"When the Emperor of Heaven travels, he should suppress everything!"

A majestic voice came from outside the cave, and all the Kui Niu people could clearly hear it.

In the next instant, the mighty emperor swept across the ten directions, and it was faintly visible that the void condensed into a huge footprint of the emperor, and the cover pressed down, directly smashing the bronze divine gate to pieces. , , .

Chapter 280 What My King Jianfeng Points To!

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing Zhang Tian's stalwart figure, such as the ancient sacred mountain, such as the ancient god king, although he just stood at will, but there is an invincible power to suppress the nine heavens and ten earths.

"The old nest of the Kui Niu clan is hidden in such a place, it is quite hidden."

Ruthless people looked at it at will, and couldn't help but wonder. After all, the Kui Niu clan is a famous war clan among the demon clan. No matter in the battle of the demon gods or the war with alien races in the dark and turmoil, they are all brave and boundless warriors rushing to the forefront. It is really difficult. Imagine building such an ingenious defensive chamber.

"Bold invaders, dare to break into our ancestral land, they are courting death! Warriors, follow me to kill them!"

A Kui Niu fierce man shouted sternly, he is the tallest among the Kui Niu people, holding a terrifying bone knife about seven or eight feet in size in his hand. To the legendary realm, but the strong blood energy on his body is no longer under the high-level demon king.

As soon as his voice fell, the blood of the Kui Niu warriors suddenly boiled, and their eyes became red. It will continue to burn the essence and blood in the body, multiplying the combat power, and at the same time, the mind will become violent, not knowing the pain, not dying or retreating!


The roars of the beasts sounded one after another, and all the Kui Niu warriors entered a state of 'bloodthirsty', even frantic, waving huge bone knives towards Zhang Tian and others.

"court death!"

Zhang Tian let out a cold snort, and an invisible imperial power swept out, clearly just imposing, but it was like the substance, and all the Kui Niu warriors flew upside down.

"This emperor sees that you have good qualifications, and wants to make this emperor's daughter your king and lead you to conquer the world. If you don't know what's good or bad, this emperor will make you die!"

Zhang Tian's voice was as cold and biting as Jiuyou Bingyuan, which interrupted the 'bloodthirsty' state of Kui Niu warriors like never before, causing them to have boundless fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The chief elder of the Kui Niu clan felt the terrifying pressure on Zhang Tian's body, and felt that the blood in his whole body was about to solidify, and said hoarsely: "Kui Zhan, this is Emperor Dacheng, don't be rude, don't step back!"

"Yes, Great Elder."

The fierce man of the Kui Niu tribe who launched the charge stumbled up and stepped aside, looking at Zhang Tian with fear in his eyes. He always boasted of his supernatural power, but in front of Zhang Tian's power, he felt He is as small as a mayfly in the ocean, and can be pinched to death with one finger.

That Kui Niu clan elder slightly adjusted his clothes, resisted his fear, took a few steps forward, and said respectfully, "The villain Kui Niu clan's contemporary major elder, see the great Emperor Zun, can become Emperor Zun's daughter's subordinate, naturally it is me. It is a great honor to wait for heaven, but we also have ancestral training in our body, we must protect the sacred relic from generation to generation and wait for the true king to appear, otherwise, once we step out of the secret realm, there will be punishment from heaven."

Yuxin said strangely: "There are such ancestral teachings, have you verified it?"

The first elder said helplessly: "I don't know how many times I have verified it. Every time I verify it, the imprisonment in the secret realm will be increased by three points. After dozens of failures, I am waiting for the cultivation level, and even the legendary realm can't break through."

"Can't break through to the legendary realm? No wonder your qi and blood are so strong, but your cultivation base is not high. If you put it in the outside world, you have already become a demon king."

The ruthless man showed a sudden look. It turned out that this secret realm could not allow people with cultivation levels above the legendary realm to enter, not only to restrict the outside world, but also for the Kuiniu people who lived in it.

Kui Zhanweng said: "That's it, my clan has a mission, unless you can drive the sacred object, otherwise we would rather die than go out of the secret realm."

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed, and he said briskly, "Where is the holy relic, take me to see it."

The Great Elder said: "The sacred object is on the altar inside, and it has been enshrined for thousands of years, but it is an immortal treasure forged with the body of our family. , it is also difficult to shake." The Eighth Book Library www.8shuku.com

"Whether it can be motivated, you will only know if you try it."

The ruthless man walked towards the depths of the secret room, and sure enough, he saw an altar with a length and width of several meters.

In the center of the altar, there is a large gray-skin drum suspended, with a tattered surface, surrounded by nine inlaid calf skulls, but only three of them are intact, and the other six are large holes with a demonic aura.Even if it has been damaged to this extent, it still exudes a terrifying coercion, as if it can kill all coveted enemies.

"This... Could it be the Kui Niu Emperor Drum who followed the Emperor Buried to the Nine Great Mountains and Seas?"

The ruthless man's voice was trembling, and the Kui Niu Emperor Drum that followed the Emperor Buried was the highest treasure of the Kui Niu clan, and one of the top ten Immortal Emperor-level treasures in the Nine Mountains and Seas. When the hammer fell, the Nine Mountains and Seas would tremble. .

The Great Elder stepped forward and said, "Maybe it's the drum, maybe it's not, but whether it is or not, it is the supreme sacred object of my Kui Niu clan, and it will be ruled by the true king, and we can only fight with the true king. "

The ruthless man showed a strong color, and stepped forward again, and suddenly felt the pressure of the mountains and tsunamis swept over, as if to drown her.

"Nan, stimulate the blood of Kui Niu."

At this moment, Zhang Tianwen's gentle voice came from his ear.

The ruthless man immediately followed suit, activating the bloodline, and a savage aura washed out from her body, and behind her back there was a phantom of a huge Kui Niu. elephant.

As soon as the phantom of Kui Niu appeared, Ruthless Man immediately felt that the pressure on his body had been reduced by more than [-]%, his pace quickened, he rushed to the front of the altar in a few strokes and grabbed the Kui Niu Drum.


In an instant, the energy of endless killing rushed straight into the sea of ​​ruthless people's consciousness, bringing her into a world of killing. It was a chaotic battle of nine mountains and seas, and the sky and the earth were destroyed, and the fierce attacks were enough to crush the reincarnation of time and space.

"Illusory illusion also wants to mess with my mind? Destroy Sword Intent and suppress me!"

The ruthless screamed in her heart. Compared with the last time she came into contact with the ancient sword of the imperial soldiers, she was much stronger. She was no longer helpless and helpless, but directly urged the prototype of the sword of destruction in her dantian, sending out a gray mist. The sword energy directly cut off the illusory world.


When his consciousness returned, the ruthless man only felt that the blood in his body flowed into the Kui Niu Drum along the palm of his hand, creating a kind of blood connection with it.

"Take it, pick it up, she can actually move the Kui Niu Drum!"

Seeing the actions of the ruthless man, all the Kui Niu clansmen roared wildly, this is the shackle that has been bound to them for thousands of years.

"See the true king!"

In the secret room, tens of thousands of elite Kui Niu warriors shouted in unison.

The first elder knelt down on his front legs excitedly and said loudly: "From today onwards, the girl is the king of my Kui Niu clan. What my king Jianfeng refers to is what our hearts want!" , . . .

Chapter 281 The All Saints of Beihai Alliance Welcome Senior Zhang

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