient times can reach the blood of the gods. Look at the stones here, more like It was collected and pieced together from various places, and it is thought that the descendants of the Kui Niu tribe collected ores contaminated with the blood of the distant ancestors and put them here, using the coldest air generated by the ground to preserve them.”

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, showing a look of relief. Ruthless people have grown a lot in the past year, and the analysis just now, I am afraid that it is almost inseparable from the truth.

Yu Xin broke off a piece of ore, released her soul to sense it, and frowned, "Although the blood stained on these ore is strong, there are too many impurities, and the total energy is equivalent to the royal blood essence stone, but the purity is even worse than the heavenly grade blood essence stone. It’s far away, and it’s not easy to refine it.”

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "For me, this is not a difficult task. It just happens that I can use the [-] million Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones that my second sister gave me."

After speaking, the ruthless man directly took out the Yin Spirit Sword and waved it towards the cave. The stone wall cracked, and countless boulders rolled down, each weighing tens of thousands of kilograms.

"Swallowing the Devil, practice!"

I saw the aura of the ruthless man soaring, as if a space was cracked behind him, a hell furnace stood in the air, burning, and all the boulders were sucked into it and smelted frantically.

This hell furnace doesn't look very big, but it seems to be able to accommodate all things in the world, absorbing all the boulders, but it doesn't feel full.

"The speed of refining is really not fast."

The ruthless man frowned, raised his hand and waved, and a large piece of spiritual stone in the storage ring flew out. There were hundreds of thousands of them, shining brightly, and all of them were thrown into the furnace of hell. Inside, calcined and melted at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In just a quarter of an hour, the megaliths, which add up to millions of kilograms, were completely digested by the ruthless man. The impurities in it evaporated directly, and the immortal blood contained in it was purified and turned into a trickle of blood. In the body of the ruthless man, her qi and blood continued to grow.

"Come again!"

The ruthless man felt that his physical strength was significantly improved, and he couldn't help showing excitement. He held his sword again and smashed a large piece of stone wall. Just this week, the ruthless man consumed ten million heavenly grade spirit stones in less than half an hour. The group also walked to the secret room below the cave.

In this secret room, there is a huge bone scorpion, more than a thousand feet in size. If you carefully identify it, it is actually just a skull. You can imagine how big the head of this scorpion master is and how big the whole body is.

"This... this is the skull of that Kui Niu fairy beast. It has such a fierce aura. It has fallen for thousands of years. Only one skull can still maintain such a terrifying power."

The ruthless man said in amazement, she thought of the immortal skeletons that Su Ziming and her mentioned before that flew out of the battlefield of gods and demons. It is said that they have maintained at least [-]% integrity.

At this moment, the skull suddenly trembled violently, and many golden demon inscriptions appeared on the surface, emitting golden light all over the sky, breaking through the sky, and forming a huge phantom of Kui Niu in the void, roaring: "You... Trespassing...forbidden places...die..." Hot Books www.redianshu.com

After finishing speaking, the aura of Kui Niu Xuying suddenly condensed, and he raised a huge hoof and stepped on the crowd.

"not good!"

Ruthless and the others turned pale in shock, and they all felt an incomparable force pressing down, making them exhausted even moving a finger.

"The will of a mere immortal beast dares to show his might in front of this emperor?"

Zhang Tian snorted coldly. He wanted to kill this insignificant ant directly, but when he was about to make a move, he temporarily changed his attention and turned into a big hand that completely imprisoned the phantom of Kui Niu.

"no, do not want……"

The Kui Niu phantom seemed to have felt something extremely terrifying. He screamed and struggled desperately, but he could not escape the imprisonment. He could only watch the power flow away, his body getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a mini Kui about a foot long. Cattle.

"Nannan, use the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art to refine the will of this ox."

With a move of Zhang Tian's palm, the mini Kui Niu was caught in his hands. With the power of a 'immortal', his will spreads almost every inch of flesh and blood. As long as a chance coincides, he can awaken his memories of his life and embark on the road of cultivation again. .

Although this skull is only a small part of the huge body of the Kui Niu fairy beast, it has already awakened its memory after being sealed in the fairy blood cave and underground cold veins for thousands of years. A generation.

It's a pity that it met Zhang Tian, ​​and all its plans were turned into flowing water, and it could only keep screaming and screaming in the ruthless furnace of hell.

The refining this time was very difficult. It took a full hour and consumed [-] million Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones. The ruthless talent finally fortified this immortal will, and a barbarous and barbaric aura was washed out of her.

"Yeah, Big Sister has become a Kui Niu!"

Zi Yan exclaimed, in her perception, the ruthless man is like a huge Kui Niu fierce beast, swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The ruthless man stood up and felt the surging blood in his body, which was obviously more than fifty percent strong, and said with emotion: "This is the miraculous effect of swallowing the heaven and the earth. No one can see through the transformation method into a Kui Niu, and even the Kui Niu family's natal supernatural powers can operate freely. However, the biggest credit is still Dad. You can't refine the will of a fairy beast."

For example, Zi Yan was able to use the five-color divine light with the help of that drop of Peacock Ming Wang's blood. Without this drop of blood, she would not be able to use this magical technique.But Ruthless Man is different. The Heaven Swallowing Demon Art has transplanted Kui Niu's bloodline into her bloodline, and it has completely become hers, which can no longer be deprived.

A trip to the forbidden land, the strength of the ruthless man has increased by several ten percent, especially the increase in physical strength, which is terrifying, and then let her return to the cliff of the iron cable, without using a sword, she can only rely on the strength of the physical body. Destroy the nine Kui Niu warriors.

But they didn't expect that just when they just walked out of the cave, the mutation suddenly occurred, and countless strong winds roared from all directions, showing thousands of figures of the sea monsters, each with amazing blood, and the leader was the sea monsters. Whale Tianyu, one of the six quasi-demon kings. , , .

Chapter 279 The Emperor of Heaven is out on a trip, suppress everything!

"Haha, the girl from the Deity Academy is really an enemy. I didn't expect to be surrounded by us, right? The sensible person immediately handed over the Earth Core Tempering Body Milk and the treasure obtained in the forbidden area, or you will kill your whole family here!"

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