"What my king Jianfeng points to, what our hearts want!"

The Kui Niu warriors in the entire secret room all roared loudly, deafening.

The ruthless man took the Kui Niu Drum and looked at it carefully, only to see that the drum surface was broken into several holes, the aura was dim, and it had a powerful power, but it was not able to play its true purpose as an artifact of war, which was very regrettable.

After careful observation, the ruthless man could keenly sense an aura similar to that in the previous forbidden caves on the Kui Niu Drum. Obviously, this Kui Niu family is also full of immortal rhythms, even if it is not the Kui Niu Emperor's share that will shake the nine mountains and seas. , is also a Kui Niu fairy drum made of Kui Niu fierce animal skins that have reached the fairyland.If it can be repaired, it will become an artifact of the world.

Thinking of this, Ruthless Man couldn't help showing satisfaction, and said to Zhang Tian: "Dad, since these Kui Niu people have surrendered to me, can you help them remove the curse restrictions in this secret realm."

The first elder shook his head and said, "Difficult, difficult, difficult, the restriction in this secret realm is the distant ancestor of my Kui Niu Clan, a Kui Niu Immortal Venerable was placed before his death, even if it is the Great Emperor Venerable, I am afraid it is difficult to touch. Now that the real king is born, I can go out of the secret realm, and I don't want this secret realm."

Zhang Tianping said indifferently: "With your current strength, even if you walk out of the secret realm, it will not be of much help to Nannan, so it is better to stay in the secret realm. This secret realm is full of blood energy, which can quickly improve your strength. As for the mere immortal methods Ban, what does it count in front of this emperor?"

After speaking, Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, looking towards the real source of life in Kui Niu Secret Realm, his eyes suddenly burst into divine light, and said solemnly: "This world belongs to this emperor's daughter, thousands of heavenly formations. , all eliminated!"

These words enshrouded the mighty emperor's might and rolled out, with the terrifying might that crushed the nine heavens and ten earths, destroying all the prohibitions of nothingness.

A group of Kui Niu warriors who had been suppressed by their cultivation, burst out in aura, and felt that the power of qi and blood returned to heaven and earth, giving them a feeling of dragon returning to the sea.

"Broken, the curse restriction in the secret realm is really broken!"

All the Kui Niu warriors were roaring and celebrating. As the first warrior of the Kui Niu clan, Kui Zhan only felt that the blood in his body was surging like the waves of the sea, and he broke through the shackles directly and entered the real demon king realm. , the breath is a hundred times terrifying at once, almost comparable to a ruthless man.

The Kui Niu clan chief elder was also ecstatic, and bowed towards Zhang Tian: "The villain represents the Kui Niu clan, thank the seniors for helping."

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said: "You are the subordinates of this emperor's daughter, this emperor should take care of yourself. If he dares to have a different heart, he will naturally flee to Jiutouhuangquan, and this emperor should kill you with his own hands. perish."

All Kui Niu warriors felt a chill to the bones, and quickly assured: "I will swear allegiance to the true king to the death, go through fire and water, and never give up."

The ruthless man walked down from the altar and said, "I will keep this Kui Niu Immortal Drum for the time being. You should work hard to increase your strength in this secret realm first, and I will call you again when I need it."

The first elder hurriedly said: "The true king, stay behind. We are weak, and it is difficult to help the true king in a short time, but this secret realm has existed for endless years, and there are countless treasures. It is estimated that it has long been lost to the outside world. I believe it will have something to do with the true king. Help, I will order people to collect these treasures and present them to the true king. In addition, our family also has many inheritance treasures, and the true king has both the blood of our family and can also learn a thing or two."

The ruthless man's expression changed, and the words of the first elder made her a little moved. The Kui Niu clan, as a famous fighting monster clan in ancient times, also focused on fighting. The natal supernatural power 'Bloodthirst' is extremely terrifying for the improvement of combat power. If she can learn it, it can be used as a trump card at the bottom of the box, which will be of great benefit to her.

Thinking of this, the ruthless man did not refuse, and immediately said: "Since this is the case, I will trouble the elder. I can't use those elixir and other things, you can collect them and hand them over to my second sister."

The Great Elder nodded and said, "Subordinates obey."

At this point, Zhang Tian and the others settled in the secret realm. Ruthless people comprehend various Kui Niu treasure techniques every day. Yu Xin used the almost endless fourth-grade elixir to sharpen their alchemy techniques, and Zi Yan had no time to spare. Not only did he extort a lot of blood qi medicine, he also followed Kui Zhan to learn a lot of Kui Niu's tactics, and finally got rid of the situation where he only knew how to use brute force.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the ruthless man did not want to stay here for a long time. After mastering several top-level Kui Niu treasure arts, he said goodbye to the Great Elder, but he did not want the Great Elder to report an unexpected incident to her.

"Those who came in with me?"

After listening to the report of the great elder, the ruthless man remembered that there were nearly [-] Beihai Tianjiao who entered the secret realm of Kui Niu this time. The demon king took five out in one breath, and soon under the leadership of Kui Zhan, he captured all the arrogances of the sea people and the Beihai alliance, waiting for the ruthless people to deal with them.Qishu Novel Network www.qishuxs.com

"Bring them here."

The corners of the ruthless man's mouth twitched, and he gave a majestic command.

Kui Niu Prison.

"Everyone come out quickly, the real king wants to see you."

A group of Beihai Tianjiao were tyrannically bound together by Kui Niu warriors, saying that they would take them to see the true king, all of them were extremely aggrieved, thinking how noble their identities are, and now they have become a group of insane natives. Prisoner.

"I don't know what kind of character this true king is. I think he is also a savage and ignorant native."

Yang Daoyuan, Nalan Ruoxue and others thought deeply in their hearts, secretly calculating how to escape.

"True King, all the intruders have been brought here."

Hearing the voices of the Kui Niu warriors, all Beihai Tianjiao looked towards the throne in awe.

When they saw the arrogant figure of the ruthless man sitting on the throne, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, and an extremely incredible expression appeared.

"Miss Zhang, you... how are you..."

Nalan Ruoxue felt that she couldn't turn her head.

The ruthless man said in a low voice, "The Kui Niu clan has already recognized me as their king, and I will take over this secret realm from now on. I think about your unintentional mistakes, so just go out with me this time. Crash, shoot to kill."

"Thank you Miss Zhang for your generosity!"

All the Beihai Tianjiao, no matter what they thought in their hearts, all showed great respect on the surface.

After leaving the secret realm of Kui Niu, all Beihai League Tianjiao had a feeling of being reborn, and the eyes looking at the ruthless were very complicated.

At this moment, the void roared and vibrated, as if countless powerhouses were breaking through the void collectively.

All the arrogance trembled, Shangguan Qianhe proudly said: "Haha, it must be my Shangguan family's war department has arrived, the girl of Tianshen Academy, today I will tell your whole family to spill the blood in Beihai!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The void trembled, cracked open a huge galaxy, and dozens of terrifying figures burst out of the sky, with existences above the Great Sage.

"What! The ancestors of the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance have all arrived."

Yang Daoyuan, Bai Mu and the others were a little bit unable to turn around.

The next moment, all Tianjiao showed expressions of extreme horror, and I saw that these ancestors who shook the North Sea actually bowed and saluted the young man next to the ruthless man.

"The Saints of Beihai Alliance welcome Senior Zhang." ,, . . .

Chapter 282 All Saints Respect Me Like God

"The saints of the Beihai Alliance welcome Senior Zhang."

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